Pure paleo protein

Hi! I’ve recently found out I’m sensitive to dairy and eggs and had to switch from my whey protein powder to pure paleo protein powder. I absolutely cannot get past the smell. I have only tried it mixed with water as directed on the tub. I’m looking for your favourite beef protein smoothies! TIA!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I tried blending steak and salad once. It was disgusting.

    There are other alternatives... WPI has negligible lactose, and lactose intolerant people generally have no issues with it - have you tried that?
    Plant based proteins are also dairy and egg free.
  • chealseyb
    chealseyb Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely check that out. My naturopath recommended the pure paleo but I just can’t. Lol.
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I like the Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel and the Paleo Pro protein powders.
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    Sorry, just realized the Paleo Pro protein does have egg protein in it. But the Primal Kitchen one does not.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    going to ask the potentially dumb question - do you need protein powder to hit your goals for the day or could you focus more on getting through lean meat, grains (not eggs/dairy)
  • chealseyb
    chealseyb Posts: 16 Member
    I find I have a hard time hitting the protein goals from my dietician.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,008 Member
    There are vegan protein powders (e.g., soy, hemp, pea) if you can't have dairy or egg and you don't like the beef protein powder.