100% juice versus 100% fruit

I'm eating as much solid food as I can stomach and needing to keep my net calories up. If I replace fruit with 100% fruit juice, am I missing out on anything important?



  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Don't drink juice if you can help it; it's loaded with things you don't want or need.. Solid fruit contains micro nutrients, and fiber, also better for you in general.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    If you have fruit juice rather than the fruit you have all the sugar without the fiber. It's not horrible, but don't replace your fruit. I actually try to avoid fruit juice because it's a lot of sugar.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    I saw something recently that commented on fruit vs fruit juice. Fruit juice has all of the sugar but pretty much none of the fiber/protein that the actual fruit has. Sure, you might be getting the Vitamins but it is VERY full of sugar.
  • rdmchugh
    rdmchugh Posts: 76
    If you have a good blender, you can make fruit smoothies. Just toss the whole fruit into the blender with a bit of water or ice. All the benefits of whole fruit, but you drink it :)

    I make mine with a handful of spinach for added nutrients without really changing the flavor of the fruit.

    Breakfast today was 1 whole mango, 1/4 of a fresh pineapple, handful of spinach and about 1 1/2 cups water. YUMMY!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Don't drink juice if you can help it; it's loaded with things you don't want or need.. Solid fruit contains micro nutrients, and fiber, also better for you in general.

    ^^^ This ^^^

    Homemade smoothies also a great idea
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Don't drink juice if you can help it; it's loaded with things you don't want or need.. Solid fruit contains micro nutrients, and fiber, also better for you in general.

    What he said.
  • mp09aap
    mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
    drinking 1 glass is ok however rember that fruit juice like coke contains 10-17% sugar. for pineapple for example in 1L carton that 167g of sugar and 670 cal. too much sugar makes people more hungrey. ontop of that the fiber is oftern filtered out along with some other good things.
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Thanks guys. I'll accept the wisdom of the crowd and try to eat fruit (or homemade smoothies).