Coffee, my weakness



  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I am not worried about the calories.. moreso the sugar. Am I crazy to think that a daily goal of 24g of sugar is really LOW? I blow it out the water almost everday!
  • cspinney
    cspinney Posts: 81 Member
    I don't think coffee is bad for you (in moderation anyway) but I would try to gradually cut back on the sugar.
  • jhalton
    jhalton Posts: 85
    Sub stevia for sugar and almond milk for cream. Almond milk come in different flavors too.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I am a coffee addict too! But I have cut back somewhat. I used to drink coffee from the time I work up until the time I went to bed. I guess I'm immune to caffeine because it doesn't keep me awake. I don't use sugar at all, but I use the Sugar-free Coffeemate flavored creamers (hazelnut is my fav!).

    I now drink coffee only from a.m. until lunchtime, then I strictly drink water after that. I may have a cup of coffee after dinner sometimes, but not always. It has been a HUGE adjustment for me. I just love coffee so much.

    I don't think it's bad for you. Like everyone else said, just count any flavored coffee, sugar, creamers in your calorie counts daily. We just can't give up everything we like or we set ourselves up for failure!

    good luck!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm a coffee lover and also a full-time worker w/ 2 kids and a hubby. There is never a dull moment now is there! I find the caffeine perks me up. I have been dreaming of a Keurig (but can't seem to sneak it past the Hubby), but I will have to use my good 'ol trusty Cuisinart even though I'm usually the only one who drinks coffee during the week. I also love Starbucks but use that as my occasional treat these days and to save $. I add sugar to my coffee and just deal with it LOL - if I want to keep w/in my daily sugar goal I can't drink any other juices etc throughout the day so lots of water water water. If you want to cut down I would try every other day then scale down to maybe 2 days a week. When I cut down I try to plan more sleep so I won't be so dependent on the caffeine.
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    I drink one to two pots of coffee every day. I'm an ex truck driver, and former US Naval petty I love my coffee. I drink it black, with nothing in it, so it really doesn't mess with my calorie count or anything.
  • hvrs114
    hvrs114 Posts: 17
    I feel your pain! My name is Heather and I am a coffee addict! I have 4kids ages 7,6,5 and 4!! I kicked soda and went straight to coffee. The only thing I have done to lower my calories is using agave nectar instead of sugar or splenda. I can't seem to give up my vanilla nut creamer. =(
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    You can take my chocolate, you can take my ice cream, you can take my chips... but I will straight up knock someone out if they try to take my coffee!! There is nooo way I am giving up my coffee.
    That's kinda how I feel. Couldn't have said it better.
  • mfpdcg
    mfpdcg Posts: 10 Member
    The best suggestions here are, sadly for those who like sweets, related to getting the sugar and artificial additives to your coffee.

    If you set this as a personal goal, using less and less, you will find it is easy to have your coffee black without any problem! It really is easy! Two weeks should do it.

    If it isn't easy to wean yourself off to black coffee, visit the forum threads about kicking sugar. That's more likely the issue.
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    You can take my chocolate, you can take my ice cream, you can take my chips... but I will straight up knock someone out if they try to take my coffee!! There is nooo way I am giving up my coffee. If you feel like that, then just make it fit in. Cut back calories from dinner to make up for your coffee<sugar> ;)

    I am the same way! I agree with the other posters ... gradually cut back until you find something that you can live with. I used to drink my coffee with 3 heaping teaspoons of sugar and a bunch of powdered creamer ... I've cut back gradually, and believe it or not, I can do without the non-dairy creamer, but I need my 2 tsp of sugar. I just put a splash of skim milk to make it not look black (very dark brown).

    I made coffee like I normally would the other day and dumped it b/c I thought it was sooo gross!! Hahaha ... go figure. Cut back a little at a time where you won't really notice a difference and play around with it.

    Don't give up your favorites ... I don't think anyone should deprive themselves.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    I am not worried about the calories.. moreso the sugar. Am I crazy to think that a daily goal of 24g of sugar is really LOW? I blow it out the water almost everday!

    If you are staying under 24g of sugar you doing great. I assume that is not counting fruit, milk and other natural sources?

    There is nothing wrong with coffee unless your have a medical condition that precludes. One, you would be better of with real cream or milk over none dairy creamer unless you are lactose intolerant. None dairy creamers bring nothing good to the table where as milk or cream actually do have positive macro nutrients (fat, protein, etc.).

    I think your best path for drinking black coffee is first start with lighter blends. Ironically lighter blends actually have more caffeine. Next it has to be brewed will. Cream and sugar is often just hiding the taste of burnt coffee. Even at Starbucks and Peet's Coffee that both use timers, occasionally you will get a burnt cup. I prefer coffee houses that brew by the cup or offer french pressed coffee. Gravity breed individual cups of coffee are never burnt and just taste sweeter than coffee brewed by force. Also, better beans equals better coffee. Starbucks although convenient is not the best coffee. Look for places that used fresh, local, organic coffees that are roasted on demand like Blue Bottle (there are dozens that is just one of the better known). Also I would start by cutting the sugar and just using milk/cream. Milk has sugar remember. Then just gradually use less and less.
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    Few of us are gonna be able to behave like monks in the long term. I think you need to allow yourself some golden tickets - whether it be 1 night out a month, pizza twice a year etc. For me, i go black decaff and diet coke as my vice and dont care if it's bad for me or not. I ENJOY it in the morning. Given that many of us have cut out alcohol, pizzas, cakes, chocolates, you name it, i think being overly puritanical might more likely cause some of us to rebel and fall off the wagon at some point...
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    6-8 cups of black coffee daily for me. I drink away as I don't consider it a weakness.
  • Sbmtx
    Sbmtx Posts: 18 Member
    I always drink coffee in the AM. 2 cups with 1 tsp of powdered creamer and 1 pkt sweet N low. (I have tried 3 times now to switch to black and I plan to try again in the near future.) I have read that it is good for you. Have also read that it is bad for you. So yeah.
    Never being a fan of cold coffee, I accidentally tried one of those frozen coffee things from McDonalds with the whipped cream and all and I now have a new addiction. Frozen Coffee. But I do not buy those, I make them every morning before work in my mini blender and put it in a reusable plastic cup with straw to sip on. It has replaced my 2nd cup of hot coffee in the AM. For a lower cal version I have even left out the Almond Joy Creamer, added Cinnamon and a 1/2 tsp of vanilla.

    Almond Breeze - Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk , 0.5 cup
    Nestle Mountain Blend - Instant Coffee, 1 tsp (I add this for a stronger coffee flavor)
    Maxwell House - Black Coffee, 6 oz
    International Delight Coffee Creamer - Almond Joy, 1 Tbsp
    Sweet 'n Low - Zero Calorie Sweetener - Packets, 1 packet
    60 cal 9 carb 4 fat 1 prot 95 sod 90 pot
    I have topped it with lite spray whipped topping but that adds extra Cals and I did not really notice it was there.

    This frozen version lasts a lot longer for me than the McDonalds version which is more like a coffee milkshake.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    When i started on here i just switched to black coffee and i really dont miss the old way. I like to drink it with a snack so i get my sweets in there. I am all about looking good right now my food addiction is behind me as of right now. If you coffee is under 100 and you only have it once a day then enjoy it but maybe slowly tweak it to get rid of some of the calories.
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    I cut out sugar & creamer over the course of three month; first sugar then the creamer. I figure if your loading it up you might as well just drink something else with caffeine. The only exception to this is when I make a latte, but now I use almond milk.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I havent been able to drink it black.. but I do like the suggestion to keep pushing it back a little on what I intake creamer wise until I get the taste for black coffee..That would be great! The Keurig makes tea and cider k cups, so maybe I can become a tea drinker! we will see.

    Are there any flavored creamers that are sugar free but dont taste all ... artifical I guess is the best to describe it.

    We use DaVinci Gourmet coffee syrups, the sugar free variety. They're made with Splenda and come in yummy flavors like Hazelnut, Caramel, Coconut...0 calories for 2TBSP. You can find them on Amazon farily inexpensive. We buy ours at Sam's Club. My hubby and I are both hooked. :)