Who eats what they want (within a certain calorie deficit of course), and still looses?



  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    I do. All macros. Healthy things, treats, wine, cake (not that often) - just until I reach my calorie limits and feel full. I love variety and hate restriction.
  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    I eat pizzas, burgers, fries, cakes etc. I just never eat as much of them as I’d like. I’m completely in control of my calories and weight.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    That is all I do, I haven't deprived myself of anything because I feel I would just be setting myself up to fail. I just make try very hard to stay within my calorie goal each day. Over the last 2 weeks I have been successful all but 2 days.
  • bduanemyfitness
    bduanemyfitness Posts: 75 Member
    I am just starting (just over 3 months in) so time will tell.

    But, I have not dramatically changed what I eat on a day to day basis. I typically have a slice of pizza for my lunch when at work (convenience) and that has not changed. I do more carefully choose the type of pizza (veggie vs lots of meat) but no huge change. Small change is to usually choose fruit over a cookie. But I still have a cookie probably one day each week.

    The only big change is I have stopped eating ice cream. Sadly, I can eat a pint without blinking. SO I figured I would just eliminate that from my choices for a while.

    The big change has been in portion control. Funny how a "bowl" of cereal/granola is really 2+ servings. So I keep the scale on my counter in the kitchen and measure everything.

    I went to a burger place with my son when he was back from college. I looked up their menu and just made sure I logged it (and got a single patty...not two). No big deal.

    Still eating mostly the same stuff, just better choices on portion size and frequency.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm a relatively loose logger to begin with, and I'm taking a 2 week break(which means REALLY loose) I've got 3 more days, and I'm down another pound.

    I've had pizza, Preztels, hotdogs, guac, chips, etc in the last 10 days. I've also had more than a couple days where I pretty much ate my programmed menu and had a snack cake or cookie or muffin.

    The day I had pizza, it was little ceasar's and I ended up at an estimated 200 calorie additional deficit(over my normal program)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    oh a lady on a fb group, when she knows she's going to cheesecake factory, plans what she is going to eat and runs accordingly
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I do, kinda. Realistically, I can't just eat *whatever I want*, even in moderation. The macros would be way off and the volume of food would be way to small for me to be remotely happy.

    So I try to balance foods I mostly want with foods I kinda want. Occasionally I can make room for something I REALLY want, but my intake/goal is pretty low right now, so that's harder to do.
  • olyamhc
    olyamhc Posts: 60 Member
    Generally, I'd eat what I want. I don't eat foods that I don't like or that aren't tasty to me. Luckily, I love all sorts of veggies, whole grains, beans. Some sweets that I've gained weight with, I stopped buying, because I wouldn't get satisfied with the tiny portion size that I could fit into my 1200 calories and it would likely trigger the cravings once again (raisin challah, for example). If I want sweets, I have an individual portion of a dark chocolate or hazelnuts or roasted pumpkin seeds. I lost 25lbs in about 4 months eating this way. It's about having a healthy mindset...otherwise the "diet" will fail if you feel too restricted.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I want to have pizza and cake from magnolia with a venti white chocolate mocha that's about 3500 calories and I think I'm underestimating.

    I do not eat what I want I eat what my body needs and I lose weight.

    I like the food I eat. but I Love cake and used to eat it every day. I used to have Venti white chocolate mochas with whip daily and what is life with out pizza? am I right?!

    what is more important to me than eating what I want is being able to climb stairs, getting up off the toilet on my own, fitting into clothing in a regular store, loving the way I look and feel, and being strong.

    I have cake for special occasions that celebrate ME and I have pizza sometimes, I NEVER have a Venti white chocolate mocha drinking that many calories is never worth it.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited April 2018
    Oh, 100%, there are things I've stopped eating because I don't think they're worth it. But for me, psychologically, there is a difference between, "I can't afford to have enough of [food I love] to make it worthwhile having it," and "I can't have this anymore". It's not just semantics. The first way makes it easier for me to abstain, the second makes me crave it. I think that quote about 'Stolen waters tasting sweet' comes from Proverbs, but basically, the more I think I CAN'T have something, the more I WANT it. When the thoughts are more, "I CAN have this, IF I'm willing to have a sliced hard egg in a tossed salad for supper tonight and walk a half hour longer..." You know what? I generally decide I'd rather have a bigger supper and I'll have the treat next time.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    edited April 2018
    I don't eat clean or probably healthily but I've lost weight eating things i enjoy. It was kind of a big deal when I realized that if I took a bite of something that wasn't thrilling me, I didn't actually have to eat it... Before I would eat it because it was in front of me or because it was healthy or because I felt like I had to (not wanting to "waste" it or because someone handed me a dessert). I even leave food on my plate! I don't know why that was such a big hurdle but it was.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    ive lost 100+ eating whatever as long as it fits.

    to lose, i have to weigh, but t maintan (which i did for 2 years, well there was a slight loss (10 pounds maybe) but not much, comparative to previous loss), i dont have to weigh and log. but thats me and 5 years of experience doing it ;)
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    I have what I want, and have lost more than 7 stone, I make sure it fits in with a deficit. However, as you go along, you will probably find that your tastes will change and you don't want the same things you used to.