Did it again... overate by a lot.

This week I have been eating back my exercise calories for the first time since starting my weight loss journey. Not gonna lie, I've been enjoying having them. I began eating them back due to my binge sessions that have been happening more often now than ever- and I was hoping those could be caused by my being in the middle of Insanity. Perhaps it was my body's way of telling me I need more nutrition. Anyways, I've been eating them back and did great until yesterday. I took in over 1K calories extra. Yup... it's awful when it happens. I just like sugar and when I start I have the mind set of might as well keep going, I've ruined the day. Then I feel awful as I start to regain my head.

I guess the point of this post is to just vent to those of you who understand and also ask- should I *not* eat back today and tomorrow's work out calories, in an effort to make up for the extra calories? I think if I can control myself, I'll be okay not eating them. I mean, I've gone this whole year avoiding them. lol

I hope the stall at the scale is due to water weight and previous vacation endulgingba couple weekends ago. I'm 2.5 weeks away from completing Insanity. Though I know I'm stronger than I was, I keep ruining this journey for myself by not having a proper diet. I'm not going to see the full results of the program. This is a tough program- I love it but I just keep knocking myself down!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2018
    I think you're struggling because of the mindset of make up for and if I can control myself aka relying on willpower, which you can't, and then feeling like you've failed yourself, and the cognitive dissonance between binge sessions that have been happening more often now than ever and I've gone this whole year avoiding them. lol and between This is a tough program and I love it and but I just keep knocking myself down. Work on getting in more regularity and patience and self-kindness.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Just start today anew and maybe pre-log everything you are going to eat. That way you won't overeat when the time comes.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,466 Member
    Agree, don’t put any energy to making anything up. Be sure to log everything and try to make a plan you can stick with starting today.

    Is your workout properly fueled? My intro to weight training was a terrible experience because I was not eating properly. I would leave the gym out of my mind hungry. It can happen. Just eating back your calories doesn’t address the timing.

    Maybe “insanity” isn’t for you. As you know, you have to control the process. There’s plenty you can do in terms of fitness without crossing over to “insanity”.

    Keep working. Keep problem solving. You can figure this out. Stay determined.
  • sibeluver03
    sibeluver03 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the encouragement. I have done today's work out and feel much better. Insanity has always been a goal for me. I've completed T25 and Insanity Max 30, they were wonderful. Insanity is just insane. I only have 2.5 weeks left, so I'm determined to complete it. I don't follow the Beachbody nutrition plan. I have been following a low carb way of eating as well as calorie counting. It's always worked and I've never experienced such strong urges to eat until I'm about to pop. I am now concentrating less on the carbs and more on the calories- since that's ultimately what matters anyways. So I'll try to fuel myself with different foods and see if that helps. Thanks again everyone!
  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    If you scratch your cell phone cover, do you toss your phone out the window? If you spill a little bit of wine, do you dump out the whole bottle into the sink because what's the point, you've already spilled it? If you stub your toe, do you take a hammer to it because it's already painful might as well take it all the way?

    Do you think your mindset around food and calories is harming you? If eating sugar ruins the day, then I have ruined quite a few days of my last 100 lbs lost. Normalize food. If you like sugar, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having something sweet that you enjoy in a controlled manner. It doesn't ruin anything unless you let it, and because you feel it's a bad thing you are letting it. Going a little (or even a lot) over calories for one meal or one snack would not ruin anything if you don't continue to eat more and more because one meal wasn't "perfect". Accept you overate and move on making better choices for the rest of the day. It's not all or nothing.

    Not eating exercise calories is a sound strategy after a high day, but not for your specific situation. It's an acceptable strategy if you have planned for a high calorie day, enjoyed it without guilt, and making up for the calories was part of your plan which you know for a fact doesn't cause you distress. In your case, it would feel more like punishing yourself for overeating after losing control. You'll just reinforce the negative behavior.

    If I were you I would NOT change anything about my diet to make up for it. That's a quick fix for something that may not have that much of an impact on your weight loss while ignoring what really is having an impact on your weight loss: your relationship with food.

    This entire post is helpful but the bold is so, SO important to learn. Also, very well worded, so I just wanted to highlight it again for emphasis.