How to fit exercise in a busy day



  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Lunch time at work is a good time for exercise and it gives your brain a break too. Does not need to be too sweaty either. A brisk walk around the area for 30 mins does a good job for the time poor. Take food that you can eat as walking if you can't eat at your desk.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I had the same issue when my kids were little, so I ended up waking up before they did so I could get my workout in (at home), then could get cleaned up and ready along with getting them ready and fed for the day. It took a while to get used to waking up at 5:00AM or so to get in my workouts but after a few weeks it became habit.

    You can always try to get 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in the mornings and maybe take a brisk 20 minute walk at lunch or when you get home (with the kids)? There's always some time, but it has to be a priority otherwise you will always find some reason why it can't be done.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    edited March 2018
    I have made my semi-sedentary job far more active. Rigged up a standing desk, walk 1000 steps an hour if I can, park as far away from the building as I can, run task others don't want to do, never talk on my cell sitting down. NEAT adds up in the end! Best wishes.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Whatever you do will be more effective than doing nothing.
    Your doctor's suggestion can be a goal, not a starting point. You should pace yourself and build up gradually to avoid injury, fatigue, overtraining, and discouragement. Why not start with 20 min 3x week? This will help your body adapt and also give you time to figure out your schedule etc.
    Lots of other great tips above.
  • abhinavsood89
    abhinavsood89 Posts: 11 Member
    OP, I work full-time as well and most of my days are really busy and/or stressful and it is really hard to find the time or energy to exercise sometimes. I also live 1km away from the nearest train station. So, on such days, I try walking or running back home, alternating between normal pace and brisk pace.

    Even if I go to the gym, I make sure that I do cardio if nothing else. If I can't even run on the treadmill, I just walk for half an hour and stretch out. Other than that, try doing squats when cooking (safely, away from the stove/cooktop).
  • stthemary
    stthemary Posts: 7 Member
    That seems like a strangely high amount of exercise to start off with. I got an inexpensive stationary bike so I can work out at home.