-15lbs by Halloween



  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I would like to join! Sounds perfect =]
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    How I have recently started making myself drink water is I take bottles of water to work and label them for the time I should have them completely drank by. So I try to make sure I have 2 bottles of water drank by the time I go to lunch at 12:45. I write 10:30 on one bottle and mark the half way mark and label it for 9:45. The second bottle I have labeled 12:45 and the half mark for 11:30. This makes sure I get half of my water for the day before I even go to my lunch, I then do the same when I get back from lunch. It seems to keep me reminded and I actually get all my water in for the day not including whatever I drink for lunch and dinner.
  • brookiebaby2003
    brookiebaby2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Count me in! This is good! I will post my stats and goals this afternoon. Add me!!!
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I tried to join another group with the same goal but it was closed, so I’m going to start my own.

    CHALLENGE: -15lbs by 31 October

    That’s a little over 11 weeks from now, which is doable. If you would like to join please just let me know. I will add you to the roster and send you some information (get to know you/stats). You can friend me if you would like. :smile:

    More or less, let’s just motivate and challenge each other to push a little harder and do a little bit more to get rid of these pounds. Each week I’ll send out a mini-challenge to help us focus on a particular thing (ie. Water intake, eating veggies/fruits, etc).

    Yay! Let’s get started.

    Alright! Even though it's a new day, myfitnesspal still won't let me send out messages to the new folks, so I'm just going to post it here. Read and heed. Send me a message with your stats and jump right in! :D

    Hi and welcome to the -15lbs by Halloween challenge. I’m building the tracking chart right now, and I need some basic information:

    Starting weight
    Goal weight for the challenge
    And for fun-if you plan on dressing up for Halloween, what are you going to be?

    Weigh in can be any day you like (mine is on Wednesday), but I will try to update/post the chart on Fri/Sat. Let me know what day you are weighing in so I can make note. Because there are so many people, please feel free to bring corrections to my attention. It might be easier if you just send me your updates/corrections/weigh-ins via message so I don’t have to constantly search the thread. If at anytime you decide to quit, please let me know so that myself and the rest of the group can talk you out of it
    Also if for some reason, you miss 2 weigh-ins, then to save space, I’m going to have to remove you from the chart. But you are always welcome to come back.

    I’m excited about getting to know everyone! Good luck!
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning ladies and HAPPY Friday!!!
    Wish me luck I'm about to try and post the chart for this week. I had a couple of updates from some of you who weighed in today. Like I said in a previous post, if you find anything wrong with your information, please feel free to let me know so that I can correct it (it may come as a surprise to you, but YES, I am human, I make mistakes, lol).


    Congrats to Aochoa123! She had a 2.4lb loss this week! That's awesome!
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Yay! I'm so happy! It worked!!!! Bask in it's glory!!! J/K!
  • brookiebaby2003
    brookiebaby2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for doing ths SDMHudson! I am sooo excited! Well as far as water goes, I do not have a problem drinking water...I am like a camel! LOL! I do have a tip for those that have a hard time drinking it though. Try adding lemon. That gives it a little bit of flavor. Or you can also try some of the Crstal light slim packs that you empty into the water bottle. For only a few calories it flavors the water and kind of tastes like cool-aid! My fav is grape!
  • monoxidechick
    thank you for making this and creating the challenge!! It looks great!! I have been a super slacker lately and need the support and inspiration. Here is to 15 more lbs down!!!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    What a crazy weekend!!! Didn't log a single calorie and definitely didn't get enough water. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. But I have my 1 Liter bottle here with me at my desk and have been chugging away. Hope you all have a great week!!!
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning ladies, IT'S MONDAY :grumble: Lol

    My weekend was alright, went hiking Saturday, which I needed. I need to train myself into working out on the weekends. I do so well during the week, then when the wkend rolls around all I want to do is relax, relax, relax! How was everyone's weekend?

    I have received a couple of updates this morning/weekend and I'm happy to say that we are on a losing trend. So far we have lost 6.4 lbs as a group! And I'm sure that number will increase come the end of the week.

    I hope that everyone did well with drinking their water last week.

    Mini Challenge #1: WORKOUT differently!!!
    I'm sure that everyone is already working out til their :heart: 's content, but are you making sure you are mixing it up? Your body has the amazing ability to adapt quickly to certain situation, exercise being one of them. Crosstraining helps you to keep your body guessing and makes it harder for your body to adapt so quickly. **The quicker your body adapts, the more efficient it becomes, the less calories you burn.** So change your workout up a little bit. If you always run, then maybe try swimming or biking. If you are the queen of Zumba'ing, then try a kickboxing class or circuit training class. ~~Of course, workout within your means, becaues I am not a Dr. of any sort.~~

    MiniChallenge #2: Set a goal, and EXCEED it!
    Set an exercise goal for this week and meet/exceed it! I'm looking to get 10 workouts in this week. You can set a time goal of 30-60 mins, 3-5x this week.

    This week is going to be a good one! And each one of us is going to see a loss! Big or small, less than the week before is always good! :happy:

  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Mini Challenge #1: WORKOUT differently!!!
    I'm sure that everyone is already working out til their :heart: 's content, but are you making sure you are mixing it up? Your body has the amazing ability to adapt quickly to certain situation, exercise being one of them. Crosstraining helps you to keep your body guessing and makes it harder for your body to adapt so quickly. **The quicker your body adapts, the more efficient it becomes, the less calories you burn.** So change your workout up a little bit. If you always run, then maybe try swimming or biking. If you are the queen of Zumba'ing, then try a kickboxing class or circuit training class. ~~Of course, workout within your means, becaues I am not a Dr. of any sort.~~

    I'll take on this challenge. My hubby and I are currently doing P90X again, but I feel the need to change it up a bit. I am going to try to start incorporating some running into the mix... well it will more likely be more like "wogging."
    MiniChallenge #2: Set a goal, and EXCEED it!
    Set an exercise goal for this week and meet/exceed it! I'm looking to get 10 workouts in this week. You can set a time goal of 30-60 mins, 3-5x this week.

    For this one, I want to get in 4 servings of fruits and veggies each day this week (I already missed this goal yesterday). I struggle with this week after week. Too much processed food and not enough fresh food.

    Have a great week!
  • lupie007
    lupie007 Posts: 27 Member
    would love to join!!! that is my exactly goal right now....to lose 15 pounds by Halloween. :)
  • sabo1974
    sabo1974 Posts: 12
    Count me in!
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
  • brookiebaby2003
    brookiebaby2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Ok...maybe I'm stupid, but what does "bump" mean? I have seen it all over my fitness pal and have yet to be able to figure it out!
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
    Ok...maybe I'm stupid, but what does "bump" mean? I have seen it all over my fitness pal and have yet to be able to figure it out!

    More or less - you want to save the thread in My Topics but dont really have a comment! If I explained it correctly. i.e: you are looking for a thread you read and didnt comment. Bump is a comment and it will save in your My Topics and voila you can find it when you want....
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Hi ladies!!! It's hump day!

    I just wanted to say that everyone is doing an AWESOME JOB!!! It's been a little over a week and as a group we have lost over 23 POUNDS!!!!

    Keep up the good work and keep pushing! When we meet obstacles (like little or no weight loss), we have to evaluate them & hit them head on. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time and before you know it, you will be at your goal!

  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    me to xxxx
  • change_happens
    I set a personal goal for myself and that was to walk 10 miles in 10 days. Today i have covered 7 miles so far. It is still early... I still have the rest of the day ahead of me. Later I will be walking 3 miles with Leslie ;) Did I get my stats t you for Monday? Can't remember.
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    My callenge will be to do 4 workouts i have started with 2 on my goal for this week so i guess 4 will be a challenge xxxx