What do you do to overcome a Plateau?

I have been using MFP for a month (rejoined). For the last 3 weeks. I've lost an average of 2# per week. This week, Nothing! I cannot seem to lose, even though I increased my workouts. I talked to a trainer/nutritionist & was told to
adjust my calorie intake & cheat for a day or two to "restart" my system. Has anyone else heard this? What do you do to overcome a Plateau? I'm afraid if I don't see more progress, that I will give up.
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  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    One week is not a plateau. Keep at it. Trust the process. Consistency is key!

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Sharing this despite the misguided notion that a week is a plateau, for others who may click on the thread looking for info:

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Increasing your workouts likely resulted in retaining more fluid.

    The only thing you should do is keep going.
  • braineblonde
    braineblonde Posts: 16 Member
    yeah, one week is not a plateau. i was plateaued for the last month and i just stuck with my diet and exercise routine and this week i've suddenly dropped 2 pounds in 2 days.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Is it TOM? It may be to blame :*
  • olyamhc
    olyamhc Posts: 60 Member
    It took me to lose 25lbs in 4 months, when I've set my calorie limits to 2lbs/week. There were weeks where I felt nothing had changed, but it did. Keep in mind also that measuring various body parts with tape helps a lot. Sometimes for me the scale wouldn't move, but I lost inches. Whatever it is, keep logging, keep staying motivated, measure every food you eat with a kitchen scale (best advice I've gotten from MFP).
  • jennygutt
    jennygutt Posts: 41 Member
    I hit a plateu after losing 71 lbs. I went thru ot for 3mths. Lost and gained the same 4 lbs. It was soooo disheartening. I increased the intensity of my exercises and broke thru. Now im losing a little over a pound a week again. I got a Fitbit with heartrate reader. I try to keep it in the peak range while i do my hour workout on eliptical or running on treadmill each day. It worked finally broke the plateu.
  • Horsekeeper
    Horsekeeper Posts: 21 Member
    Some people do have success with raising their calories for a time - check some of the threads on "refeeds". That said, a week (though it may feel like forever) isn't a long plateau.
  • SereneSeas
    SereneSeas Posts: 1 Member
    Drink more water and don't eat more calories. Switch to a little more protein and fiber to increase the calories needed to burn that complex fuel. Wait it out, don't give in or up. I've been on 3 wk plateaus and gained weight while not increasing intake and continuing to move Your body gets "confused" wondering what is happening but will eventually "reset" your new normal lower weight and begin shedding weight again. The weight loss graph will look like a gentle roller coaster ride, but step back and it will definitely be a downward graph. It's more encouraging to draw a straight line through the center of all the months of weight loss rather than to focus on plateaus or gains. Hang tough! I'm at 28 lb loss over almost 8 months coming up. I'm not giving up either, but in it for the rest of my life.
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    Weight loss can stall sometimes, it just happens. I've had periods where iv not lost for a few weeks but then have a week where ive had a woosh. Patience is needed. ... don't give up. I started just before Jan and I'm down 1 stone 6 pounds but I haven't lost every week.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,224 Member
    What do I do? I wait. If I'm sure I've weighted all my food correctly and logged it then I wait.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    When If you actually reach a plateau (you haven't yet), that's when you might consider making small changes. Your "plateau" should have lasted 4+ weeks before making any changes. Otherwise you would be making changes based on statistical "noise". You can't base your program on the fluctuations or the variations of random variables that all change at different rates and some at amplitudes that exceed your goal in that time window. Many of the fluctuations you experience on a daily basis (which you've experienced all your life whether you've tracked them or not) are larger than your expected weight loss over a couple of weeks.

    So don't freak out if the scale "stalls" or even goes up. (Preparing you for the inevitable weeks where you've "done everything right" but the number still goes up. Be ready. It'll most likely happen). The answer in that case is to continue to do the program correctly.