What wont you give up?

lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
I wont give up sea salt, at least for now. I was wondering if other people had one thing they wont give up..... :smile:


  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Starbucks. I find a way to work it in every day. lol
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    Starbucks. I find a way to work it in every day. lol

    I love starbucks If I had one closer I would prob have it now and then
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
  • perishable
    perishable Posts: 26 Member
    Whole Foods 365 Coconut Popsicles. I'm trying to only have 1 every few days. I'm so addicted to them.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Hookers & Blow. :laugh:

    Seriously, I dunno. I'm not a big drinker by any means but I won't ever give up beer completely. Even if it's lite beer.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    coffee (though to be honest I haven't given up anything)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    peanut butter, blue cheese dressing, cheese in general, and wine
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    peanut butter, blue cheese dressing, cheese in general, and wine

    or starbucks
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Chocolate! Ive just had to find lower calorie ways to have it.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    There isn't anything that I'll never give up. I believe in moderation.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Sugar and milk in my tea. No way will I drink it straight up! haha
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    coffee (though to be honest I haven't given up anything)

    I drink coffee everyday but I have always drank it black anyway. I guess I had to give up my food triggers. I cant just eat a small portion of some things :)
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Hookers & Blow. :laugh:

    Seriously, I dunno. I'm not a big drinker by any means but I won't ever give up beer completely. Even if it's lite beer.
    Hahahahahahahaha! Me too! well, at least the beer, the hookers and blow were easy to give up!
  • katzrich
    katzrich Posts: 17
    I won't give up anything. Denial doesn't work for me, I just keep it in moderation. Most meals are mainly veggies at our house anyway, I don't think a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread once a month are going to destroy my weight loss! I must have my diet coke, it is essential!
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    chocolate! I now just practice portion control with the dove promises:)
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    good beer. the lite kind tastes like piss water to me...i work in beer at least once a week.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Starbucks light frappuchinos
  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    Nothing..I haven't given up one single thing..but I eat a lot less of what ever now!!>.LOL..Cake..nom nom nom Sunday afternoons only!!..Candy once in a while if I want it...chips..1oz instead of a huge bowl full....This is for LIFE...and at 43 I hope that "life" lasts a long time..I am giving up nothing!!!!
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Nutella spread. I believe I would die after not having it a few times a week.