“Hey *person*, Why do you weigh your food?”



  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    Front side up.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    People don't realize a teaspoon is a flat/level teaspoons, for example... so what you think is a teaspoon of calories might be three times as much. It is safer to weigh portions when you need to lose weight.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Don't think I'd weigh things outside of home. Then again when I don't bring stuff for lunch, I'm buying from the supermarket, and they're doing the weighing for me (listed on the receipt and everything), which I find brilliant.

    But if I DID, and someone would ask, I'd just be "I'm keeping a food journal and counting what I eat, and in the last 5 years it's worked great" - period. Right now the only person asking anything about the kitchen scale is my husband, but it's more like "have you weighed that already or can I snag some?"

    Oh, he's a keeper! Mine wanders into the kitchen, grabs a chunk of whatever it is I've just weighed and wanders out again.

    I brought some M&Ms in my little baggie to work. They were weighed. I thought to myself I am like that dog that will bite you if you come near my food! Back off!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,637 Member
    Because my stomach's bigger than my brain. :)
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    I pre-weigh everything if I'm taking food out of the house so it's never come up and to be honest I'd feel a little weird in the kitchen at work with the scales out =).

    I guess if it did come up for some reason my answer would be. "Tracking my food"
  • paulbrttn
    paulbrttn Posts: 72 Member
    Making sure the shops aren't conning me on contents.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I weighed all my lunch and snacks at home before I pack them for work. I didn't bring my scale to work much at all.
    I would explain to people that I needed to learn proper portion and moderation in order to have long term success in weight management.
    Most people just rolled their eyes and moved on.
    I don't weigh my foods anymore though. I did it for 5/6 years straight and have now learned what proper portions look like. I test myself every now and then and bring out the scale just to make sure I'm within a reasonable amount.
    Learning portion control and moderation has absolutely changed my life. I enjoy all the foods I love and am still able to maintain my weight. No restrictions, I can eat like anyone else.
    I think people get too hung up on fad diets that won't last a lifetime so they'll be stuck in the vicious cycle again in the long run. Imagine doing keto forever? Imagine doing the smoothie diet forever? No way! I'd rather just have the tools needed for long term success and not have to limit myself to certain food choices.
  • Daze97
    Daze97 Posts: 25 Member
    It wasn't all that long ago where I was emphatic in saying I would never be "that guy." Portioning this, weighing that, caring about grams versus ounces.


    Yeah, I'm that guy.

    It just makes it easier to put all that data in this super duper tracking app, so I am not guessing.

  • kschildroth
    kschildroth Posts: 570 Member
    To eat as much as possible and accurately stay within my calories.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    If they're sincerely asking: "To track my calorie and macro intake."

    If they're being a snarky *kitten*: "Because I don't want my body to look like yours."
  • TX_Matt
    TX_Matt Posts: 21 Member
    I keep track of what I eat so I know I’m staying to what I’m allowed on my diet.