
Intermediate at least. Hard hitting hiit programs. 5-7 days a week. Full body. Core/cardio/weight training. No BS cookie cutter programs. I want to kill myself in the gym everyday for at least and hour or 2. I am always looking for new and interesting and challenging programs. Please help me out. I know the experts out there have their go to's. Hook me up. Please. And thank you.


  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Thank you very much. And I agree with what you are saying but also if you train your body hard you will adapt to it and get results also. I just hate going to gym and being done in a half hour. I like to try to go hard. Especially this time of year and the fact I have no spotter or training buddy I have to get stronger through higher intrnsity stuff as opposed to lifting heavy 3 days a week.

    I have no spotter either. I still bench up to 95% of my 1rm along with going for the occasion AMRAP.

    It sounds like you just don't know how to lift heavily safely.

    I go hard daily. Lifting upwards of 80% daily is super taxing and requires a lot of effort and concentration to continually execute safely.

    Actually. Your body can only adapt so much otherwise humans would be able breathe pure CO2 by now or be 100% radiation resistant from the sun.

    You haven't even stated your goals aside from "go hard" you know what. That old lady on the treadmill doing a walking pace during my workouts may be going just as hard if not harder than you the whole time.

    Wanting to puke everyday won't produce results. Following a real program tailored to your goals will.

    I agree with Jesse. Great advice there.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    OP how long have you been training?
    (The description of program you are looking for makes me think you are probably not a true 'intermediate' yet....?)

    As far as recommendations-
    PHAT is a pretty high volume, reputable, upper/lower program. You can find a PDF online for free. If you are using challenging weights you will not finish it in 30 minutes..

    If you want more customization, Renaissance Periodization has reusable program templates (for around $75-100) where you can select from a variety of exercises and adjust volume session to session. There is a male physique one.

    If that still seems too "cookie cutter", I agree with Sardelsa, perhaps you should look into getting a coach. Though be aware that many coaches dish out basically (if not exactly) the same program to all their clients. Most programs, at their core, are all going to contain the same meat and potatoes.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,216 Member
    edited April 2018
    OP how long have you been training?
    (The description of program you are looking for makes me think you are probably not a true 'intermediate' yet....?)

    As far as recommendations-
    PHAT is a pretty high volume, reputable, upper/lower program. You can find a PDF online for free. If you are using challenging weights you will not finish it in 30 minutes..

    If you want more customization, Renaissance Periodization has reusable program templates (for around $75-100) where you can select from a variety of exercises and adjust volume session to session. There is a male physique one.

    If that still seems too "cookie cutter", I agree with Sardelsa, perhaps you should look into getting a coach. Though be aware that many coaches dish out basically (if not exactly) the same program to all their clients. Most programs, at their core, are all going to contain the same meat and potatoes.

    This is the truth. Heck, many programs are just older programs with a slight twist and a new name. There is a reason for the term "Tried and true...".

    I remember a while back after I moved away from a PPL and decided to design my own program. I was soooo proud of what I came up with... until I found out I had been running PHUL the entire time. ;)

    ...and yeah, sounds more like someone new to lifting. It seems a lot of us guys when we start out think that the more effort and time they spend destroying their muscles the faster the results will be. It's hard to convince a lot of people at first that recovery is equally, if not more important.
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    I thought this was an attempt at an April's Fools joke at first.
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    edited April 2018
    I like the enthusiasm but not the goal. If you really just want to kill yourself in the gym then you could just go jump on the next open rack, bench, or machine and go full out until you collapse and then run to the next and repeat.

    I'd like to officially call this the "Billkansas Intermediate Program".
  • deweyeast1466
    deweyeast1466 Posts: 8 Member
    Good points. I guess motivation is a problem And keeping from getting bored.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Good points. I guess motivation is a problem And keeping from getting bored.

    I really like Jim Wendler’s take on this. Dedication>Motivation

    I really think fitness is more about doing the work week after week. If you always need to be motivated then you’ll skip days or half *kitten* it. Being dedicated and doing your best to follow your program every session will wield far greater results.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    If you don't want a cookie cutter program, hire a coach.

    If you like high volume try PHUL, PHAT, or PH3 maybe. They get more difficult in that order. I don't know what to tell you about cardio. I do my own cardio and I call it "rage cardio". Thinking about branding it.
  • deweyeast1466
    deweyeast1466 Posts: 8 Member
    Phat was a fun program. I just tend to get bored with the other 5×5's is all I'm saying. And the 3 days a week. I just bore easily with those type of programs. I'm just asking the question ya know. It's nice when some people talk to me like a decent human. Not one of these up on the soap box looking down their nose internet troll types. But o appreciate all of your feedback. But you Kats that just want to jump on talking *kitten* I mean, can't you direct that *kitten* somewhere else. This is a site to inquire and talk to like minded folks. Not come bash on me cause I may have asked a dumb question. No such thing as stupid questions. But there is a such thing as internet trolls. Anyway. Again I get bored with 3 day a week programs. And I'm looking for something. I'll figure it out when I see it. I just like to keep proactive on the next thing when I get bored with what I'm doing now after 6 weeks or so. Thank you all kind folks for your genuine help and support. If you don't like what I'm asking. Don't answer with some sideways bs.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Phat was a fun program. I just tend to get bored with the other 5×5's is all I'm saying. And the 3 days a week. I just bore easily with those type of programs. I'm just asking the question ya know. It's nice when some people talk to me like a decent human. Not one of these up on the soap box looking down their nose internet troll types. But o appreciate all of your feedback. But you Kats that just want to jump on talking *kitten* I mean, can't you direct that *kitten* somewhere else. This is a site to inquire and talk to like minded folks. Not come bash on me cause I may have asked a dumb question. No such thing as stupid questions. But there is a such thing as internet trolls. Anyway. Again I get bored with 3 day a week programs. And I'm looking for something. I'll figure it out when I see it. I just like to keep proactive on the next thing when I get bored with what I'm doing now after 6 weeks or so. Thank you all kind folks for your genuine help and support. If you don't like what I'm asking. Don't answer with some sideways bs.

    Could be why you don't see good results. You jump ship on your programs only acouple weeks in.

    How about this. Go on and purchase the competitive powerlifting program. You want something that constantly changes. Try that. And FOLLOW IT. Don't adapt it to you. Sheiko is a god among coaches. You want progress and difficulty. Try out that one.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Thank you very much. And I agree with what you are saying but also if you train your body hard you will adapt to it and get results also. I just hate going to gym and being done in a half hour. I like to try to go hard. Especially this time of year and the fact I have no spotter or training buddy I have to get stronger through higher intrnsity stuff as opposed to lifting heavy 3 days a week.

    Train your body hard might have different definitions to.many people.

    Killing yourself in the gym will only fatigue you which won't get results once it sets in.

    One gets stronger at the medium intensity range 70-80% of 1RM, not the high intensity. It's the volume that drives strength, not the intensity in 95% of programming.

    Lifting 3 days a week is the minimal amount to accumulate enough stress to adapt, anything else is suboptimal and will be next impossible to see results.

    I say these things to help you if you wish to learn from experience, not to stand on a soap box. There has been some pretty solid advice in the responses thus far.
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    Crossfit maybe, it can be different every time you go to the box, it can be very taxing if you wanted it to be
  • deweyeast1466
    deweyeast1466 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for your positive responses. I really appreciate it. A lot! I tried CrossFit and it just didn't work out. Just the distance I had to travel each day play like $130 a month for a membership was out of control. But it was a great experience. I liked it a lot. Just don't see spending so much a month and plus it was pretty much all squat and deadlift. And you know. Crazy. I was looking at that ph3 program. It looks pretty sick. And I'm going to check that other website and see what I come up with. Again, from my heart, thank yous. I work in Crane rental field so I don't have a schedule, I might work up to 17-20 hours in a day. So some weeks I might miss days. So it's hard to stay motivated. But I'll be good for a few weeks then hit a rough couple of weeks where my work schedule screws my gym time. Anyway. Thanks for the help. You all really are good folks.