Starting over....again

I lost 50 lbs 3 years ago by logging and kicking my butt at the gym. I gained 81 lbs since. I lack motivation and am food obsessed....I eat when I’m happy, sad, and just because. I suffer from depression and am on meds, but didn’t need them when I ate properly and exercised. I want to be comfortable in my own body.....going from a size 4 to an 18 messes with your head. I show people my wedding pics from 3 years ago and they’re like “that’s you?” Yeah, that was me. I used to run, eat well, and felt I don’t recognize myself.

The point of the post (I could go on and on with the woe is me stuff) is to ask for motivation....people who actually post stuff, recipe ideas etc. heck, you can complain and I’ll respond to help. It takes support to reach our goals.

Thanks for reading!


  • nicolasmummy
    nicolasmummy Posts: 5 Member
    You have done it once and you will do it again :) feel free to add me. We can moan about food and give each other a kick when we need it!
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    Four years ago I lost 50 lbs - then gained back 40 of it. I started again in October and am back down 35 lbs. It is slow but I am just sticking with it this time.
  • samaranicolew
    samaranicolew Posts: 15 Member
    I’m in the same boat. I lost 80 3 yrs ago and have gained 50. You can do it again. Both of us!
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    It's good you are back. Were you logging during the last three years? How long did it take you to lose the initial 50 lbs.?
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    I completely identify with eating for sadness, celebration, boredom, stress etc.
    I went down to healthy weight but after having children I gained over 100lbs!

    I always need friends who are on a journey to lose. You're welcome to add me.
  • blujp
    blujp Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Lost 60lbs four years ago and now I'm back where I started. We can do it =D
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    You are definitly not alone! The statistics say that 3 years after a diet 95% of all people have gatned the weight back, and around 70-80% (don't remember exact number) have gained more than they originally were. The good thing is it IS possible to lose the weight and keep it off as long as you are doing it in a sustainable way :)
  • fatguy_fitness
    fatguy_fitness Posts: 195 Member
    Same boat. I lost 60 lbs in 2013 and gained 50 back. I'm currently 7 lbs away from my low from 2013. Anyone can add me.
  • meleileen
    meleileen Posts: 46 Member
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    It's good you are back. Were you logging during the last three years? How long did it take you to lose the initial 50 lbs.?

    No, I had stopped logging and just gave up. It took about 6 months to lose the 50 lbs. I was very very strict with what I ate.

  • meleileen
    meleileen Posts: 46 Member
    KatAdele wrote: »
    Four years ago I lost 50 lbs - then gained back 40 of it. I started again in October and am back down 35 lbs. It is slow but I am just sticking with it this time.

    That’s excellent!
  • meleileen
    meleileen Posts: 46 Member
    ars371 wrote: »
    Same boat. I lost 60 lbs in 2013 and gained 50 back. I'm currently 7 lbs away from my low from 2013. Anyone can add me.

    Wonderful! I can’t wait to get that close.

  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    meleileen wrote: »
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    It's good you are back. Were you logging during the last three years? How long did it take you to lose the initial 50 lbs.?

    No, I had stopped logging and just gave up. It took about 6 months to lose the 50 lbs. I was very very strict with what I ate.

    Thanks for clarifying. Are you going to continue logging after reaching your goal weight this time? (No judgment, just asking).
  • meleileen
    meleileen Posts: 46 Member
    Super late response.....yes!
  • BeachIsMyFavoriteColor75
    Same here. Feel free to add me
  • fanofsinatra
    fanofsinatra Posts: 3 Member
    Same here. 3 years ago I lost 188# and gained 82 of it back.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,816 Member
    I have lost 20 pounds one time, then a second time lost close to 30 pounds. This time I started out at 202 (when I bought the scale) highest I have ever been. I'm down 19 pounds right now and have 41 to go. This time I swear I am going to continue logging and weighing at least weekly. I stopped both of the other times and think I would have stopped myself from gaining so much if I was at least paying attention.