Did I ruin my progress

So a few weeks ago my pants were tight so I started cutting back on my food and I’ve started running again these last two weeks. I’ve been at about 1,800 calories a day for the last 4 weeks. Some days I get up to 2000 and here and there a little over that but I’ve been doing well until today. Today I ate probably around 3600 calories and I freaking out because I’ve worked so hard and I feel like I’ve ruined this past week entirely and I’m back to what I was at. How bad was the damage and how long with it take to recover? I’ve read that cheat days help lose weight and keep your body from “adjusting” but I’m not sure. Any advice is appreciate about what I should do, how to correct it and how much have I set myself back. Thanks


  • netitheyeti
    netitheyeti Posts: 539 Member
    You didn't ruin anything in a single day, think about it, most weight loss takes weeks, months... high calorie days happen - eat normal and if your weight fluctuates (more food in your body, salt, etc) it should be back to normal in a few days <3
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Whats done is done, it is a bump in the road and now in the rear view mirror. Just get back at it and move on because nothing is ruined.