using MFP during pregnancy?

hello all!

i just signed up for MFP today on advice of a friend to use while i am pregnant. i am currently 20 weeks along and have only gained five pounds. i know i'm going to keep gaining, and i am not worried about that part- i was mainly just wanting to use the site (for the time being) as a way to track food and exercise during my pregnancy.

i was wondering if anyone else is currently using MFP while pregnant, and if you have any suggestions or could share with me how you are using MFP during your pregnancy? i would appreciate it!



  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    bump! I am not currently pregnant, but we will be trying soon and I would like to know these things as well =)
  • mp09aap
    mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
    you have to think about that you will need food not just for you but for the baby. exercise is good but don’t over do it. the best thing to do is set your target to gain 1lb a week on the amount of calories to have whilst pregnant. after giving birth whilst breast feeding make the calorie amount to having no weight loss or gain and once you have finished best feeding aim for 1lb a week.

    Don’t forget that whilst best feeding that 500-1000 cal a day will be used in producing the milk. this means if you set you limit after giving birth at to stay the same weight you will still lose weight.

    aim to loose no more than 1lb-2lb a week after giving birth. this gives your skin time to shrink and means you wont have excess skin that can require operation to remove. Also if you loose weight slowly your stretch marks will heal better.

    good luck with the pregnancy and any weight loss afterwards
  • thank you for your response! the hardest part i've found so far is eating enough in a day. i was never a big eater (i have a lot of digestive issues so i guess i'm kind of "gun shy" about eating in general- so many things make me sick so easily) so i have been trying to eat six small meals a day. sometimes they are essentially only snacks, but i find here lately i get dizzy if i don't eat every couple of hours.

    i think i can reset my goals to gaining a pound a week, it may help me with eating enough. :)
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    I'm about 11 weeks along, I started mfp before I got pregnant and am going to stay on to continue to monitor my calories so that I don't go overboard with the weight gain like my last pregnancy. You only need 1-300 extra calories a day, I think what most people do is for the first trimester set up their goal to maintenance, 2nd trimester add about 150 cals and 3rd go up to 300cals extra. For me at this point I'm not even worrying about counting cals, I'm just happy if I can keep anything down lol
  • mp09aap
    mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
    TARGETS for the first 3 months of pregnancy there is no need to change your target but properly best to set your target to loose no more than 1/2 a lb a week. For the second 2 months aim to stay level ie set your goal to remain the same and for the final 4 months set your target to gain 1 lb a week. make sure especially for the lest 3-4 months to eat enough and a balanced diet because you are almost eating for 2. for the last month or 2 don’t worry if you go over by 500cal a day. you need it!