Anyone want to start 30 Day Shred with me today 8/10/11



  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Finished day 1! I am sore today, but I also restarted C25K yesterday, so I think that probably has more to do with my sore legs. I started out using 8lb weights and then had to switch to 5lbs. Guess I'm not as strong as I thought! lol

    hockeyd11 - Yes, I plan on doing 10 days of each. I also love that it's such a short workout.
  • Kimmy546
    Kimmy546 Posts: 102
    I started it 2 weeks ago. It's a lot of fun and still kicking my butt. Post your progress.:)
  • I'm in! I've been doing every other day or so for the last 2 weeks, haven't been able to do it everyday, but I am up for the challange.
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    So did everyone do it today??? I just finished level 1, day 1. It was tough, especially some of the cardio parts for me but I made it through. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! It's such a short workout, I think I will try to do it in the morning. Is everyone planning on doing 10 days at level 1, 10 days at level 2, and 10 days at level 3?

    After I finished day 1 my legs felt like jello trying to walk up the basement stairs so I thought I'd have to do 30 days of level one. But by day 3 that wasn't the case so now I plan on doing 10 days at each level.

    I was told the 1st day at each level is hard but gets better. I am so glad I have a support group for this so I will keep at it!

    I can wait to see everyone's results after 30 days
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    On to day 2 today! I think this will go pretty well cause it's split up really nicely. We only have to do 10 days at each level and each level has a nice mixture of the strength, cardio, and abs. I can't wait to hear everyone's results at the end of this! By the way, my name is Amanda...I couldn't find a good user name with my actual name in it cause they all seemed to be taken so I just used part of my email address hockeyd11.
  • On to day 2 today! I think this will go pretty well cause it's split up really nicely. We only have to do 10 days at each level and each level has a nice mixture of the strength, cardio, and abs. I can't wait to hear everyone's results at the end of this! By the way, my name is Amanda...I couldn't find a good user name with my actual name in it cause they all seemed to be taken so I just used part of my email address hockeyd11.

    About to start day 2 soon here in a bit... good luck to you:). My name is Kerry!
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 3 tomorrow! Before we know it we will be on level 2. This seems to be much easier having to be accountable and check in. I'm glad we are here for each other
  • I just started yesterday so I'm a day behind but I'd love to be a part of the group. I can barely lift my coffee cup this morning! I definitely can use all of the encouragement I can get!

    Seriously though, the soap felt heavy in the shower earlier! My muscles are so fatigued. I doubt I can even lift a weight later. Any advice? Also...for Day 1 I ended up not using weights for a third of the exercises....
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    I just started yesterday so I'm a day behind but I'd love to be a part of the group. I can barely lift my coffee cup this morning! I definitely can use all of the encouragement I can get!

    Seriously though, the soap felt heavy in the shower earlier! My muscles are so fatigued. I doubt I can even lift a weight later. Any advice? Also...for Day 1 I ended up not using weights for a third of the exercises....
    We would love to have you part of the group! My arms are a bit sore too. I have heard it gets easier as you go and by easing into it and not using weights for some of it is perfectly ok. After a few days the soreness will go away but unfortunately we have to deal with it for a little while. I'm really loving this though! For me personally, I enjoy it much better than her Shred It With Weights.
  • This is perfect- I am starting today and was coming on here to see if anyone had more information on it. I'm so glad we can all do this together! I have it free on OnDemand so I don't have the DVDs and I was wondering- do you know how long we should be doing each one? Should we divide the month up equally- aka workout 1 for 10 days then workout 2 for 10 and so on.. to equal the 30 days? Or do you move on through the program once you feel you are ready for the next step up? Also- does anyone know how many calories you burn during it? I'd like to log it on here!

    I'm about to go do it for the first time! Can't wait!
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    This is perfect- I am starting today and was coming on here to see if anyone had more information on it. I'm so glad we can all do this together! I have it free on OnDemand so I don't have the DVDs and I was wondering- do you know how long we should be doing each one? Should we divide the month up equally- aka workout 1 for 10 days then workout 2 for 10 and so on.. to equal the 30 days? Or do you move on through the program once you feel you are ready for the next step up? Also- does anyone know how many calories you burn during it? I'd like to log it on here!

    I'm about to go do it for the first time! Can't wait!
    I think we figured that we would be doing 10 days of each level. That way, for me at least, I won't get too bored of doing one level for so long. I have been logging it as circuit training and one person who has used a heart rate monitor said that it's pretty close to the calories it has listed for circuit training. Have you done it before?
  • Okay good to know, thank you!
    (I'm brand new to the website so I just realized how to look through it all and saw that you had already said that- sorry for asking again!- I also realized you started Wednesday so I'll be 2 days late!)

    I tried to do it yesterday but didn't think it was something I would be interested in and after about 5 minutes I switched to another OnDemand option, but afterwards I researched it and realized it was exactly what I was looking for! So today will be the real first day :) Thank you so much for starting this message - it will be so helpful to do it with other people!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I finished Day 5 Level one last weekly weigh in was this morning and I was down 0.4 LBS. It's a small loss but a loss nonetheless! My thighs do feel more muscular and my calves grew an inch....13 inches to 14 inches.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Did day 2 yesterday. I am still a little sore today, but not as bad as yesterday was. I can't believe how weak I am. Especially during the pushups! I can only crank out like 15 each time (girl pushups of course). Hopefully by day 10 I will be able to do around 20 for 30 second set.

    How heavy are the weights you guys are using? I'm using 5lb dumbells.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm a little late to the party but I just bought 30DS yesterday and I'm ready to start it tonight. Having to check in with others will help keep me accountable to doing it every day! I'm a single SAHM to an almost 4 year old during the day and then WAHM at night (usually up until about 1am working), so my schedule leaves little room for good workouts but I can certainly find 20 minutes somewhere in there, right?!?!

    The one thing I've seen in other posts about 30DS is that you might not lose much weight but you should definitely lose inches. I'm going to take my measurements tonight (ack- not sure I want to really know!) so I can track those losses even if the scale doesn't do much.

    Looking forward to it! Well, maybe not looking forward to the start, but definitely looking forward to the end result. :)
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    Did day 2 yesterday. I am still a little sore today, but not as bad as yesterday was. I can't believe how weak I am. Especially during the pushups! I can only crank out like 15 each time (girl pushups of course). Hopefully by day 10 I will be able to do around 20 for 30 second set.

    How heavy are the weights you guys are using? I'm using 5lb dumbells.
    I'm also using 5 lb dumbells. I'm with you on the strength part! I thought I was stronger than I am lol. The side lunges are killer for me. I can't make it the full time on those.
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    I think I'm just going to post updates on my news feed or whatever that's called because I think all of you are my friends so you should be able to see it on there...Then we can post results and pictures at the end under this topic. Does that work for you guys!
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    Hey! I just bought the 30 Day Shred DVD but I can't start till tomorrow :(

    Are you supposed to do the whole thing every day for 30 days or each level for 10 days.. then move to the next one???
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! I just bought the 30 Day Shred DVD but I can't start till tomorrow :(

    Are you supposed to do the whole thing every day for 30 days or each level for 10 days.. then move to the next one???
    Each level for 10 days.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Hey! I just bought the 30 Day Shred DVD but I can't start till tomorrow :(

    Are you supposed to do the whole thing every day for 30 days or each level for 10 days.. then move to the next one???
    Each level for 10 days.

    What she said! .... Soooooooooo, for us whenever time during the week days, & Friday mornings & Saturday nights! LOL =D
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