New girl ... with birthday cake in the house.

I joined yesterday morning while sipping a cup of coffee and already eating my breakfast. So that limited my lunch and dinner options in order to stay under my calories ... BUT I DID IT (and I even shrunk the amount of calories they told me to eat!). Today is my husband's birthday and I'm about to bake and frost a cake ... my weakness. I keep staring at my fat girl pics as motivation ... and so far, I've already mapped out all of my meals and snacks and will be 200 UNDER my calorie intake ... AND I've gotten half of my workout in for the day, so I'm feeling pretty pumped right now. But the cake. Ah, the cake. This will truly be the test. I keep telling myself that LOOKING GOOD and fitting into cute clothes will feel sooooo much better than that cake will taste.

I'll let ya know how it goes. But I have high hopes :) Thanks for being so welcoming! This place is exactly what I needed!!!!!!!!

~ Amanda


  • hgf219
    hgf219 Posts: 27 Member
    Good Luck to you!!! My son's birthday was yesterday and the cake is calling my name today!! Trying hard to resist!! Congrats on joining this site.
  • doodleheaddee
    Welcome.... Feel free to add me
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Oh, cake. My birthday is coming up and I asked my family not to get me a cake! First time I've done that. Stay strong! The cake will not defeat you, lol. Feel free to add me!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Welcome and feel free to add me :)

    As for cake, well... what I do is bake cupcakes instead. I only make 1 for everyone that will be there and none for me and that's it... no leftovers, no temptation, no guilt!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Good luck! I will caution you, though... common mistake of people starting out is not eating ENOUGH... Make sure you're getting in at least 1200 NET calories (after exercise) a day... You might lose for a few weeks eating less, but eventually you will stall and some have been known to GAIN (me included) because of having the calorie intake too LOW... Eating too little is just as damaging to your body as eating too much, so just be careful of that, ok? Best of luck to you on your journey! :)
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I just had my birthday and I did indulge in a slice of cheesecake. But it was only a slice. I then walked away. Enjoy a slice, work it off later, but the key is to not keep the cake around for further temptation. Dont feel like you have to deny yourself, just moderation!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    You know, if you measure out a half serving, enter it in your diary, and then eat it slooooowly, you won't feel deprived or be inclined to binge in the future.
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    You can always go for a walk to burn off the calories before or after you have a peice. Just saying. but if your goal is not to have any at all. ask your hubby how much he will eat of it and sadly throw the rest away.

    Good luck!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    personally, I would not bake a cake. I'd cut a watermelon in half, stick candles in it and sing Happy Birthday. A nice cold slice of watermelon...yum.
  • LittleFootHafner
    Welcome, and feel free to add me as well! ;)

    I know how hard it is having cake and other goodies around, and trying not to eat them!
    Sometimes I will sneak in a few bites if I some calories left at the end of the day! ;)
    Try not to say "no" to too many items, or you may end up binging in the future.
    I try to allow myself to have a small amount of anything that I wanting...

    Good Luck! ;)

    P.S. Send the loeftovers to his work or something - because it will get harder and harder if they stay in your sight for too long! You know what they say - out of sight, out of mind! ;)
  • mrslat
    mrslat Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your support :) Have I mentioned how much I LOVE it here?! :)

    As for the cake, I did bake it ... if it was my birthday I definitely would have opted NO CAKE ... but my husband can't turn 30 without a cake (his request lol) ... so I baked it, sliced it, served it to my family ... and DID NOT HAVE one bite. Not even one. Then I cut up the rest and put it in seperate containers ... my husband took one to work with him today and the other is still in my kitchen so the kids can each have a slice, and not any leftover for me ;) I feel awesome today :)

    I'm so excited, I've started day 3 off on the right foot and this is much easier than I ever thought it would be :)