Anti-inflammatory diet

isnijo Posts: 16 Member
I'm 69. Due to joint and muscle pains in my legs, walking even a short distance is becoming increasingly difficult. I am anxious to regain my mobility and am considering a diet plan to eliminate foods that may be aggravating my condition. Is anyone following such a plan and could give me some advice, please?


  • chubbyballs1701
    chubbyballs1701 Posts: 7 Member
    I've got an inflammatory bowel condition found that the act of reduced calories and cooking more meals from scratch appears to be helping.

    I'm only 2 weeks in so could just be a coincidence
  • aurora_7
    aurora_7 Posts: 1 Member

    hi, I found that Omega 3 helps a lot and losing weight, although it's very hard at this age (65)...
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Just one more who benefited a lot by anti-inflammatory diet. Don't really try anymore. It became habit so easily to eat better. Especially when I felt so much better. I also second easy exercise. Yoga and swimming for me, but I'm sure walking, tai chi and other things are great, too.
  • KQgetsfit
    KQgetsfit Posts: 5 Member
    isnijo wrote: »
    I'm 69. Due to joint and muscle pains in my legs, walking even a short distance is becoming increasingly difficult. I am anxious to regain my mobility and am considering a diet plan to eliminate foods that may be aggravating my condition. Is anyone following such a plan and could give me some advice, please?

  • KQgetsfit
    KQgetsfit Posts: 5 Member
    I’m a certified personal trainer and many of my clients have multiple conditions -
    Chronic diseases like MS and Parkinson’s and while yes diet helps they also do strength training 2 to 3 times per week to build muscles around the joints and strengthen bones. We also work on stretching and opening joints. So try to find a trainer and learn how your. It’s is suppose to move in order to feel better.
    Good luck!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    autoimmuner here. fibro-like with added surprises
    i have not found the typical anti inflammatory diet does anything.
    i do try to eat healthier making each calorie count nutritionally. i move more. i do strength, i build up slowly and cautiously.
    that being said, i try to eat as many anti-inflammatory foods and spices as possible, on the off chance science might prove they help eventually. and because all the stuff annie posted is healthy anyways. no weird diets, no weird foods.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited April 2018
    I have never found a relationship between my diet and my CRP and ESR numbers.
  • xFreudianSlip
    xFreudianSlip Posts: 45 Member
    I did an elimination diet and it was all anti-inflammatory stuff (autoimmune paleo.. I have 2 AI diseases and fibro, also no thyroid anymore).

    Lots of turmeric, green veggies, no starches... I felt so good doing it, but as a mom of 4, it was just so hard to keep up with it long-term. I did find my trigger foods through doing this though and stay away from those.

    Also, I agree with trying some strength training, I find this has helped me as well. Nothing too crazy, but just a little bit to strengthen up some.
  • scarla67
    scarla67 Posts: 60 Member
    I do the Fodmap to keep inflammation down. I am with you, food really affects inflammation. Dairy really messes me up i used to feel so much wose when I ate healthy ( apples, cabbage, broccoli) now do high Fodmap in only tiny amounts and it helps
  • wyattjenniferl97
    wyattjenniferl97 Posts: 12 Member
    Can you get to a heated pool? Walking in water or a low impact hydrotherapy class can be really helpful. The hydrostatic pressure of the water also helps to reduce inflammation.