What kind of exercises are y'all doing

And how many calories from exercise are y'all logging daily? This has been my first week going for walks and mapmywalk has my calories burned between 200 and 300 calories. Is that enough to help with my weight loss?
I am 5 1
186 lbs


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited April 2018
    I run about 40 miles a week and do resistance training. My Fitbit sync handles all the calorie adjustments for me. My exercise combined with my daily walking gets me about 400-600 calories a day usually.

    Your weight loss will be created by a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit without ever exercising at all, but burning calories through walking can certainly be part of creating a deficit too. There is no "enough" amount of exercise for weight loss, there's just your calorie deficit (or lack of one).

    Are you currently logging what you eat to hit a specific calorie goal?
  • jbrooks3645
    jbrooks3645 Posts: 76 Member
    I run about 40 miles a week and do resistance training. My Fitbit sync handles all the calorie adjustments for me. My exercise combined with my daily walking gets me about 400-600 calories a day usually.

    Your weight loss will be created by a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit without ever exercising at all, but burning calories through walking can certainly be part of creating a deficit too. There is no "enough" amount of exercise for weight loss, there's just your calorie deficit (or lack of one).

    Are you currently logging what you eat to hit a specific calorie goal?

    Yes I am logging I have mfp set to lose 2lbs a week so it has my calories goal at 1200 a day I'm thinking abt setting it to 1lb a week bec every day that I walk I'm always starving even if I eat back half my calories burned
  • jbrooks3645
    jbrooks3645 Posts: 76 Member
    I run about 40 miles a week and do resistance training. My Fitbit sync handles all the calorie adjustments for me. My exercise combined with my daily walking gets me about 400-600 calories a day usually.

    Your weight loss will be created by a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit without ever exercising at all, but burning calories through walking can certainly be part of creating a deficit too. There is no "enough" amount of exercise for weight loss, there's just your calorie deficit (or lack of one).

    Are you currently logging what you eat to hit a specific calorie goal?

    Yes I am logging I have mfp set to lose 2lbs a week so it has my calories goal at 1200 a day I'm thinking abt setting it to 1lb a week bec every day that I walk I'm always starving even if I eat back half my calories burned
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I take spin class three times a week. I take interval classes twice a week and do barre class once a week.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I run about 40 miles a week and do resistance training. My Fitbit sync handles all the calorie adjustments for me. My exercise combined with my daily walking gets me about 400-600 calories a day usually.

    Your weight loss will be created by a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit without ever exercising at all, but burning calories through walking can certainly be part of creating a deficit too. There is no "enough" amount of exercise for weight loss, there's just your calorie deficit (or lack of one).

    Are you currently logging what you eat to hit a specific calorie goal?

    Yes I am logging I have mfp set to lose 2lbs a week so it has my calories goal at 1200 a day I'm thinking abt setting it to 1lb a week bec every day that I walk I'm always starving even if I eat back half my calories burned

    Yeah, 2 pounds a week is an aggressive goal. Changing it to 1 pound a week may make it easier.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    I run about 40 miles a week and do resistance training. My Fitbit sync handles all the calorie adjustments for me. My exercise combined with my daily walking gets me about 400-600 calories a day usually.

    Your weight loss will be created by a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit without ever exercising at all, but burning calories through walking can certainly be part of creating a deficit too. There is no "enough" amount of exercise for weight loss, there's just your calorie deficit (or lack of one).

    Are you currently logging what you eat to hit a specific calorie goal?

    Yes I am logging I have mfp set to lose 2lbs a week so it has my calories goal at 1200 a day I'm thinking abt setting it to 1lb a week bec every day that I walk I'm always starving even if I eat back half my calories burned

    It's only telling you 1200 calories because you're trying to lose too much too fast, not because you have to eat 1200 calories to loose weight. Slow and steady wins this race. Too aggressive and you will burn out very quick. I would change this to losing 1 lb/week. Just my 2 cents :)
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Oh and to actually answer your question. I don't do a lot of exercise besides walking at work and running with my dogs. Now that it's getting warmer, I usually run 20 min at lunch and then add another run after work around 30 min or more depending on the little legged dogs and how worn out they are lol
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    3 to 4 mile daily walk with my dog. 40 to 50min weightlifting 4x week. According to S Health and UA Record, I burn about 1200 cals per day. I don't count my steps for additional cals, because I have daily cal setting based on active. I generally believe my weight lifting sessions are probably closer to 200 or 300 cals, rather 500 to 600. So I usually give myself an extra 200 cals in the evening, if I'm hungry.
  • HilTri
    HilTri Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks for your post! I was wondering the same thing. I did the elliptical to warm up for my spin class and then I went for a run. Today I burned about 1K calories. I do better setting my calories at 1800 per day and don't eat exercise calories back. I put myself in the "very active" category. I love to exercise. I am 48 and getting more into (exercise) it and can continue to do more all the time.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I burn anywhere from 0 on a rest day to 1000+ depending on the day/workout. I don't log any of them.

    Is it enough for your weight loss? Dunno, impossible to say without also knowing how much you eat. It's like asking if saving $50/week will help with your retirement. Impossible to say without knowing how much you earn and what your expenses are. You're actually asking about the smallest, least significant factor.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I don't think you have to workout at all to lose weight, some people choose not to do any substantial exercise and still lose. I do think it would be incredibly hard to live on 1200 calories and you could benefit from selecting a less aggressive goal. I personally workout a lot, but I love food and enjoy (most) of my workouts so that's what works me for as an individual. I do 45-60 minutes of HIIT 3 mornings a week, 60 minutes of Pilates and/or yoga 3-4 days a week, and additional weightlifting or cardio (depending on my mood) 3-4 evenings. Also I go for a 30 minute walk every day that it's not raining, to clear my head. This means I can eat anywhere from 1,900-2,400 calories a day, because I do eat most of my calories back (as reported by my fitbit not the MFP numbers) .
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,773 Member
    Simplistically: Calories for weight loss, exercise for fitness and body composition, nutrition for health.

    Exercise also earns you a few more calories you can eat, and potentially helps you avoid losing muscle alongside fat.

    The best exercise is one you enjoy so much you'd do it even if it weren't good for you. (If it isn't fun, it will eventually fall off your schedule). The right amount and intensity is what fits in your life with good life balance (allowing time for family, job, friends, chores, etc.) and leaves you feeling energized and happy. Exercise is supposed to be fun!

    I'm a li'l ol' retired lady, age 62. In season, I row on water 4 days a week for about an hour and a half, and go to spin class twice a week Each of those is good for 225-300ish calories (I'm 5'5", low 130s pounds nowadays). I also do some random biking and walking. In off season, I still spin twice a week, usually do a little weight training and swimming, plus rowing machine workouts - less total volume.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    I train for powerlifting and put in 4 1.5-2hr sessions a week. On training days I eat aroun 2500cals on non-training days I eat 2200. I am cutting again to 105kg weight class and losing about .5-.75kg a week. To maintain I would need around 2600 every day.

    I do 2-3 slow walks for about 1 hour a week as my only cardio right now. Don’t know if this helps but resistance training does not burn many calories.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Currently ramping up my cycling distance so at the moment rough estimate of 4,000 to 5,000 exercise calories a week.

    Exercise varies massively from day to day, week to week and season to season (which is why the myfitnesspal eat back exercise calorie method works well for me).

    Lowest days are about 250 when strength training. Highest ever single day 4,500 for a nine hour cycling event.

    But none of it is for weight loss, it's because I enjoy my exercise and the feeling of living in a fit body. Would recommend on focusing on your food intake (a sensible and sustainable deficit) for weight loss and regard exercise as a healthy habit to get into for the rest of your life - not as a short term fix.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2018
    I run about 10-15 kilometers a week, strength train a total of about 90 minutes a week, but the bulk of my activity is leisurely walking. My calories vary, but they average to about 250-350 calories a day with some days way higher and others way lower.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    I workout 5 days a week - walk but cycle mainly and do strength training. Have done this consistently for 6 years and for 5 of them I have been a maintenance. Exercise for me means I get to eat more otherwise my maintenance calories would be low because I'm petite - 1600 but I can maintain on closer to 2000.
  • Xkmaf2018X
    Xkmaf2018X Posts: 97 Member
    I currently just do gym classes at the moment Mon-Friday which range from Tone, Bodypump, Fatburn, Kettlebells, Circuits and I try and do two classes back to back so all in all I do at least 8x classes per week, 10x if I go everyday. I love it!

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I play roller derby and usually do that a couple of evenings, but we're in hiatus right now so my routine has settled a little. I do about 40 minutes of mixed machine cardio (some combo of elliptical, stairs, interval or straight runs on the treadmill, rower) 5 days a week and follow up with resistance training - I am leaning out after a year of maintenance and just hoping to keep what I got as I cut a little. Saturdays I do a trail run or long hike at a nearby regional park, and Sundays I do something random like yoga or an old workout DVD, sort of a rest. I'll be adding a little swimming in now our pool is tolerable again. On a light day I'll get 250 exercise cals, usually hitting about 350 average and 450 on a heavy day.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I either walk for 2 hours (if I get 90 minutes or more, it's 'good enough', but I really shoot for 2 hours) daily, or I do 70 minutes on the fitness glider in my basement.

    I strength-train with dumbbells and some other equipment in my basement. It was full-body 3 times/week, but I think I'm transitioning to 5 times/week alternating upper and lower body (and alternating weeks so that in Week 1, I do lower three times and upper twice and in Week 2, upper three times and lower twice).
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I do about 10-20 minutes of cardio warm up and then 3 days a week I do circuit training. Two different circuits, each include an upper body, lower body and core work out. The other 2 days a week I do my cardio warm up and lifting (focusing on whatever I am leaving out of the circuits). I usually go a 6th day, and that is just cardio. Sometimes I'll hit whatever muscles may have been missed during the week. I write out a plan for myself and change it up every 6 weeks or so, to keep myself from getting bored. The formula stays the same but I'll swap around different combos and try new exercises.