Skipping a Meal So That You Don’t Go Over Your Budget When You Go Out To Parties?

Orangecandlesky Posts: 17 Member
edited April 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone skip a meal so that they can drink some alcohol at a party in order to avoid those calories going over their budget? Or this could also go for skipping a regular meal you usually have just so you can have a bigger one later when you go out with friends. I have friends that have parties often and I enjoy drinking once in a while but alcohol takes up a lot of calories and I’m actually a small person and in order to keep to my calorie goal, I have little room to make up for the extra calories. I’m 26 and only 4’10” and pretty sedentary. I certainly can’t have 2000 calories a day without it showing up on my body.


  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    I can't do that or I'll get drunk, lol. I usually just make super filling low cal choices during the day and make sure not to skip my workout. I never drink more than 3 drinks though- usually straight liquor, wine, or vodka soda depending on the occasion. I don't drink beer unless I'm at a fancy bar that carries a gluten free option.
  • Orangecandlesky
    Orangecandlesky Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2018
    I definitely agree with you girls. Maybe I need to plan better throughout the day before those outings. :o I'm not great with impulse control when it comes to party food though. Gotta work on that sadly.
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    I don't skip a meal or I would be too hangry and alcohol on an empty stomach makes me sick. However if I know I will be eating out/drinking I sometimes will save a few calories every day during the week and eat lower calorie meals the day of.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    That's one way to do it, or you can just include having a beer or a glass of wine (or two) in your eating plan for the day. A single glass of chardonnay (5 ounces) is about 125 calories, so it's not a huge deal to fit in a glass or two.

    Another thing you might not be enthused about doing is walking off the damage, either in advance or the next day. Since I don't know your stats, you can plug them into this calculator and see how much work would be required to walk off a glass. For me, (5'2", 148#), it's only 1.5 miles in half an hour.
  • Orangecandlesky
    Orangecandlesky Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2018
    True true. I burn about 50 calories per mile. waking at 3 mph
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I actually got into 16:8 Intermittent Fasting for this very reason. I'm a short woman, meaning I don't get many calories to work with in the first place. My eating window is from 12-8 most days. Since it's basically skipping breakfast, it allows me the calories in the evening to have a bigger dinner. Or a smaller dinner, with a dessert or adult beverage. I did have to build up to it slowly though. I was a regular breakfast eater, and would be hangry by 12 if I didn't eat by 9-10 am. If this sounds like you, I would recommend shortening your eating window slowly. There is an IF group that could be helpful if you are interested. Otherwise, as mentioned above, a lot of people will "bank" their calories all week so they can indulge later without going over their weekly allowance. You may also want to look into lower calorie drinks & cocktails. Alcohol can be way high in empty calories and sugar. Knowing what to go with and steer clear of could mean the difference between a 1500 calorie night of dinner & drinks or a 3000 calorie night. A good example for you: Over Easter, I scanned the barcode on some mudslide mix I was drinking. I was stunned to find out it was 800 calories for 12 oz!!! on the flip side, the Redd's I drank the next night, was only 210 for the whole bottle.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I might eat lighter or get some more exercise before or after to have a bigger meal. I don't drink alcohol really so I don't think it is worth skipping food for.
    Having a maintenance day or going over a bit over maintenance once in a while IME does not have that big of an impact. If you are sticking to your goals the rest of the time and not doing a huge blowout every week I would not stress about a drink here and there.
  • babysaffy
    babysaffy Posts: 232 Member
    Saffyra wrote: »
    If I know Im going out that night, I dont really eat anything else beforehand. Maybe an apple or a serving of my protein drink. And I try to plan out what I *think* i might eat or drink while Im out so that I at least stay in a decent range. Im short, too, so every little bit counts. >.<
    But I dont get out much so it doesnt happen a lot. :D Tomorrow is our 10 year wedding anniversary and I'll probably have protein at noon and then nothing until our fancy dinner out. And, I'll be honest, Im not even bothering counting. I can lose weight any time but a 10 year anniversary only comes around once!

    Happy Anniversary in advance!! :)
  • KrazyKrissyy
    KrazyKrissyy Posts: 322 Member
    Yes, I skip meals. But that's because I'm never hungry for breakfast or lunch lol. Just dinner.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't skip meals. I plan to eat less meals though. In my head that's not skipping meals as there is no rulebook to tell me how often or when to eat.

    Pre planning makes it easy to account for times when you know you're going to use more calories later in the day.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I do it pretty much every Friday when a friend and I go out to eat. I am short and don't get a lot of calories either, so a small steak and baked potato pretty much kills most of my calories for the day. I do have my coffee in the morning that has milk in it so I do have some calories, but just don't eat anything else.
  • DarianJP
    DarianJP Posts: 95 Member
    I’ll eat a lot of filling, low calorie foods during the day so I won’t be starving and eat everything later on. Carrots, salsa, peppers, tuna, fruit, egg whites, most vegetables actually. Haha I’d definitely recommend not skipping meals though, especially if you’re going to be drinking. Cause I know after I’ve had a few drinks I just want to munch on everything, I guess that’s why they have beer nuts.
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    that's actually why I do 5:2..monday and wednesday I eat very little (800 ish below MFP's recommendations for my wated weightloss)...this balances what I probably eat too much in the weekends :)