Childless and TTC



  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I remember how heartbreaking the five years I tried to conceive a baby were-- I cried every month my period came. Sadly I never have been able to have biological children and have no explanation as to why I can't. It just wasn't in God's plan for me. However, God has given me a wonderful son through adoption and now that he is 11 my boyfriend and I are raising his 2 year old son! It seems I was destined to have children--just not in the traditional way. I encourage you to have faith that God will bless you with a child. Good luck!
  • MrsBlackman
    I remember how heartbreaking the five years I tried to conceive a baby were-- I cried every month my period came. Sadly I never have been able to have biological children and have no explanation as to why I can't. It just wasn't in God's plan for me. However, God has given me a wonderful son through adoption and now that he is 11 my boyfriend and I are raising his 2 year old son! It seems I was destined to have children--just not in the traditional way. I encourage you to have faith that God will bless you with a child. Good luck!

    It is fantastic that you were able to adopt! I have looked into adoption but I need to be a healthy weight and have no debts before they will consider us! I do the whole getting upset when my period comes each month thing. I do remain positive as I know one day I will be a mum! Thank you!!!
  • MrsBlackman
    Just in case anyone wanted to know...I went to a fertility clinic yesterday and after some tests, I will be starting treatment!!! I will hopefully be a mummy before Christmas 2012 (the more positive I am, the quicker it will happen right? LOL).
  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    Just in case anyone wanted to know...I went to a fertility clinic yesterday and after some tests, I will be starting treatment!!! I will hopefully be a mummy before Christmas 2012 (the more positive I am, the quicker it will happen right? LOL).

    Great news for you! I hope everything works out.

    You and your husband will be in my thoughts. :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Oh yay congrats on starting treatment!!

    DH and I have just started TTC!! There are a few friends in my group who have struggled with fertility and I couldn't believe how common it was.

    Good luck!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    I am looking for support and advice. I have been ttc for 2 years now. attempt 25 this month was a fail. I have been for an ultrasound and they didnt find anything wrong so not sure why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. I do not have children yet and would like support from women ttc without kids or know medical issues.