What’s good for a Wheelchair user?

My name is Andrew. I have MS and I must use a wheelchair to exercise and get around. I do, I enjoy it and it is good for my wellbeing.
Any good tips for exercise and and weights?
Thank you in advance


  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    edited April 2018
    Many years ago I started using a video tape at home that was made by PT's from a local hospital out here. It was an amazing workout. I found some similar on youtube for you.



    Hopefully these will help you. Good luck!
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    has fit has a bunch of chair exercises you can do with dumbbells. Check them out on you tube.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    You might also consider resistance bands. Make sure that you get a set with several bands to that you can work your way up. I think mine had 7. You can do rows, flys, pulldowns...even chest presses. All you need is somewhere secure to attach them to. Mine came with a door anchor that works great. You would also I think have to make sure that you chair won't move.

    There are many youtube videos...here is an example...
