Want and need to increase calorie intake - yet I can't because I feel guilty

carolineyes95 Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2018 in Food and Nutrition
I guess the title says it all. I want to increase my calorie intake because I am currently underweight. I am not able to weigh myself at the moment, because I live abroad and am unable to get a weighing scale, but last time I checked I was between 45-46kg. I am about 1.65 tall, 22 years old.

About a year ago, my weight was 56 kg. (And from age 16-19 it was even around 64kg) Ever since last year I started running. I run about 5 times a week, started off with about 6km per run, but am now at about 10km per run. I don't run to lose weight, it's pure meditation and I enjoy it a lot! I don't want to run less. It gives me energy and makes me happy. It has become my passion! When I started running, I also absolutely didn't do so to lose weight. I thought I looked good and now when I look back at pictures from last year, I admit I looked better back then then I do now.

I'm now skinny. I have no fat on my shoulders. I don't like it, I want to go back to the way I looked yet here I am, afraid to increase my calorie intake or eat unhealthy foods. I catch myself comparing my eating habits to others. For example: I compare myself to my colleague who eats way less than me. I really try to fuel myself and my breakfast is twice as big as hers and I snack at least twice as much. Yet I feel guilty when I'm snacking and she isn't - but I know her calorie needs are lower than mine: she doesn't exercise at all! (She is taller though, like 15cm taller, and I know she has a fast metabolism because she told me, but still, I know I need more because I exercise this much).

My question is basically:
1. Does anyone have tips for me to stop comparing myself to others and to not feel guilty to eat more and snack more than them?
2. Any tips on not being afraid to increase my calorie intake / not feeling guilty afterwards?

I am already journaling... It helps, but not enough..


  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'd talk to a professional.
  • MeteoraTitanium
    MeteoraTitanium Posts: 102 Member
    Maybe a bulking diet, you need proper balanced nutrition and a weights program, then any weight gained will not all be fat, and you will still look slim.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    Maybe a bulking diet, you need proper balanced nutrition and a weights program, then any weight gained will not all be fat, and you will still look slim.

    As underweight as OP is, advising her to begin a weight-training program without medical clearance is dangerous.
  • carolineyes95
    carolineyes95 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys! I do want to get stronger and I plan on visiting a nutrition expert next month (I'll then be at a location where I actually can!). I slowly want to start with a weights program and see if I can go from running 5 times a week to 4. But most of all I need better nutrition habits... So hope to start getting some guidance on that next month on.
  • HilTri
    HilTri Posts: 378 Member
    Good luck and go about it safely!