350 lbs and feeling like a complete failure



  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Ask yourself one question....

    Have I ever done this before?

    Then give yourself a giant pat on the back for taking those first steps. It may have only been 1/2 a mile, but it's 1/2 a mile more than you used to do. And in time, it will be a mile, two miles..... you'll be unstoppable!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    You most definatly are not a failure. YOu are strong. you have decided to change, and You can do. Don't ever give up. I was at 331 pounds 6 months ago and today i am done 40 from that . I have my goal at losing 1 pound per week. YOu can do it. Start out with baby steps and expect to be sore, and tired for a little while but then look out you will be amazed at the energy you have !!
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • mercedes160
    You are doing the right thing by working out with a trainer and doing some walking with your friends, Keep at it, I promise you it will get easier, you have to take one day at a time, I would like to suggest that you set mini goals for yourself, that will be a lot easier and you can see the results as you reach each goal, (for example set to lose 20lbs, when you reach the 20lbs lost, 1st goal is accomplished) then to your next goal you set for yourself, This is not going to be easy, but if you can stay focus, dedicated, and disciplined you can do this. Feel free to request me as a friend !!!
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Keep up the good work and don't give up! You can do this!! Slow and steady wins the race!!
  • wendibartel
    I just want you to know you are an inspiration to me. I know it may seem like the light at the end of the tunnel may not be reachable but as many others have said its all about you taking the first step and sticking to it one day at a time. We are all here to help you just believe in yourself you have done this much already keep it going. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.

    I would also have to agree maybe a trainer would benefit you more after you build up a little momentum.
    Keep on keepin on.
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    I am so amazed at the response I have had. Thank each and every one of you, I am overwhelmed.

    To answer some questions here is a bit about me: (written Monday 7/8/11)

    Well today starts a new phase in my life! I am embarking on "A journey to health"! My employer is providing support to obese employees. For the first time, hopefully last also, I am glad to have a high BMI. The program provides for a personal trainer once a week, a dietician, several group exercise times weekly, cooking classes, shopping classes, groups on addiction and support groups, for one year at no cost to us. I feel very blessed! I see my trainer tonight! I am both excited and scared.

    I am 50 yrs old and have struggled with my weight since high school.
  • greyhorse
    hmmmmmmmm trainers do work you hard and for the first few times in my opinion they should take it a bit easier till you get used to it.
    maybe you should buy a pedometer and then you can keep an eye on how far you go.........

    keep it up and your no way a failure!!! your doing good.............but just take it slow and steady. the slower you loose it the harder it is to put back on........

    you go girl and wish more employers would support their staff like yours!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck and keep up posted...........
  • madeanew
    madeanew Posts: 18 Member
    You asked and He will. You are not a failure. One of the greastest accomplishments you have is beginning your change. You can do it~ keep pushing!!!
  • 4himalone
    You are not a failure. You are a success!!! I NEVER thought I would be able to do the things I do. Persistent exercise pays off. Little by little you will improve! You will stop huffin and puffin!!!!! I know this!!!!!! Just keep it up! Do not kill yourself, by kind to yourself! Push yourself, yes.....but know your limits!!!!
    You are awesome!!!!!!
  • marquesajen
    You're not a failure. Push the water, eat well, and GO! Even if it is one step at a time, you can do it. My husband and I were married by a good friend who was around your weight and one day he was tired of it. He ran to the end of his block and couldn't go any further. The next day he ran to the end of the block. Every week he could run a little bit more. today he floats around 160-180, runs marathons, does the ultra marathon each year, and resembles something akin to a greek god with a goofy grin. If this man who ate a large WHOLE pizza with a cheese steak, fries, and 2 litre of soda in one meal can do it, SO CAN YOU!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    wow. I think you are doing an amazing job. I started @ 320 and am now down to 301 and you are exercising way more than me. You are an inspiration. Not a failure. Keep on rockin! One day at a time is all you can do. Every day you will get sronger and better. Anyone that does not agree will have to deal with our wrath. You can do it. Never give up.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Let me echo everyone else and say you're NOT a failure!!! That's the downside to overdoing it on exercise, because if you feel like you're not "measuring up" to someone's standards, then you get down on yourself and might even stop exercising.

    I agree with others--start slow, and I think the water aerobics suggestion is good too. Also, you shouldn't be scared of your trainer, especially since YOU are paying her! If you're not comfortable talking to her about how you're feeling, I'd say it's time to find someone else. Or just exercise without one, but take it slow and advance gradually. And if you're not doing so already, measure yourself every 6-8 weeks or so. I highly recommend measuring because the scale often doesn't reflect when we get smaller. I say this from personal experience.

    Good luck to you and don't give up on yourself!!
  • stevenc68
    stevenc68 Posts: 13 Member
    Stick with it - I know what you mean by your body rebelling... My body developed pain in my hip, I adjusted my work out, my hip got better - then my knee started to fail (for weeks) - I was beginning to feel that "discouraged" feeling... I re-adjusted my work out (but notice I keep active)... My knee isn't 100% I have difficulty getting up off the floor, but I know I'm getting better.

    Keep going, 1 day at a time... I know you can do it... you're doing the right thing... there WILL be good days...

    Enjoy the journey... Feel free to add me as friend - love to work through it with you :)


    PS - Arg... I see my signature isn't working - - - - - - - - - - - :(
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Just do your best, one day at a time. I was 336 pounds and if I can do it, anyone can do it.
    There are many ups and downs, emotionally and physically but if you keep at it it won't be long before you look back and think it was worth it and not as bad as it seemed at the time..
    Everyone around here is great about providing support, information, etc. Always feel free to ask for help. I've learned many new things that have helped and "un-learned" many things that I had been told over the years and turned out to be wrong.
    Just keep your head up, think positive, and you'll be fine. Good luck.
    Yukon, Oklahoma
  • DakotaCowboyMom
    I have to say it is awesome that your employer is doing this!! You can do this and just think how much less of you there will be in a year!!!!
  • DakotaCowboyMom
    I have to say it is awesome that your employer is doing this!! You can do this and just think how much less of you there will be in a year!!!!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    No way should you be thinking you are a failure - you are getting out there and doing something, anything, to make a change in your life. You have already been out and moving 3 times this week already, how many others can say that! You are doing this because of what YOU think and want, not what your trainer does, after all, she is getting paid to provide you with a service.
    Keep it up, gradually there will be more good days, then great says, then it will be second nature.
    Never forget you are awesome and you deserve to be fit and healthy.

    Best of luck!
  • diupnorth
    Wannabefit4life - congratulations to you on your perseverance and weight loss. You are a great example for Liz and I that we can do it!
  • srostad2006
    srostad2006 Posts: 13 Member
    You have to keep going. Do something you can do. Working yourself too hard right from the get go is going to make you more likely to quit. Just take it easy, walking and stretching. I started at 326 and I felt the same way, but you'd be amazed at how much change can happen to your endurance in a few weeks. Keep up the good work!