Currently doing 8/16 or 16/8...


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Make you sure you eat the right amount of calories. IF is the new fad in dieting.
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Calories make you lose or gain weight. Eating schedule, macro percentages, etc can make it easier to hit your calorie goal.

    So if your goal is to lose weight, eating the correct amount of calories is key. If eating within an eight hour window makes it easier to do that, that's awesome! I found skipping breakfast helped me save calories for an after dinner snack, other people find that having to wait to start eating just makes them build up cravings and make bad choices once they start eating. So just find what works best for you - good luck!

    Ah k I misunderstood, I thought people fasted for more than 24hrs.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Calories make you lose or gain weight. Eating schedule, macro percentages, etc can make it easier to hit your calorie goal.

    So if your goal is to lose weight, eating the correct amount of calories is key. If eating within an eight hour window makes it easier to do that, that's awesome! I found skipping breakfast helped me save calories for an after dinner snack, other people find that having to wait to start eating just makes them build up cravings and make bad choices once they start eating. So just find what works best for you - good luck!

    Ah k I misunderstood, I thought people fasted for more than 24hrs.

    Yeah, 16:8 is basically having an 8 hour eating window every day. There's lots of different "fasts" going around right now :smile:
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Calories make you lose or gain weight. Eating schedule, macro percentages, etc can make it easier to hit your calorie goal.

    So if your goal is to lose weight, eating the correct amount of calories is key. If eating within an eight hour window makes it easier to do that, that's awesome! I found skipping breakfast helped me save calories for an after dinner snack, other people find that having to wait to start eating just makes them build up cravings and make bad choices once they start eating. So just find what works best for you - good luck!

    Ah k I misunderstood, I thought people fasted for more than 24hrs.

    Yeah, 16:8 is basically having an 8 hour eating window every day. There's lots of different "fasts" going around right now :smile:

    Indeed, someone on my fb is choosing to do 40hrs no food or water thinking its good for her health! Some bs detox rubbish, I know what I felt like at the end of my cut and it was not good.
  • vallary14
    vallary14 Posts: 215 Member
    Make you sure you eat the right amount of calories. IF is the new fad in dieting.

    Fasting isn’t new, it just isn’t for everyone. If it makes you feel bad or binging on empty calories during the eating cycle then that’s a sign it’s not such a great idea. If it helps to reset your ghrelin and you’re feeling pretty good then I say go for it!

  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    I was doing a 6-8 hour window long before i knew it actually had a name. It works for me but I know it's not for everyone. I always reach my daily calorie goals. Thinking IF promotes against this is nonsense.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    What's the hype? Starving works!

    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.

    A lot of people believe IF helps with hormone regulation and other things that have been claimed. It's nothing more than a shorter window of eating. You still have to make sure you get in enough calories/nutrients in your feeding window.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    What's the hype? Starving works!
    I hope you are joking. You are doing 16:8? That's just going 16 out of 24 hours without eating, and have an eating window of 8 hours. Plenty of time to get in good nutrition in ordinary meals. (If you mean you're eating through 16 hours and fasting for 8, you're eating a bedtime snack and breakfast in bed and absolutely not intermittently fasting.) The hype is all the magical sounding things IF can do for you.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    DO: Take advantage of intermittent fasting if it provides satiety for you and helps you adhere to your calorie goals, because the way to lose weight is to consistently eat less calories than you burn over time. What time of the day you eat, or how often you eat, have nothing to do with it other than satiety and adherence (and workout performance, as far as nutrition around workouts).

    DON'T: Believe all the hype, magick and wizardry being thrown around about IF. It's very trendy right now and is being made out to be a lot of things it's not. If calories are held equal, you won't lose any more weight, or lose it any quicker, than eating on any other eating pattern.

    DON'T: Try to stick to intermittent fasting if it doesn't fit your personal preferences and/or help you stick to your calorie goals. There's no reason to do so and there's no magic behind it. It works great for some people, others are "grazers" and are miserable eating all their calories within a shorter window during the day.

    Yep, no magic in my eating window. I just used to graze too much. Now I push off breakfast a couple hours and then eat my calories over 10 hours. Some people get full off grazing, I don't.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Jrpwgr wrote: »
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    What's the hype? Starving works!
    It does for short term. But our 200,000 years of evolution has made humans very efficient at storing calories during lean times, and shutting down to keep from expending precious calories during periods of starvation. When you starve, you will trigger your metabolism to burn fewer calories, eventually going into a 'starvation mode' where you stop losing. When you go off your starvation, you will gain everything back and more, and it will be tougher to lose the next time.

    Starvation mode doesn’t exist