Learning to RUN!

So as of this weekend I've been a month on MFP - Yay for me :tongue:

I've decided starting next week I'm going to learn how to run. ARGH!

Any pointers, suggestions or tips?!


  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    You probably have heard or read about this program, but it's a great way to build up endurance as a relatively new runner.

    Try the Couch to 5 k program (C25K). There are really good apps for this program too.
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Ah thanks! I have seen that posted around the forums, but hadn't looked in to it.

    Just got it up now - looks acheivable (I hope) haha.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I am a self proclaimed "would-not-run-unless-something/someone-is-trying-to-kill-me" girl... so, I can safely say I never in a million years thought I would do something like C25K. But I tried it, and while it is challenging, I really enjoy it!! Give it a shot. Plus, if you have an iPhone, there is a fantastic app for the program.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    You probably have heard or read about this program, but it's a great way to build up endurance as a relatively new runner.

    Try the Couch to 5 k program (C25K). There are really good apps for this program too.
    Yep! I agree. I did the C25K program. I was so NOT a runner and I'm now running 3.5 miles. I did my first 5K on the 4th of July and still enjoying running. Looking to do another 5K soon. Good luck!!
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    One of the most important things is to make sure that you have good running shoes that are fitted for your foot type.If you go to your local running store they'll be able to tell you what you'll need. This will help prevent injury, make it more enjoyable so you'll continue with it. Happy Running :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I feel like I'm just repeating everyone, but c25k! I got the free app on my android phone and it tells you when to change from walking to running. As someone who has NEVER been a runner, I can say that I like this so far. Anything that eases you in!

    Also, make a great playlist to jog/run to. When you listen to upbeat music, it really helps pass the time.
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    Start slow.
    Don't drink too much water right before or during (my husband learned this the hard way the first time I talked him into running with me...).
    Don't give up.

    When I was first starting, a friend told me "the first 2 miles are the hardest." I still believe this even as I'm training for my second marathon. It will feel like it's taking forever to build that initial endurance, but once it's there, the rest comes much easier.

    Best of luck to ya!!
  • carloP90X
    carloP90X Posts: 109
    Congrats on your MFP month. Believe it you are lucky that you are new to running because you do not have any bad running habits in your muscle memory. I strongly suggest to master excellent running form before logging running miles. There are quite a few methods. The one that I was introduced to is the Pose Method. Google or YouTube Pose Method. Combined the Pose Method with the Couch to 5K program. Best wishes for you on your new endeavor.
  • arielsinlove
    arielsinlove Posts: 17 Member
    I'm just finished week two of C25K, so I just want to chime in that it is seriously a great program if you never saw yourself ever even remotely enjoying it. The program builds you up slowly, so you're achieving with a great sense of accomplishment. They say that if you can walk at a moderate speed for thirty minutes without any problems you can complete the program. so far I'm a believer!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    couch 2 5k is a good program to get you started. Runner's World also has a coach program online that's free and comes as a free iPhone app. You put in your current stats (weight, current pace, how many miles you run in a week, etc.), what day you want to run your long run and what you're goal race is (for me it's a 15k on October 1) and it calculates out a plan to get you there. Once you get a little ways into C25K or once you complete the program, I'd sign up for a race then move on to that for training guidance.

    I agree with the poster about getting good shoes and having someone who knows what they're doing help (sorry, but I just don't trust the teenagers at Footlocker. Find a local running store). If you decide you want to go with the "barefoot" or minimalist shoes, research the right way to ease into them. Our feet have been so conditioned by the shoes we wear, they're not used to the stress you'll put them through if you jump right to a Vibram Five Finger and the chances of getting hurt get much higher.

    Whatever you decide to do, stick with it! You won't be Jesse Owens, Usain Bolt or a Kenyan Marathoner right out of the gate. When I started running, I couldn't run a whole mile, I had to walk half of it. But I put in the time, the sweat and the effort and got better. And you will, too! It's just a matter of time to build up endurance.
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Thanks everyone :) I've just printed off the C25K program and downloaded the iPhone app.

    Definitely need to invest in new shoes - so that's on the weekend agenda!

    Thanks again everyone. I have never enjoyed running, always wished I could but my lungs would give out before my legs - hopefully I can work on this and increase my lung capacity, somehow?!

    I'm looking forward to starting C25K though!
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    Buy the shoes and start running. You will feel great after you finish.

    Please read my post on this subject


    and responses with important points and great, encouraging messages posted there.

    Let’s create a group for those of us who about to, or just started jogging/running.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Running's great, congratulations on your choice! Yes, look up C25K, here;'s a link:

    And here are all my beginner's running tips in one place:

    Good luck!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    When I was first starting, a friend told me "the first 2 miles are the hardest." I still believe this even as I'm training for my second marathon. It will feel like it's taking forever to build that initial endurance, but once it's there, the rest comes much easier.

    Sooooo much truth here it's scary! When I started running in Mar 2010 I couldn't run for more than 100m or so without waking. It was horrific and I hate every second. Trusting that things will get easier is VERY hard at first, because progress is slow going and your desire to "just run" will lead to a lot of frustrating miles (In my experience).

    My best piece of advice is don't give up. Trust your body to build the endurance but know that it takes time. And know that we all have bad runs and hard miles every week.... Finding your running legs takes time, patience and a lot of hard work but it pays off in health, fitness and overall happiness/well-being. But best of all, you will learn so much about yourself along the way.

    Best of luck! You'll be a runner in no time :wink:
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    When I started MFP in April, I couldn't run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to keel over and die, and I've been a karate student 3 days a week for 2 years! Now, 112 days later, I'm in C25K week 7 (I'm taking it slow) and can jog for 25 minutes, WITHOUT feeling like I'm going to die after! I've amazed myself and if I can do it, anyone can. Take it slow, keep with it and don't give up!

    If you want a podcast runningintoshape . com has weekly podcasts with run/walk prompts and pretty good music. Droid and iPhone both have c25k apps with prompts as well.

  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thanks everyone :) I've just printed off the C25K program and downloaded the iPhone app.

    Definitely need to invest in new shoes - so that's on the weekend agenda!

    Thanks again everyone. I have never enjoyed running, always wished I could but my lungs would give out before my legs - hopefully I can work on this and increase my lung capacity, somehow?!

    I'm looking forward to starting C25K though!

    The biggest thing I can think of for this is that you were trying to run at a pace too fast for your body. I wanted to train C25K at 5mph, but got a few weeks in and wanted to quit. Got some advice to slow my run to just barely a jog, but jogging still (both feet off the ground between steps) now I'm getting through it well enough, that when I finish, I'm going to bump up my pace a bit and work on getting to 5mph. My sessions now are 3mph walk and 4mph jog which is just right for me. I have allergy/bronchitis and exercise induced asthma, and at this 4mph pace I haven't had to use my inhaler aside from the really humid thick days. :)
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Did c25k last year. Did it entirely on the treadmill and found it Worked really well for someone (me) who never ran before.. Finished just before Christmas, then couldn't get back to it after...seemed to have lost my stamina...and not really liking running (I find it boring) it was easy to find an excuse not to continue.

    Now...crazy person that I am...I have started a couch to 10k program. Found an app for my ipod. It starts out with 30 sec run/4.5 min walk in week 1 and builds to 50-60 min straight run by week 13. I will be starting week 4 on Friday (I'm out of sync with my weeks because of my schedule and a few days of lazy). That is 2 min run/3 min walk x 12. Between runs I always think..."omg...I can't do that...it is too much..I will die!!!" but I just do it anyway, and I am still alive and feel great. I still hate running though...still find it boring as heck...but I like a challenge and completing this program will be a challenge. Don't know if I will continue running once I am done...who knows...maybe. And besides...Tuesday running 1.5 min/3.5 walk x 10 for a total of 57 min burned over 500 calories...gotta love that.

    Good luck...have fun.
  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Buy the shoes and start running. You will feel great after you finish.

    Please read my post on this subject


    and responses with important points and great, encouraging messages posted there.

    Let’s create a group for those of us who about to, or just started jogging/running.

    Great idea, did one get created already? If so, I'd love to join if someone points me to it.

    I think it would be great to have one to encourage people of all running levels, whether we're just beginning or just trying to improve where we are. I've been running on and off for a couple years, but just got more seriously into it last Fall and have been taking my time to build up endurance and speed. So I'm not a complete beginner, but still LOVE reading all the how-to-run/how-to-improve-your-running conversations.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member

    Thanks for posting this!! GREAT info and now I feel so much better for feeling what I've been feeling! I've been running on treadmill and can run about 30 minutes and am now focusing on working on outside. I felt like I was worse than when I started on treadmill but a lot of your tips helped alleviate my stress!

    A running group would be awesome!