Really upset, ready to throw in the towel.

I interviewed for a job a few months ago and was told that the interview process was long and would probably take several months. There were supposed to be several interviews along the way.

Well, I hadn't heard anything and I was concerned so I e-mailed a friend who works there. She e-mailed back that they already offered the job to someone else.

I'm really upset since I've worked my butt off to build my credentials. I have a Master's degree and National Board certification when most teachers only have a B.A. I've volunteered for virtually every extra training opportunity that has been available and I've single-handedly started two brand-new courses, an honors program and taken over AP Chemistry. I come to work early and I stay late and I've worked with several extra-curricular activities. I routinely have students and parents tell me what a great teacher I am and I was honored by two of my students at a special reception last year for teachers who inspire as well as teach.

I'm clean-cut, articulate and polite. I know I interview well and the committee seemed to be impressed with me. The job was in a non-traditional classroom and I really wanted it since I'm not happy with the present situation at my school. To make matters worse, there are several changes that will happen next year that will increase the teacher's workload by a tremendous amount and not improve education at all. In fact, these changes will hurt students because teachers will be so loaded down with extra duties that they won't have time to plan good lessons, grade papers and develop activities.

There doesn't seem to be any point in trying to improve my situation at all. Why should I diet, work out or anything else. Nothing I do seems to matter. I get treated the same as the slob who works in the room down the hall. She never does anything extra and has never done any more than the absolute minimum required. Half the time, she isn't even teaching when I walk by her room and the kids are just sitting there socializing. (Trust me, it isn't group work.)

I'll be taking a few mental-health days to re-group I guess.


  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I interviewed for a job a few months ago and was told that the interview process was long and would probably take several months. There were supposed to be several interviews along the way.

    Well, I hadn't heard anything and I was concerned so I e-mailed a friend who works there. She e-mailed back that they already offered the job to someone else.

    I'm really upset since I've worked my butt off to build my credentials. I have a Master's degree and National Board certification when most teachers only have a B.A. I've volunteered for virtually every extra training opportunity that has been available and I've single-handedly started two brand-new courses, an honors program and taken over AP Chemistry. I come to work early and I stay late and I've worked with several extra-curricular activities. I routinely have students and parents tell me what a great teacher I am and I was honored by two of my students at a special reception last year for teachers who inspire as well as teach.

    I'm clean-cut, articulate and polite. I know I interview well and the committee seemed to be impressed with me. The job was in a non-traditional classroom and I really wanted it since I'm not happy with the present situation at my school. To make matters worse, there are several changes that will happen next year that will increase the teacher's workload by a tremendous amount and not improve education at all. In fact, these changes will hurt students because teachers will be so loaded down with extra duties that they won't have time to plan good lessons, grade papers and develop activities.

    There doesn't seem to be any point in trying to improve my situation at all. Why should I diet, work out or anything else. Nothing I do seems to matter. I get treated the same as the slob who works in the room down the hall. She never does anything extra and has never done any more than the absolute minimum required. Half the time, she isn't even teaching when I walk by her room and the kids are just sitting there socializing. (Trust me, it isn't group work.)

    I'll be taking a few mental-health days to re-group I guess.
  • lifesaver
    I'm really sorry you're feeling upset.

    All I can say is that I'm SURE your kids appreciate your hard work. I always appreciated a teacher that wanted to put time in for us to learn better, honestly.

    Don't feel discouraged because of this! Being healthy is for YOU too. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you feel better!
  • Shutterbugg
    I am so sorry to hear about the job situation.

    Working out may be a good way to release some of this frustration. Once I started using my workouts as stress relief instead of something I was making myself do to be healthy, I was more motivated to do it. Don't give up, in the long run it will only make you feel worse. Good luck!!!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I understand where you are coming from; I was recently in the same position as you. I KNEW what I wanted, and I tried and tried and it seemed like Nothing was working, then fate stepped in as she always does and a great opportunity opened up, Not how I had expected it to, or even where I expected it from.
    Now I am in a much better position then I ever thought possible.
    What I am trying to say is that as much as you thought you wanted THIS position, There is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better one in the near future for you.
    Expect it and you will get it.
    I PROMISE!!!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Sorry about the bad news but you can't give up.
    You have worked hard and positioned yourself to be to be ready for the next excellent opportunity that comes along. I have found in all of my years working that when I am disappointed because I didn't get the "plum" job that something actually comes along that fits me much better then the one I had originally wanted and I turn out to be much happier.
    Meanwhile you need to keep working out to give yourself a release for your disappointment and frustrations.
    Best of Luck
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks guys. I knew that if I came here and cried about it, I would get a ton of support and you guys haven't let me down. I'm just feeling sorry for myself since I thought I had a legitimate chance at this new job. One of the reasons I started working out in the first place was to manage the stress that my current job creates. This is my seventh year teaching and I've never worked as much or as hard as I have this year (except maybe my first year). One of the few things keeping me sane was the prospect that I was not coming back.

    I know things will work out, I was just counting on them working out sooner rather than later. I just gave some of this same advice to another member the other day about the end of a relationship. Maybe I should go back and read what I wrote to her.

    There is no reason why I shouldn't work out this afternoon and I know I will. It's just going to be hard to stay motivated and actually get something done the rest of the day.