What Is Your Morning Routine?


Bible Study/Devotionals and Prayer Journal (20 mins of oil pulling while doing this)
Cold Shower/Shave/Brush Teeth
Drink glass of warm water w/ fresh lemon juice and ACV
Off to work!


  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Up at 6.
    Coffee while I make school lunches and get the kids moving.
    Drop everyone off around 7am and hit the gym.
    Home at 8:30 for breakfast and a cup of tea.
    Shower and get ready for work.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Pour coffee
    Sit on patio and drink coffee and check on the news
    Pour more coffee into travel mug
    Take dog on 20-30 minute walk
    Jump in shower and get dressed
    Pour more coffee into travel mug
    Get in car and go to work
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Get up 7-8 AM
    Feed pets
    Drink glass of plain cold water, take vitamin
    Log food for day
    Eat breakfast
    Comb hair, get dressed, etc
    Start laundry, dishes, make bed, vacuum or some other chore
    Pay bills
    Walk around
    Make dd eat or drink something
    Make lunch
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Up at 3:45 a.m.
    Brush teeth, wash face, etc
    Throw on gym clothes that are already laid out
    Grab work clothes, breakfast and lunch that are already packed and ready to go
    At the gym by 4:30
    Workout til 6:00
    Shower and get ready for work at gym
    At work by 7:00
    Make coffee
    Get to it!
  • mrwhiteapple
    mrwhiteapple Posts: 12 Member
    Oops, I forgot to add, I wake up at 4AM.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited April 2018
    get up - 4-4:30am
    stumble around in the dark,
    curse the dogs when i trip over them,
    let said dogs out to pee
    take medicine
    figure out what the *kitten* i'm wearing to work
    if i haven't prepped all food the night before, do quick prep (mostly cook some chicken)
    gym gear on and out the door - normally within 30min of getting up
    hour commute to work
    workout/shower at gym

    in to work by 7:30
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    Wake up around 5:45am
    Brew coffee
    Feed cats
    Drink coffee
    Brush teeth, hair, and wash face
    Make bed
    Put on makeup
    Get dressed
    Grab work lunch
    Leave the house around 6:50 to be at work by 8am. I eat a Clif Builders bar when I first get to my desk while I'm checking my emails.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2018
    Wake up 4:30
    Coffee pot on auto, pour cup black coffee.
    Log Food; check weather or other news
    Bathroom, step on scale
    Go for a run or lift
    Cool Down then Shower
    More Coffee
    Go to my office (I work at home)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Up at 4:30-5:00
    Brush teeth
    Empty dishwasher, take meds
    Do stretching (I'm very stiff in the mornings thanks to psoriatic arthritis)
    Shower (I need a hot shower to loosen up my joints more)
    Treadmill or outdoors depending on weather with audio book or podcasts (I don't really sweat)
    By now, hubby is up, make bed, make breakfast for family, make myself tea
    Take daughter to work
    Start school with my son
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Up 6, gym (my garage) at 6:05. In the shower by 7:30 then off to work by 8:15
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Wake at 6am
    Use the toilet
    Get weighed
    Shower and dress
    Wake up big kid and push into bathroom
    Grab baby, change nappy and breastfeed
    Shout up to big kid to get dressed
    Make breakfast for big kid
    7.15 start school run
    8am arrive home if its a home day
    Make coffee, feed baby
    Go to hospital appointment, school meeting, clean the house depending on day
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    I read all of your routines and mine doesn’t seem so exiciting. However I’m only 23 with no children.

    Wake up around 10am-12pm
    Get dressed for the gym before I do anything
    Make coffee
    Watch YouTube
    Drink coffee
    Drink 1 liter of water
    Leave for the gym

    Sounds great!
  • chornak05
    chornak05 Posts: 135 Member
    Up @ 4:45am
    Brush teeth/get dressed
    Gym 5-6:15am
    Get self/kids ready for the day. Feed kids breakfast
    Leave for work/daycare @ 7:30am
    Drop kids at daycare
    Work 8am.
  • unfair_mom
    unfair_mom Posts: 30 Member
    Up at 6:15, take medicine
    Knock on kids door
    Bathroom, brush teeth, weigh if it's Friday
    Patrol the back yard with dog ... Those sneaky bunnies and squirrels love to get in our garden!
    Yell good morning through kids door
    Get dressed
    Walk dog if the weather is nice and my kid is up.
    Breakfast around 7:15
    Head out the door by 7:30
  • mrwhiteapple
    mrwhiteapple Posts: 12 Member
    I read all of your routines and mine doesn’t seem so exiciting. However I’m only 23 with no children.

    Wake up around 10am-12pm
    Get dressed for the gym before I do anything
    Make coffee
    Watch YouTube
    Drink coffee
    Drink 1 liter of water
    Leave for the gym

    Up at 10AM? Oh, how I envy you....I haven't gotten out of bed past 9AM in years.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    3:30 AM - quick set of calisthenics right out of bed.
    Get my dog up and play with him outside for a bit, feed him, play with him a little more, out the door by 4:15 AM.
    I prep everything on Sunday so it's grab and go during the week!
    Sip my black iced coffee and mocha amino energy on the train into the city.
    6:00 AM - 1 hour of boxing/sparring
    Shower by 7 AM at my work fitness center locker room.
    At my desk by 7:30 AM
    Breakfast by 8:00 AM
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    If I am being good....

    Up at 4:30 AM
    Brush teeth, splash face w/ cold water
    running clothes on and out the door.
    Run around town and stop by the gym on the way back
    6:00 AM coffee and eggs & bacon or oatmeal w/ fruit & nuts
    wake the two Maltese up & outside
    do my business, shower and shave
    dress and out the door.

    If I am bad I sleep in til 6:00 but the rest of the schedule remains the same.
    It helps living downtown and my travel time to the office is 15 minutes.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    6:00 wake up, weigh myself, take a nice hot bath
    6:45 makeup, hair, etc.
    7:00 breakfast with husband, short journal entries, coffee, etc.
    7:30 brush teeth, get dressed, quickly make bed
    7:50 leave for work (I just have a 2 mile commute)