Wanting some Keto Buddies!

My name is Aubrei. I am a momma to 2 1/2 year old twin girls!
I am just wanting to make some friends on MFP that are on the same journey as I am!
I’m currently living a Keto lifestyle and it feels great! I would love to lose 40-50 more pounds.
So far I’m down 23lbs and I’m just taking it one day at a time! If you are on a similar journey or heck even if you just want someone to be friends with on here send me a friend request!!
Happy Tuesday!


  • Farrell73
    Farrell73 Posts: 94 Member
    What exactly is the keto diet? What web site do you recommend reading?
  • brunsont1
    brunsont1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing Keto too. I joined to get serious by being held accountable to my macros. I'm going to keep it simple for the first month, then get into more complex recipies
  • Hallzeehall
    Hallzeehall Posts: 40 Member
    I just started yesterday...so far so good, just curious if you know of any low or no-carb crackers (not cheese crisps) that are available. That's the hardest part for me is snack foods because I'm a total addict to crackers and such.
  • ryanmariekleebon
    ryanmariekleebon Posts: 5 Member
    Started keto a while ago and I'm down 10!
  • AYoder23
    AYoder23 Posts: 3 Member
    @Farrell73 the Keto diet is basically eating low carb and no sugar. Eating higher fats (healthy fats) and moderate proteins! I love it because it doesn’t feel like a diet. It can be a lifestyle! I can have butter, bacon, cheese, avocado, I really fee like I am winning! Haha I recommend going on Pinterest and typing in Keto diet! There will be tons of information and lots of AMAZING recipes!
  • henrysmom13
    henrysmom13 Posts: 23 Member
    I am wanting to start keto and would love some support
  • 91_Robbie
    91_Robbie Posts: 1 Member
    I just started yesterday...so far so good, just curious if you know of any low or no-carb crackers (not cheese crisps) that are available. That's the hardest part for me is snack foods because I'm a total addict to crackers and such.

    one thing to look up is YouTube cooking keto with christie she makes alot of keto friendly snacks or Keto Connect. I like the flat bread and bake it till it's a bit crispy like a cracker
  • tbsmithmd
    tbsmithmd Posts: 1 Member
    I just started yesterday...so far so good, just curious if you know of any low or no-carb crackers (not cheese crisps) that are available. That's the hardest part for me is snack foods because I'm a total addict to crackers and such.

    Pork skins
  • Shelbeees
    Shelbeees Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2018
    I’ve been keto for 9 days and have lost 12lb, but I am also fasting for 23 hours a day 5 days a week so I only eat at 6pm for an hour window Monday to Friday then just lunch and dinner at weekends. It’s been tough but it’s getting easier now. I only ate one meal a day for 6 weeks normal diet before I went keto so it wasn’t a total shock to my system. I’ve got a goal to hit by May 5th of a total loss of 25lb and I’m 1lb shy of halfway there! After that I want to lose another 15lb to reach my goal weight
  • VanaMaria
    VanaMaria Posts: 4 Member
    What do you eat for the hour window? Are you working out as well?
  • Time2LoseTheWait
    Time2LoseTheWait Posts: 154 Member
    I enjoy eating Keto. This is my 100th time to restart my journey. But I have been very motivated lately and am serious about finally getting all the weight off and keeping it off. I have between 40-50 pounds to go to meet my goal
  • Sally_Abundance
    Sally_Abundance Posts: 10 Member
    I am just starting out. I want Keto but will have to figure out if I can figure out how to get in that state. I mean, what IS "moderate" protein mean anyway (meat eater here!) I have 100lbs to lose, have done the paleo-ish, keto by accident in the past and lost a ton so easily and felt great.

    Then I gave myself 'permission' to eat xxxx and also fell and broke my leg/ankle very badly.

    2 years later I am back to my highest weight. Have been eating clean for a few days (mostly clean for about a week) and restarted an exercise program .

    Friends and supporters wanted, please!!
  • tkd07062016
    tkd07062016 Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone can add me as well, I'm keto too!
  • TX_Matt
    TX_Matt Posts: 21 Member
    Hey I’m on Keto too and it’s been nice to me lol
  • pinchaninch1
    pinchaninch1 Posts: 8 Member
    Me too! Day 2 and the headache and taste in my mouth is grim!
  • cwoodleyjones12
    cwoodleyjones12 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my 1st day. I’m sorry for the stupid question but what is KETO?
  • stpetenative
    stpetenative Posts: 30 Member

    Hello, I am new too and very interested in starting this whole Keto thing. It makes perfect sense to me! I went online and found a webpage that determined my macros. Now ready to Put in place and keeping it simple. Let’s do this!