Why do I lack commitment?

BreAnnS Posts: 4
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
I have tried so many times to stay committed and motivated to eating better and working out, but I always end up quitting. My boyfriend's mom has lost a very significant amount of weight in the last year, and now she works at a gym. A couple of days ago she randomly invited me to start working out with her. I did my first workout in a long time with her yesterday. I'm very out of shape, so it was difficult for me, but I'm doing it again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can actually stick to it for once. Any tips on staying motivated and committed? If you have anything that could help, I'd greatly appreciate it!


  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Well the first step really is admitting that the only obstacle you face in this journey is yourself. Once you come to terms with the fact that you are your biggest enemy, it's easier to prove yourself wrong. Don't do it for anyone else but yourself. And don't think of weight loss as the goal--think of it as a positive side effect of getting healthy. Don't think of food as your enemy either. Food can be your friend. It's the fuel you need to get healthy. The biggest motivation for me is the feeling I get after a good work out. Hopefully you can stick with it this time, and this site is GREAT if you need motivation! Feel free to add me. :-)
  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    Don't try to make too many changes at once. If you can't stick with them it gets frustrating and you start to see yourself as a failure. Also, don't make the scales your sole measurement of success. Tell yourself everyday you are making changes for the good of your health, to reduce stress, and to feel better about yourself.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    You've got to do it for you. You have to truly believe *you* are worth the time, effort, and energy to be healthy and strong. To be the best daughter, sister, and friend you have to *be here* and be healthy. YOU are worth it.
  • I've started many diets and quit right away when someone invited me to eat or when my mom would make delicious food, i'd get triple servings! Sometimes you're just not ready to make that lifestyle change. This is the first time where I am extremely motivated and believe that I will reach my goal. This site is a great place to get motivation from and become a success, if you are an active participant in the forums and the site in general.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • ammient3
    ammient3 Posts: 82 Member
    On your workouts try just doing simple easy stuff for a few days like walking on treadmill or stair stepper, until your body gets use to moving and exercising. Maybe get a really cute outfit that is one/two sizes smaller then what you wear and hang it in your bedroom or bathroom so every morning you look at it and think I need/want to do this today so I can wear that outfit! && Keep going from there!! Honestly your human its normal to stop at the beginning because it's something new and your body isn't use to it your changing your lifestyle! Good Luck.... (just a thought & idea)
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    In the beginning it can always be tough. Just think you're boyfriends mother probably was feeling the same way you did when she started her process. if you lack full commitment, than maybe you don't truly want to lose weight. Trust me losing weight is hard work and the end result is the best. Do your best, not mediorce. Really TRY! If you cheat or don't exercise one day don't put yourself down, just don't continue the same habit. Get back on the horse tomorrow! That will make you successful and I know thats how many people on here succeeded. Good luck to you! :)
  • kqbutson
    kqbutson Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel. I actually worked at a gym and didn't actually workout while there until I made a decision one day that I couldn't leave the gym without doing 30 minutes of cardio--oohhh how I complained until I got on my favorite eliptical machine and put in ear buds with some music then I transported to a different world. Talking and thinking about doing it just psyches me out sometimes before I even get started, but I find that once I do start whatever exercise then I actually enjoy doing it. Find an activity that you love at the gym or outside or inside your home but make a plan to maybe not eat dinner till you worked on it for 30 minutes--anyone can do anything for 30 minutes but if you don't even have that amount of time then break it down into 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there. If you can't get it in some day then forgive yourself and move on but don't break down entirely even with food--if you eat a handful or bag of m&ms then don't turn the rest of the day into a bad scene. Give yourself some grace and move onto something healthier later. Even if you do have a bad day entirely with no workouts or eating healthier then again give yourself some grace and go into the next day and try again. Remember to not do anything all or nothing either--pick one thing like exercising 20 minutes a day and do that consistently for a couple of weeks then start changing one food item for a couple of weeks. Once you get some success then you are more motivated to stick with something good for you! I wish you well!
  • BreAnnS
    BreAnnS Posts: 4
    Thanks for all the encouragement :) I really appreciate it. Sometimes I know I could really have the willpower to say no to the junk food, yet I eat it anyways. And I know if I really try I have plenty of time for exercise every day. I'm going to commit more this time I think :) Thanks for the tips! I know they'll help!
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    You have to believe that you can really do it to stay committed. And you really can do it.

    When you're wavering, ask yourself, "I want this cake, but do I want it more than I want to be slim and healthy?"

    If you sometimes feel under pressure from your family to eat more when you shouldn't, think about what it will mean for your family if you lose your health as a consequence of being overweight.
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