Sooo, I WANT to be a runner...

saddison05 Posts: 3
So...I really, really WANT to be a runner.

I never have been, and I used to tell myself I never would be. I have played soccer (defensive stopper) and softball (catcher) my whole life and have done horseback riding since before I could walk...that all equals up to some whopping leg "muscles" (they used to be muscles and have now gone to blobs). I also ran track and played volleyball when I was younger, but, soccer and softball have made up the most of it.

So I've done lots of sprinting and things with fast twitch, large muscles, but I really WANT to be a runner. I want to be able to run a long distance, have a better lung capacity, and hopefully recreate my body in a leaner, more fit way rather than just solid and stocky. I have heard about the C25K program and started it twice, just haven't stuck to it.

Is there anyone out there who can help me out? Give me some advice/encouragement?


  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    The best advise I could give is, if you want to be a runner...then BE a runner. The hard part is just sticking to it.

    What worked for me was

    a) finding places to run. I dont like running on the indoor track at the gym, it's just monotonous. I have 4 trails/tracks that I run that have nice scenery to look at and are just more pleasant an environment than running in the gym, or down the street in my neighborhood. Plus, no risk of getting hit by a 16 year old driver. Win win

    b) an MP3 player, and good headphones. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I listen to books on tape, sometimes podcasts...sometimes nothing.

    personally, I like running simply because it's the only time I can manage to take for myself....which is strangely therapeutic.
  • I read online that you should time yourself. Run 1 minute, walk 2 for a week......the next week run 2, walk 2....eventually you can build yourself up. It works, i done it for a few wekks, but i got bored with it.....You can do it though especially if you like the ourdoors! Get your mp3 player or cell phone and just go! Do it at your own pace though...where you know that you can keep doing it without getting too tires because that will make you not want to do it...Good luck!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    first off...get fitted for running shoes. this is SO important and will help you avoid injury in the future.

    secondly, just hit the pavement. You COULD do tons of research on and figure out if there is a "Plan" that speaks to you, but its less stressful to just run till you are winded, rest, and repeat.

    thridly, sign up for a 5k about 2 months away to give you something to look forward to.
  • Runner's World magazine and website are great resources. There is always a section in the magazine for beginners and the website has the same. Good luck!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Lots of C25K groups on the motiviation/support and exercise/fitness boards! I belong to one now - it's very motivating belonging to the group and reporting your progress! Search away! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you want to be a runner - you can be a runner. Heck, if *I* can be a runner - you can do it! I don't run outside because it is just too hard on my spine (I have steel rods in my back), so I run on the treadmill because my ortho doc said if I'm going to run - I MUST run on a supportive, shock absorbent surface.

    I started off walking and as I progressed and got stronger, I started slowly jogging. I just kept building up my stamina. Now, I run every single time I go to the gym. I like how it makes me feel. It is a GREAT stress reliever.
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    I have never been a runner, but I will be starting "Run For God" soon, which is a 12 week training guide for running a 5K. It starts off more with walking than running until you endup running a whole 5K. Good luck!
  • first off...get fitted for running shoes. this is SO important and will help you avoid injury in the future.

    secondly, just hit the pavement. You COULD do tons of research on and figure out if there is a "Plan" that speaks to you, but its less stressful to just run till you are winded, rest, and repeat.

    thridly, sign up for a 5k about 2 months away to give you something to look forward to.

    This is EXACTLY what I did, and it seems to be working! My 5k is in September, and I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous still. Just get up and do it! You'll be fine!!!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    /wave! In June I decided I wanted to be a runner. So I started the C25k program (couch to 5k). It's AWESOME!! I just finished W8D1 and I LOVE running, I ran 2 extra min yesterday just because I wanted to :D

    I trade off running outside and on my own treadmill. I'm bad at pacing myself on the road so I got app which allows you to put in your mile time and picks music that are the same "speed" it helps!

    It's okay to be SLOOOOW. I run only at 13:57 min/mile right now but I'm getting faster and my time/distance is increasing and I know speed will come.

    GO GET FITTED FOR RUNNING SHOES!! At a real running store. It's going to help prevent injuries.

    If you have big boobs like me a REALLY good sports bra is key too. I love the Enell bras, they are ugly as sin but they WORK and that makes all the difference.

    Good luck! Take it SLOOOW and remember you should enjoy doing this!

    Edit: before C25K I was the kind of person that would have only run if a bear or zombie was chasing me, and then I'd just try and trip you so you fell so I didn't have to run so far. If I can do it anyone can!! Even my husband is shocked that I've stuck with it and now LOVE it!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    You have the desire and apparently the know how from previous athletic experience to do you just need to do it! I was in a similar boat, former athlete who wanted to run but thought I couldn't do it. C25K worked for me though, I just had to set my mind to doing it and saying "I'm not quitting this time!" when it pushed me further than I had been before. And honestly, my feeling is that if I can do it, pretty much anyone can! Good luck!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I loved c25k. I think the important thing is to find someone to do it with you. Either online for support, or someone who can come drag you out of the house when you don't feel like it! I love the "running into shape" podcast that you can get for free to go with it. Great poppy music that will inspire you!

    You can do it! I started about 6 months after having my stroke and being entirely paralyzed, and ran my first ever 5k 10 months to the day after suffering my stroke!

    Now I'm onto trying to become more fit overall, and losing a few lbs. It was nice to complete that goal, but I have a new one now! :-)

    Good luck and you can do it!!!!
  • I started the C25K yesterday! I found a free app for my phone and ipod that makes a ringing noise when it's time to change from walk/run and it has helped me a ton so I'm not staring at a stopwatch while I run, it also helps it go by faster. I've tried it twice before timing it myself, and didn't stick to it. Right now I'm inside on the treadmill because it's too hot here to be outside, but i can't wait to get outside as soon as this heat wave breaks! Friend me if you'd like, I could use some accountability for sticking to this program. Happy running!
  • The C25K is an excellent way to start. That's what I started with when I first got into running. Also, get fitted for a pair of running shoes. And then just get an mp3 player, find a good place for running, and just do it. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • If you want to, just do it! :) Find a fun half marathon on and make it a goal to run the whole thing! I am running my 3rd half marathon this coming weekend - once you work your way up to one and complete it, you will become so hooked on the adrenaline and pride in accomplishment that you will crave to run more! Also, invest in some good running shoes - and custom arches to make sure you get the proper support... it really helps prevent pain and injury. You can burn some serious calories in a single half marathon too! :)
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I never did the c25k that I hear everyone talk about. I jusy decided one day I would start running. I started out around town running 1 block, walking 1 block, etc. I started out doing 2 miles of that every other day. It gets easier and you build up endurance. Now I can run about 4 miles. I try to run every day. I'll run a mile 1 day, run 3 the next, run 2 the next...I don't run the same distance everyday. I run hills somedays, somedays just the roads. I try to change it up. Just start. You'll be surprised at how easily you can get addicted to running. I look forward to the alarm going off in the morning to go run. Crazy!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I started running last November at 216 lbs. i started the c25k in January and finished it in april took my time with the program and concentrated on building my stamina. i know run just about every day anywhere from 2 to up to 6 miles. i love it. It has become my absolute favorite thing to do.. If i can do it anyone can. Also side bar... i have had three knee surguries back when i was a teenager and was told back then that running was never going to be something i could do... Take your time and learn to love it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Do you enjoy running? Truly? Because if you don't, it's gonna be tough.
  • I was never a runner, I played soccer (goalie), I played softball (catcher), I like to walk a lot, but I was never, and never thought I WOULD be, a runner either...until NOW! This morning I finished Week 3 Day 2 of Couch to 5k training and I am turning into a running addict! I look forward to it, I get excited about it! I NEVER thought it was possible! I recommend you look into, if it can turn me into a runner, you can do it too!

    Good luck!
  • I really appreciate all this feedback! It means so much to me that all of you have taken the time to read and reply to this. I have never belonged to an online network like this that has so many people who are working towards a goal, have met it, and/or are encouraging so many others around them to meet it too! I think this time around is really going to make a difference. I have fully invested myself into MFP rather than just halfway keeping track, and now I want to log on every day, make new friends, and talk about the progress I have made. I find myself getting online to check and update MFP instead of having a snack when I come home from work. I'm actually looking forward to when my schedule changes from 7 AM to 9 AM next week so that I can wake up in the morning to run without feeling like I'm not getting any sleep.

    Does anyone know a good app (I have a DROID X) for music to run to? I have the C25K program on my phone to use and it rings a bell to change pace, but I want to run a music app with that since I don't have music logged on to my phone...any ideas?
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member She has music, and tells you when to walk, when to run, when you're half way there, etc. I LOVE this podcast. Good luck, I know you can do it!
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