Starting again but too scared to weigh

Two years ago I returned to mfp and lost about 2 stone in the lead up to my holiday.

Sadly I did not keep up with my healthy eating or exercise whilst away and couldn't get back into the swing of it when I got home.

The thing is I started this after my weight reached 115kg and I remember thinking this is the heaviest I have ever been. Getting under 100kg was a huge achievement but I know in my heart of hearts that I am now over 115kg (probably by quite a bit).

I want to start again but I am fearful that if I weigh myself and see how all my good work was undone (and more) the task will seem too difficult and I will loose the tiny bit of motivation I have.

This isn't helped by the fact that I suffer from cfs and anxiety issues so I have a ready to use excuse for when I feel like I give up (as well as being a genuine barrier when my [figurative] demons strike).


  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    you seem to already know your work is undone. what does the scale really tell you that you don't know. there is nothing in a number. forget that.

    so.....start eating healthy and exercising. worry about the scale later if at all. but honestly *kitten* the scale. just feel good in your skin. start something. anything. small steps.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    So, don't weigh. Start doing the things that you know will get you to the goal you desire.
    There is absolutely zero reason that you need to know what number the scale shows.
  • Ayesha0624
    Ayesha0624 Posts: 95 Member
    Like the poster above said...don't weigh yourself. What you can do, alternatively, is take several before pictures/measurements and track your progress that way. Good luck!
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    Maybe just start with measurements then? The scale can make or break my spirit, it's very mental/ emotional for me as well.
  • UntilProud
    UntilProud Posts: 277 Member
    Hey man, The scale doesn't have to be the enemy. It's a great motivator when used right. Remember, TRUST the process and give it your all every day.

    Stay away from the scale until you're ready. Or Get on it soon so you can be excited for next weeks weigh in. Either way, your best bet is to just start living healthier.

    Add me I could always use more friends!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    You have proved that you can tackle the problem. Think back to one or two steps that got you there and take them on, one at a time. Not every step, because it may be too overwhelming. The scale might be one that you will want to delay for awhile. Once you feel you are in control again, then facing the scale will not throw you off track. Good luck on your journey!
  • Kamarlea
    Kamarlea Posts: 5 Member
    I have this problem too. In the end I hopped on the scales as seeing the numbers come down was a huge motivator last time. It was tough getting on that first time though. Whatever you decide, you've already taken that first step to losing it. Don't let the scary number put you off your journey.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    You don't need to weight yourself...just start doing what you need to do to start going in the right direction.

    However, many people lose significant weight in the first couple of weeks...seeing those drops on the scale can be very motivating to keep going in the early days.

    But if you think the large starting number will be discouraging for you, don't weigh. There is no magic to a scale. You will know if you are losing weight by what you see in the mirror and how your clothes fit. Weighing yourself won't help you to lose any faster.