madness with scales!!

So I gave in tonight to check the weight on the scales. I usually check in the morning (every day hmm bad I know) So tonight I weighed with light clothing and 3lbs heavier than morning now panic mode...will I lose that 3lbs over night and a little bit more ???
Then I have this thing in the morning when I weigh myself...I go after a pee, but then if I weigh maybe 1 minute later I have lost half a pound since I weighed after my pee...

So madness with there ever a true weight, which weight is the true weight???

Should I weigh myself mid afternoon and take that as the real weight?????

Or do I take the Tuesday `weekly` weigh in as the true weight??????

OMG I am losing the plot with the scales ;-)))))


  • martha1485
    martha1485 Posts: 70 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!!!! I have no idea any more!!!
  • guyonthego
    AMEN, for the last week I have been just seconds for throwing my scale out the window after starting it on fire - then taking a baseball bat to it OVER AND OVER AGAIN
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Don't check daily. I know it's tempting, but your weight can fluctuate a few pounds either way within 24 hours. Also, things like water retention, your menstrual cycle (try to weigh yourself before and after your cycle, avoid it in the middle), clothing, what you've eaten for dinner or breakfast, etc etc etc. A lot of things can influence those numbers. So it's best to weigh yourself around the same time every time you weigh yourself, under similar circumstances every time. If you weigh yourself in just your underwear all the time, do that EVERY TIME. These things will give you the most accurate reading. Also, try to use the same scale every time you weigh in, because all scales are a little different.

    Hope this helped!
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    Scales can be a tricky and maddening thing! I've always heard and read that if you should always weigh yourself the same time of day each time you weigh in. For instance, if you weigh yourself weekly, you should do so on the same day and the same time. I've always heard that right when you wake up in the morning is best, after you've used the restroom. I get obsessed with the scale and am trying very hard to only step on it once a week. I usually weigh in fridays because i know that i always do worse on the weekends however i may do mondays now so that i have to try extra hard to not mess up! You will flucuate daily with your weight that's why I only do weekly, if i could get myself to handle it I would even shoot for monthly but i dont think that'll work for me ;-)

    Another good weigh to track your progress is through measuring yourself. That way, you arent getting mixed signals with the scale due to water weight, what time of the month it is, what time of day you're doing it...etc.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Weigh yourself in the morning, after you empty your bladder/bowels.

    Don't weigh at night, you'll almost always weigh more at night.

    Your weigh goes up and down throughout the day. Don't freak out about it.