Slimming World Questions

I've been reading about this program and am just wondering if this is similar to Somersizing, or basically food combining? That is what it appears to be and before looking further at it, I was just hoping to find out, in a nut shell, what it involves.

I am in the U.S. and not near Texas, so would only be able to do it on my own...

Thanks in advance!


  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I don't truly know anything about it except for what I read in Woman's World July 25th issue. The cover said better than weight watchers lose 10 lbs. the first week eating unlimited portions,,,,,even carbs. I mean how could I have not bought it, ha, ha! I don't really know but, i was turned off by all the promoting of the idea you can eat unlimited portions of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, plain yoghurt and even white rice, white pasta and potatoes. I simply don't believe that and then when you look at the sample menus......they certainly look portion controlled and calorie controlled. Of course, this is Woman World's take on the whole accurate is that....I don't know?
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    I was a member of Slimming World when i lived in the UK, and I have to say that it really did work for me. I lost nearly five stones with them (70), and had I stayed in the UK I'd still be a member now.

    They have three programmes within their system. Red days, Green days, and Extra Easy.

    Red days you can have more lean meat, but have to measure and restrict carbs.

    Green days you can have more carbs, but have to limit your meat intake.

    Extra Easy you have a list of foods that include starchy carbs and lean meat that you can have an unlimited amount from.

    That sounds nice and easy, but you can't have a big bowl of pasta and nothing else. They advocate that no matter what meal you have at least a third of your plate is made up of fresh veg/salad etc, and that you eat that first (ie, if you're going to fill up, then fill up on the healthy stuff). Bread on any of the systems is severely limited, as is full fat anything (but not ruled out totally).

    They advocate slowly working in exercise into your routine as you are able, but to be honest it still works without it. The results won't be as quick, nor will you get the toned look so many want, and nor will you be that much fitter... but you will be thinner, which is a start.

    I have to admit that I steered clear of the Red and Green days as I wanted a minimum amount of faff, but the Extra Easy was just that... incredibly easy.

    As far as Slimming World are concerned, what they teach isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle change that helps people to make longterm changes for the positive. Once you're got the right items under your belt, and are making better choices, and as you're getting slimmer you can start to work on reducing the amount you eat (as you would need to anyway to maintain your weight loss).

    It won't work for everyone, same as Weightwatchers won't work for everyone, but I saw it work for a lot of people who stuck with it, and it worked for me.
  • mommy2boysaz
    mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for the replies! I didn't realize it was in the Women's World mag. Maybe I'll see if that article outlines the "rules" more specifically. I looked at the website that offers an online version to the U.S. but it looks fairly expensive!

    It does sound a lot like Somersizing. Which also works but can get complicated and difficult, since you always have to choose whether to eat protein and fat OR carbs and veggies, but never all together...

    I just find I am always so hungry when I restrict calories alone. I am looking for a way to avoid feeling ravenous, which gives way to binges, which just spirals downward from there... I was eating very low carb a couple months ago and doing well. Lost my cravings and decreased my appetite considerably. Then I don't know what happened, but I fell off and tried once to restart, without success the second time. So frustrating.

    I have recently added quite a bit of exercise (for me!), but need to add some type of eating plan or the pounds will not budge.
  • listerps2
    I did slimming world years ago and lost 5 stone in 11 months. You can mix carbs and protein which a lot of diets don't seem to recommend.

    It is a great plan and I would recommend it to anybody.

    However, over the years I put a lot of the weight back on and have struggled to get it off again. I know the plan works but unless your head is in the right place you just aren't going to lose the weight.

    A friend of mine recommended this site and today is my first day - it is a re-education for me as I have never had to count calories before as you don't need to with slimming world. I am hoping that the constant checking and weighing that i have to do will keep me on track and on the path to a good healthy weight loss.

    Day 1 today and it has all been good - fingers crossed it will show when I weigh in next week x