Why am I gaining weight? 1200-1300 calories a day & 1.5 hour Exercise



  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    uplinkjim wrote: »
    In my case it was Carbs.. Went to around 50 a day and lost 10 pounds in 12 days.Good luck.

    How long have you kept off those 10 lbs?
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    Sorry I have no idea why my last comment wasn't posted under my correct account...

    There is NO WAY she is eating enough calories at 1,200-1,300 calories per day and exercising 1.5 hours. NO WAY. She is not consuming enough calories.

    Since she's not complaining about being exhausted, she is probably eating more than she thinks. Is it a logging, weighing problem??

    BINGO! This is most likely the case.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    I only weight myself first thing in the morning after peeing and pooping (which is when you should) so no fluctuations from eating or drinking are included.

    Fluctuations from things you've eaten can show up the next day or a couple of days after - for instance, I ate a very salty meal yesterday, and my weight is up 1.5lbs this morning. There's no way I ate enough yesterday to gain that much actual weight, so it's a combination of food still working its way through my system and water retention from the sodium.

    What you're seeing is perfectly normal fluctuations, so please try not to stress yourself about them. Read the "weight loss is not linear" thread that was linked to earlier, it's very helpful. :)

    Thank you :-( I think I am being overly emotional about the 1.5 lbs because TOM is on the way and I have a goal I want to reach next month.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    edited April 2018
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    Sorry I have no idea why my last comment wasn't posted under my correct account...

    There is NO WAY she is eating enough calories at 1,200-1,300 calories per day and exercising 1.5 hours. NO WAY. She is not consuming enough calories.

    Since she's not complaining about being exhausted, she is probably eating more than she thinks. Is it a logging, weighing problem??

    BINGO! This is most likely the case.

    Negative! I weight everything I eat. I have a food scale and measuring cups. This is also not my first time losing a significant amount of weight. I have lost 60lbs counting calories and weighing my food before.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited April 2018
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    Sorry I have no idea why my last comment wasn't posted under my correct account...

    There is NO WAY she is eating enough calories at 1,200-1,300 calories per day and exercising 1.5 hours. NO WAY. She is not consuming enough calories.

    Since she's not complaining about being exhausted, she is probably eating more than she thinks. Is it a logging, weighing problem??

    BINGO! This is most likely the case.

    Negative! I weight everything I eat. I have a food scale and measuring cups. This is also not my first time losing a significant amount of weight. I have lost 60lbs counting calories and weighing my food before.

    if you are using measuring cups for any solids or semi solids stop using those and use the scale. cups for liquids only. I learned that the hard way
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    uplinkjim wrote: »
    In my case it was Carbs.. Went to around 50 a day and lost 10 pounds in 12 days.Good luck.

    lowering carbs only causes water/glycogen loss. 10 lbs in 12 days most of that was water and glycogen and very little if any fat.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    I only weight myself first thing in the morning after peeing and pooping (which is when you should) so no fluctuations from eating or drinking are included.

    Fluctuations from things you've eaten can show up the next day or a couple of days after - for instance, I ate a very salty meal yesterday, and my weight is up 1.5lbs this morning. There's no way I ate enough yesterday to gain that much actual weight, so it's a combination of food still working its way through my system and water retention from the sodium.

    What you're seeing is perfectly normal fluctuations, so please try not to stress yourself about them. Read the "weight loss is not linear" thread that was linked to earlier, it's very helpful. :)

    Thank you :-( I think I am being overly emotional about the 1.5 lbs because TOM is on the way and I have a goal I want to reach next month.

    If TOM is coming, your weight will definitely go up a few pounds! I've noticed my weight goes up sometimes 5lbs a few days before my period comes. Could also be muscle gain/fat loss, or water retention from carb, salt intake, muscles.

    Ignore it as best as you can and power on! It will stabilize soon enough.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Sorry I have no idea why my last comment wasn't posted under my correct account...

    There is NO WAY she is eating enough calories at 1,200-1,300 calories per day and exercising 1.5 hours. NO WAY. She is not consuming enough calories.

    no she isnt eating enough calories,but she isnt going to stop losing weight not eating enough calories. do you know any obese anorexics or obese people who are starving in a 3rd world country? if you dont eat enough calories your body will use what it can to make energy that includes body fat,lean mass and muscle,and your heart is a muscle.why do you think anorexics get so deathly thin and weak? and why some die? do you see their bodies holding onto anything? while eating so little calories and exercising so much is not healthy(it can also turn into a type of eating disorder) doesnt mean it will stop weight loss. she can have whats called adaptive thermogenesis if its been a long period of time,but usually that can be reversed.


    I calculated my bmr and tdee through the IIFYM website. Should I eat my BMR instead of 1200-1300?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    Sorry I have no idea why my last comment wasn't posted under my correct account...

    There is NO WAY she is eating enough calories at 1,200-1,300 calories per day and exercising 1.5 hours. NO WAY. She is not consuming enough calories.

    no she isnt eating enough calories,but she isnt going to stop losing weight not eating enough calories. do you know any obese anorexics or obese people who are starving in a 3rd world country? if you dont eat enough calories your body will use what it can to make energy that includes body fat,lean mass and muscle,and your heart is a muscle.why do you think anorexics get so deathly thin and weak? and why some die? do you see their bodies holding onto anything? while eating so little calories and exercising so much is not healthy(it can also turn into a type of eating disorder) doesnt mean it will stop weight loss. she can have whats called adaptive thermogenesis if its been a long period of time,but usually that can be reversed.


    I calculated my bmr and tdee through the IIFYM website. Should I eat my BMR instead of 1200-1300?

    your BMR is what your body needs just to function so no. your TDEE is what your body needs to maintain weight. so if you are wanting to lose you eat less than your TDEE. 250 less for half a lb,500 for a lb,750 for 1.5lb and 1000 for 2 lbs(if you are more than 75lbs overweight you shoot for the 2 lbs) so if your TDEE is 2240 and you want to lose half a lb you eat 1990(2440-250). and if you use mfp to calculate your calories then you need to eat back some of your exercise calories.
  • tankgilland
    tankgilland Posts: 3 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    When you do not eat enough your body holds onto every single thing you give it and stores it as fat because it thinks it will have to go without (because you aren't eating enough).

    Nope. Otherwise anorexics wouldn't lose.

  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    edited April 2018
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    Your body is in what is called storage mode. Your not taking in enough calories. From experience your burning 1/2 or more of your total calorie intake for the entire day your basically starving your body so it shuts down on burning and switches over to storage mode that’s why you either don’t see loss and sometimes even see gain. This is hard but give it a try eat 3 solid healthy meals and 3 snacks mostly protein and veg and eat 3 snack between those consisting of protein fruits and veg so basically your eating ever 3 hrs drink plenty of water and try to bring your calorie count up to double what it is.
    Try that for 2 weeks weight on Friday each week I’m sure you’ll see the difference. Never hurts to give it a go plus before I had a car accident that caused me disability I did this and lost 130 lbs in 1 year with minimal exercise like light walking and swimming it does work

    Did you not read previous posts? This is not what is happening. It can't happen. Period. If OP was truly eating 1200-1300 calories and exercising the amount they say they are, they would be dropping weight like crazy.

    Agreed. I am starting to drop weight again. I think it was just normal fluctuations from the time of the month. I never feel starved and you can eat plenty on 1200-1300 calories a day if you spread out your food properly. Most clean and healthy foods are naturally low in calories
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Your body is in what is called storage mode. Your not taking in enough calories. From experience your burning 1/2 or more of your total calorie intake for the entire day your basically starving your body so it shuts down on burning and switches over to storage mode that’s why you either don’t see loss and sometimes even see gain. This is hard but give it a try eat 3 solid healthy meals and 3 snacks mostly protein and veg and eat 3 snack between those consisting of protein fruits and veg so basically your eating ever 3 hrs drink plenty of water and try to bring your calorie count up to double what it is.
    Try that for 2 weeks weight on Friday each week I’m sure you’ll see the difference. Never hurts to give it a go plus before I had a car accident that caused me disability I did this and lost 130 lbs in 1 year with minimal exercise like light walking and swimming it does work

    if she were to eat double what she thinks she is eating and its over her maintenance she will gain weight if she does that for 2 weeks. your body only stores calories in a SURPLUS.if you lost with minimal exercise then you were still in a deficit of calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ebwash89 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    Your body is in what is called storage mode. Your not taking in enough calories. From experience your burning 1/2 or more of your total calorie intake for the entire day your basically starving your body so it shuts down on burning and switches over to storage mode that’s why you either don’t see loss and sometimes even see gain. This is hard but give it a try eat 3 solid healthy meals and 3 snacks mostly protein and veg and eat 3 snack between those consisting of protein fruits and veg so basically your eating ever 3 hrs drink plenty of water and try to bring your calorie count up to double what it is.
    Try that for 2 weeks weight on Friday each week I’m sure you’ll see the difference. Never hurts to give it a go plus before I had a car accident that caused me disability I did this and lost 130 lbs in 1 year with minimal exercise like light walking and swimming it does work

    Did you not read previous posts? This is not what is happening. It can't happen. Period. If OP was truly eating 1200-1300 calories and exercising the amount they say they are, they would be dropping weight like crazy.

    Agreed. I am starting to drop weight again. I think it was just normal fluctuations from the time of the month. I never feel starved and you can eat plenty on 1200-1300 calories a day if you spread out your food properly. Most clean and healthy foods are naturally low in calories

    Most people think weight loss is a linear line downwards...it is not...it looks like this:


    You need to watch trends over time...the overall trend is what is important.