Bulking - where will the weight go? ADVICE REQUESTED!

Hi Folks,

I'm 34, 6 foot / 1.83 and 87KG. I naturally carry weight on my thighs and behind, I don't have particularly broad shoulders (they are a similar width to my thighs) , and I don't have a big chest . I'm now benching twice a week and I am seeing a difference. However, I haven't been eating enough, so I'm now on 2700 clean calories a day (I didn't take my coaches advice enough), so i guess, I've just started bulking.

I currently train compound lifts twice a week for 60 minute sessions (i squat once a week only), with a trainer, with the intention to increase this to 3. However, I have a moderately intense (hills) cycle to work 5 days a week, approx 15 minutes each way, so 3 hours a week.

As someone looking to pack more muscle on my upper body, could my regular cycling result in the weight gain going to my lower body instead? My trousers already feel tighter from the squatting! Should I avoid thigh work for a while?



  • btray09
    btray09 Posts: 3 Member
    Researchers at the University of Stephen F. Austin State University concluded in a study that cycling involved the use of more of the muscles used in hypertrophy movements (squats for instance) than running or walking does. That is to say it more closely resembles the motions that result in hypertrophy. Don't stop squatting! The benefits of big lift compound movements far exceed the foregoing of such. To increase chest size you should focus on heavy lifting in the 4-6 rep range of 3 sets using 85% of your 1RM. The best exercises to accomplish this would be the incline barbell press and of course the flat barbell bench press along with both presses utilizing the dumbbells. Just some quick math not knowing every detail such as body fat %, I would have you eating closer to 2900 cals. on a clean bulk.
  • guyraymo
    guyraymo Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks btray09, I appreciate your feedback. When you say 'cycling more closely resembles the motions that result in hypertrophy' if I am working these muscle groups daily, is there a risk that these muscles intercept the benefits of my bulk! I.e. these muscles get bigger quicker. Does that make sense? Or am I worrying about nothing?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Are you gaining weight at 2700cals? If not you’re not in a caloric surplus so muscle gain will not be optimal.
  • guyraymo
    guyraymo Posts: 3 Member
    Hi trigden, I'm not 100% sure yet, as I only started consistently bulking a week ago, I now need to up my workouts to 3 a week too. Do you think 2700 sounds low given my stats? I'm about 23% BF
  • btray09
    btray09 Posts: 3 Member
    guyraymo wrote: »
    Thanks btray09, I appreciate your feedback. When you say 'cycling more closely resembles the motions that result in hypertrophy' if I am working these muscle groups daily, is there a risk that these muscles intercept the benefits of my bulk! I.e. these muscles get bigger quicker. Does that make sense? Or am I worrying about nothing?

    Its basically an added bonus to your leg training meaning they work well together. Cycling therefore in my opinion is the best form of cardio. I do the recumbent bike for my HIIT cardio training 2 to 3 times per week when cutting.