Anyone else going through a divorce??



  • BrownSugar81
    Good luck to you, I hope you get through this soon. You seem like a pretty strong woman who wants nothing but the best for you and your son. I know you will be OK! I am not divorced but I do come from a broken home and it was difficult growing up however my mom protected us and loved us like none other! I consider myself a very well rounded person and it's all thanks to my beautiful mother :)
  • prettyinpudge
    prettyinpudge Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like my ex too!! but yahoo he is GONE!!!! trust me it gets a lot better, like a lot better. I just kept saying "onward and upward", i have the bestest boyfriend EVER now and life is fabulous (and pudgy haha)
    I never thought I would end up in the situation. Everything I thought I knew about our relationship was nothing but a giant lie. That is all he did was lie to me and boy did he do it so well.

    did we marry the same man? Thats what I've been thinking too lately.
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    Divorce has been final for three months; and, our kids are 9, 3, 2. Unfortunate about how my kids will experience life without both biological parents but my mental health is just as important as everything else.
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I forgot to add, I went through a class called DivorceCare (Google it, they have a website). They really shed a lot of light on the feelings I was having, the situation I found myself in, and I really understood that I wasn't the only person feeling what I was feeling. I found myself watching the videos and thinking, "that's how I feel!"

    Be careful who you trust, friends choose sides unfortunately. Be careful the words that come out of your mouth-hole. Things have a way of getting back to the other party and ultimately to their lawyer.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I forgot to add, I went through a class called DivorceCare (Google it, they have a website). They really shed a lot of light on the feelings I was having, the situation I found myself in, and I really understood that I wasn't the only person feeling what I was feeling. I found myself watching the videos and thinking, "that's how I feel!"

    Be careful who you trust, friends choose sides unfortunately. Be careful the words that come out of your mouth-hole. Things have a way of getting back to the other party and ultimately to their lawyer.

    Unfortunatly you find out who your true friends are during this time too.
  • becky611
    becky611 Posts: 77
    I forgot to add, I went through a class called DivorceCare (Google it, they have a website). They really shed a lot of light on the feelings I was having, the situation I found myself in, and I really understood that I wasn't the only person feeling what I was feeling. I found myself watching the videos and thinking, "that's how I feel!"

    Be careful who you trust, friends choose sides unfortunately. Be careful the words that come out of your mouth-hole. Things have a way of getting back to the other party and ultimately to their lawyer.

    Unfortunatly you find out who your true friends are during this time too.

    I feel fortunate enough that I have a couple of great friends who have been so great to me. I have told them that if it wasn't for them, I think tht I would have lost my *kitten*. You never know who your true friends are until the crap hits the fan.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    It does get better. I never married my daughter's dad, but separated when she was 2. He was worthless & a horrible father to her (she's now 19) Luckily he lived 3 hrs away & rarely bothered to see her. I met my fiance (of 11 years) when she was 8 & he has been a perfect step-dad to her. I'm so glad she was able to have a positive male role model in her life. He has 2 kids of his own (now 18 & 15) so it was challenging to be a step mom too. It is very difficult to raise kids in these 'broken' home situations, but after all these years of trial & error, it has really paid off! The kids are all great & they don't 'hate' me anymore! If you think divorce is difficult, wait til you start a new family!! It's wonderful in so many ways, but challenging too. Read books, talk to friends, the more you know, the better. The trick is to always put aside your personal feelings & keep what is best for your son your priorty. I hope that your ex is atleast a good dad, if he is, don't deny your son time with him. If he's not, well, do what you can. It's hard to explain to a kid why their dad is such a %$#^*. Just make sure he knows you both love him very much & keep everything positive in his eyes. Good luck on your journey & enjoy this time to get to know yourself & be good to yourself.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Hi, I'm going through one as well with a 3 and a half year old and a 17 month old. I'm going to ad you as a friend :) I could really use support too