Eating disorder

I’m just making this for general advice I’m not promoting eating disorder or anything. Since November 2017 to middle of February 2018 I lived off 2 weetabix a day with milk so I was consuming around 300 calories but when I wasn’t happy with the weight I was losing even though I was losing 2/3lbs a day I decided to cut it and since then I have been living of 1 glass of milk a day. I experienced blackouts and would often be dizzy and experience vision loss but I just told myself that it was worth it if it ment I would be skinny. However I don’t know what happens but I was thinking about it yesterday and something clicked in me that what I was doing was wrong and I want to start eating again and exercising properly rather than starving myself. So far I have eat but it’s all been biscuits or cake because I have no idea what healthy things to eat so I was wondering if peopl could comment good things that would be easy for me to make and good for my body. I’m on here asking for advice and not asking my family because I have anxiety and find it hard to speak to them anyway and they support my old eating habits and would always tell me I looked amazing and I was strong for not being able to eat for all this time so I feel if I spoke to them I would fail in trying to get better that’s why I’m here before anyone tells me to go ask my mum or something. Just want general food advice and no nasty comments. Thanks


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Google the healthy plate.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    What you need is a balanced diet containing all the main food groups.

    You also need to talk to a medical professional about your eating disorder; a bunch of random internet strangers are not best placed to help you. However, until you do that, here is my advice:

    Set MFP to maintain weight, rather than lose it, for AT LEAST two weeks. Eat at least as many calories as it gives you. You need to undo the damage you’ve done to your body before you even consider trying to diet again.

    Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, where a ‘portion’ is about 80g or the size of a medium apple. Apples, oranges, bananas, peas, sweetcorn - any plant you like, eat it! You are currently in the early stages of scurvy, which will not help.

    Keep an eye on what MFP says about your fat and protein macronutrients - you generally want to try to get over the number it gives you for those, even if you’re under on carbs. Foods that will help you do that include meat, fish, nuts, beans and cheese.

    Fruit with yoghurt is a good thing to eat. A cheese sandwich with an apple on the side is a good thing to eat. A slice of pie with some mushy peas is a good thing to eat. Biscuits are also a good thing to eat. If tracking your macros is too difficult, confusing or scary, then just make sure you eat a variety of things, and that will help a lot.

    And well done for realising you have a problem and at least talking to someone about it - even if that ‘someone’ is a bunch of internet strangers :)
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    I have read about your desire for help and applaud you for realizing that you have a problem. I have read the advice of the few members today that have given you extremely wise information.

    Life is to be cherished and lived fully and completely. Get the proper help and you will be able to live life without restricting anything in your life. You must eat in order to survive. There is a bright beautiful world out there. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Please get yourself some help and you will realize you are not alone, there are people that can help you close to your home and your inner circle. Do not keep secrets about your life that are serious health concerns. Wishing you much success... today is the first step of wonderful changes for you ... please look after yourself
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Every regular meal you eat is a step in the right direction.

    Let us know how it goes with your doctor.