Powerlifter in FL cutting weight yet again

After competing at Europa 2017, i took some time off training and gained far too much weight. I started training again, I was so heavy I had to compete in the SHW at Battle of the Bay. Now I’m back to cutting down to my original weight of 165-181 (whichever feels better.) I’m 240 right now. It’s not been total torture tracking everything, it’s definitely saved me money because I’ve stopped eating out as much. Just trying to stay focused and motivated. Anyone in the same boat? I’m the only one in my circle of powerlifters that is cutting weight. Hypertrophy training helps. I just miss not giving food a second thought. Maybe one day ...


  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Good luck to you! If you can cut weight, and retain much of your strength, that'd be a great advantage to you.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I’ve been cutting on/off for most of my Powerlifting ‘career’.
    I was 215 at my heaviest, and competed at 178 last year and hit squat/dead PRs. Only got my bench opener due to a back cramp.

    A few months later I was peaking for another meet, still cutting and hitting rep PRs and injured my SI joint, so never got to test my maxes unfortunately.
    Now I’ve been off for several months, gained a ton of weight back, and still have SI pain. *sigh*
  • missparkerr92
    missparkerr92 Posts: 16 Member
    I’ve been cutting on/off for most of my Powerlifting ‘career’.
    I was 215 at my heaviest, and competed at 178 last year and hit squat/dead PRs. Only got my bench opener due to a back cramp.

    A few months later I was peaking for another meet, still cutting and hitting rep PRs and injured my SI joint, so never got to test my maxes unfortunately.
    Now I’ve been off for several months, gained a ton of weight back, and still have SI pain. *sigh*

    Back cramps are the worst! On my bench at Battle of the Bay I cramped up on my second attempt so I said eff it and just took my third attempt at my second attempt weight to make sure I got it. I missed Gold in my weight class by 6lbs because of that.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    Wow, those big fluctuations in bodyweight can't be healthy for you.

    Are you going to maintain your reduced bodyweight or go back up after competition?
  • missparkerr92
    missparkerr92 Posts: 16 Member
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Wow, those big fluctuations in bodyweight can't be healthy for you.

    Are you going to maintain your reduced bodyweight or go back up after competition?

    I will maintain. Surprisingly my health hasn’t suffered all that much although the extra weight does put strain on my joints. Although I’m chunky, the majority of the weight is muscle. I’m more hydrated than I’ve ever been and blood work always comes back looking good. But I hate walking around at this weight. The chub rub is real
  • _averagepowerlifter_
    My weight maintains about 10-15 lbs above my desired weight class when I’m in my “off-season.” Currently 2.5 months out from competing again and I’ve shifted to a slight deficit. I’ll do a water load and cut to make weight if needed the week of. I don’t train with anybody else so that pressure or feeling of missing out isn’t there. Obviously I’m not saying to ditch your friends/training partners, but hopefully your motivation isn’t determined or derailed by what others are doing.

    Keep in mind that your Wilks is a better indicator of progress in powerlifting if you’re cutting weight. Keep working towards your goal of weight loss!! Good luck