What's your BIGGEST obstacle?



  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Late Late night snacking....
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    My own self.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    The time span between when I get home from work and dinner time. Big time munchies and cravin chocolate aaaagh!!!!!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    My naturally skinny husband loves his white rice. We are Puerto Rican so it is pretty much a staple in our culture. Well, now that I have let go of white rice, I find it difficult to have to cook it without tasting it to make sure it's coming out good. It's really annoying to HAVE to taste something that you really don't want to eat. I usualyl just eat two or three grains at a time while I'm checking to see if it is fully cooked.
  • jaunelle
    jaunelle Posts: 10
    Mine is not cheating...I have to make sure I keep things stocked and plan; and eat on a consistent time basis so I don't binge. I need help QUICK! I'm eating out tonight, soul food,with the family and I only have 600 calories left. What should I eat? I'm fasting from meat right now.


  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    Weekends. I love to eat at pubs and drink beer and then go to Mcdonalds for a hangover breakfast (and usually a midnight snack too!!)
    If there was no weekend, I would be skinny.
    I hear ya! McDonalds hangover breakfasts...mmmm lol. Although I have been doing really good on the fast food issue but I just don't know if I can part with beer
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    myself and alcohol or wine
  • I guess mine would be staying under my calorie intake. I just started today and realized that by dinner time I am way over my intake. What do I do?
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Weekends kill it for me.
    As much as I enjoy them, work gives me structure to my day and I know exactly when to eat 4 of my 6 meals. On the weekend my house is chaos and I tend to eat only 3 meals and they are usually not all that great of a makeup even though they come under in calories at the end of the day.
  • j_cro
    j_cro Posts: 10
    Bad routine...a new job means I don't have the option of staying in the office for lunch as we don't have a canteen, and I can't eat at my desk....I usually get a sandwich but it's not satisfying as a homemade lunch would be, and I find myself popping to Gloria Jeans for a chiller to fill the gap...

    Midweek beers as I'm living with friends, I'm to easily led :D I've been good the last few weeks though, sticking to soda water and lime instead...

    Dinners strangely enough are ok, as I love cooking so I don't mind spending the time to make something nice and healthy, as my housemates say the think I eat far too much spinach and bell peppers!!!
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    My eating disorder
  • legmotor
    legmotor Posts: 197 Member
    Stress eating or falling to temptations whenvever they are presented. I don't buy junk or goodies, but when they are at work I am powerless to say no.. I can't stop myself! I hate that!!!!

    Great topic! = )
  • Craigus351
    Craigus351 Posts: 7 Member
    Lately, it's my motivation.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member

    I won't lie, I'm the one who decides to sit on the sofa rather than doing some exercise, I'm the one who lets myself down with the choices I make..
    I constantly fight my old self all the time.. and unfortunately I have days where the old me wins out.. the new me is getting stronger though :)
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    My impatience... and crisps :ohwell:
  • Piehole
    Piehole Posts: 1 Member
    So many obstacles! So many excuses I have them all ! Hopefully that will be in the past, just started today. Logged all the food I'm going to eat and then saw... too many calories..... too much fat!... not enough carbs! ...too much vitamin C? Does this get easier with time?
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    The weekends are what do me in. I can do great all week, since I have my work structure, but come the weekend out the door it goes! I got the exercise habit down, the no fast food thing down, and I stopped the one a day candy bar issue I was having! Hell I even broke the dessert every night. But when the weekends come I can't stop grazing and it's been really bad lately cuz every weekend for the past 3 weeks I've had a birthday party to go to, and the fair was in town this past weekend(still trying to work that weight off). I just can't figure out how to control my appetite when I'm around others. It's so frustrating! Like someone else said if there weren't weekends I'd be skinny!
  • Debrox69
    Debrox69 Posts: 7 Member
    You and me think alike!! Weekends are for beer and fun!! Without the weekends there would be no need for a diet!!
  • Debrox69
    Debrox69 Posts: 7 Member
    Well I know for a fact my problem is beer!! I love my beer!! I have definitely cut down, but not completely.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    My knees! I would love to run daily and just work the **** out of some dvd's but my knees hurt really bad after a while.