Greetings future skinnies!

Hi all,
I just heard about this site this morning so this is my grand debut! I suggested to my friends that we start emailing each other a food accountability log to monitor our daily diets and one of the prescribed this site- which is awesome by the way. So hopefully after years of fluctuating fitness attempts, this one will stick :-)
Happy losing everyone!


  • watsonsc
    watsonsc Posts: 10 Member
    WELCOME!! :-) I'm so happy you joined! You are officially invited to my TEAM LOSE THE JUICY campaign :-D
    I'm looking forward to reading your success stories!
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Today is my day#1 (...again) too! Good luck in your transformation!
  • l_heras
    l_heras Posts: 65
    WELCOME!! :-) I'm so happy you joined! You are officially invited to my TEAM LOSE THE JUICY campaign :-D
    I'm looking forward to reading your success stories!

    Best team name EVER!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Welcome!! Good luck! MFP is the best for support and advice
  • onmyweighdown
    Oopp..Been here 2 weeks and lovin' it!
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Welcome to the site! :)
  • QuietBrooks
    SO how do I add you so we can monitor each other?
  • cecebri
    cecebri Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks all for the support! cantina920 I definitely understand. But this time we're stickin with it! Quiet Brooks, I'm not sure exactly how this thing works yet so the first one to fumble onto an answer wins. lol
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Click on her name and click add as friend! :)
  • lkhornes
    lkhornes Posts: 2 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm new the the board. My friends pushed me to join. I have been working out for a week and lost 5lbs already. Ready to lose more!