My Charming Intro

Hi Everybody,
I am really looking foward to getting a chance to look around this site.My name is Liz, I am a 27 year old mom to three great kids. I run a daycare in my home and seem to be constantly moving, but I have gained 100lbs since before my first pregnancy. I have been enjoying MyFitnessPal on my son's ipod since the 23rd of May, and since then I have lost almost 28 lbs! It has been an amazing tool and has really kept me focussed and excited about what i am eating and what I am doing to burn calories. My favorite thing is that it will tell you what you will weigh in 5 weeks, I love to see if I can make it to that weight in that time. I look forward to making some fitnesspal friends so that I can be excited about every one else's progress too!
