50lbs or more?



  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 184
    GW: 125

    I am only 5 feet tall and I am pear shaped, I carry all my weight on my lower half.

    So, I started with a 65 lb weight loss goal, now down to 59 lbs! I would love to connect with people looking to lose a similar amount. We can do this!

    Congrats girl! Let's work!
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    keilee0408 wrote: »
    I hit 198 today!! My end goal is 140. So almost a 1/3 of the way there :)

    That's awesome! Congrats girl! Keep working
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    otatopcat wrote: »
    Hi! It’s been a while since you posted but I hope you’re still active... :) I didn’t weigh myself for a couple of months and I have gained weight... this is the most I’ve ever weighed and I am ready to really work on myself and lose it... I weighed nearly 270 but have lost a couple pounds since I started tracking calories and exercising almost every day! It has been 2 weeks and now I am 260. I will be so happy when I am less than 200 and even happier when I reach my goal weight of 175... hope we can talk and support each other!!

    Still active and still here! Just keep logging in and staying consistent and you can crush these goals! Let's work
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    What a month March has been for me!

    I've had another amazing week. I lost another 4.4 pounds, to bring me to a total of 75 pounds lost!

    I have to admit, though, that I'm starting to feel the strain of the extended deficits and hard game. I'm giving things one more week, and then will be doing a structured maintenance break for April and the beginning of May.

    You're so awesome! Keep it up girl!
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    drea2011 wrote: »
    Hey all! Hope your journeys are going well!

    My stats:
    Currently at 229.1
    GW: 160
    End of April goal: 225

    So I have 71 lbs to lose...I’m taking the slow and steady race at 4/lbs a month so that puts me at a year and 2 months or 14 months! I did not hit my March goal. I only lost 2.3 lbs but I did lose 15”!

    I’m just trying to remain consistent I always quit when I get to 215ish or something in life happens and I turn to food. I am determined to continue with this lifestyle change this time! This is definitely the most consistent I’ve been and the first time I’ve never been taking diet pills.

    (I’ve done the fast way with diet pills, juicing etc...the weight never stays off!)

    You got this girl! Let work
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    shnell25 wrote: »
    My short term goal is to lose 15 pounds by May 1.

    Let's work t girl
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    How's everyone doing?
  • aellyn90
    aellyn90 Posts: 22 Member
    My goal is to get out of the 200s. Then I’ll reassess and go from there!

    So I’ve got 35 pounds to go, down from 50.

    Looking for MFP buddies as well! Feel free to add. I have a 1200 calorie, usually high protein diary.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited April 2018
    Count me in on this. I am have a B'day in May, I saw lot's of us have "May" goals. But my goal in for June 30th - I want to hit 190.

    HSW: 258
    Current SW - 237.8 (15th Jan)
    Challenge SW: 226
    1) getting down - 215 - will want to go clothes shopping (I hope to be down a size)
    2) get below 200, like 190-195 (so on fluctuation day I never see the 2 again)
    3) set new goals. -> another 50 or so to go I guess.

    It's slow and steady right now. I want it to stay that way. I think I can hit my goals by middle of this year - but I am nervous my current progress will slow down.

    I am taking it one day at a time - so thanks for all the inspirational stories, and all the support.

    20/02 - 226.0 lbs (Challenge Start)
    27/02 - 223.8 lbs (Week 1 loss -2.2lbs)
    07/03 - 221.6 lbs (Week 2 loss -2.2lbs)
    13/03 - 221.0 lbs (Week 3 loss - 0.6lbs)
    20/03 - 218.4 lbs (Week 4 loss - 2.6lbs)
    17/04 - 219.2 lbs - Easter holidays has ruined me ... but I am here ... I am back and I want to keep going.
    I will be counting next week as "Week 5" - :blush: this is my way to cope! See you next Tuesday. ... hopefully a pound or 2 down!

    Challenge loss so far (4 weeks) -7.6 lbs
  • Dwells0718
    Dwells0718 Posts: 4 Member
    Present weight 195
    Short term goal 10 lbs in next 3 mos
    Long term goal get down to 130 lbs.
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    Hi there, I work in kg so the numbers might look random. I am 46, currently at 194 and my short time goal is to be at 187 by end of May. Long term goal is to be around 140. I have started out - again - with about 3kg more a few weeks ago. I have lost weight here before but never got to my goal weight. I am looking forward to reaching it this time, though ;) good luck to all of us!
  • tcvega1104
    tcvega1104 Posts: 13 Member
    Please add me. You r just the type of person I believe can help me!
  • fitgirl0614
    fitgirl0614 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Just turned 40 and am 215lbs.
    Short term goal is to lose 15lbs by Memorial Day.
    Long term goal is to lose another 40lbs by my 41st birthday in February.

    Good Luck to all of us!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Count me in on this. I am have a B'day in May, I saw lot's of us have "May" goals. But my goal in for June 30th - I want to hit 190.

    HSW: 258
    Current SW - 237.8 (15th Jan)
    Challenge SW: 226
    1) getting down - 215 - will want to go clothes shopping (I hope to be down a size)
    2) get below 200, like 190-195 (so on fluctuation day I never see the 2 again)
    3) set new goals. -> another 50 or so to go I guess.

    It's slow and steady right now. I want it to stay that way. I think I can hit my goals by middle of this year - but I am nervous my current progress will slow down.

    I am taking it one day at a time - so thanks for all the inspirational stories, and all the support.

    20/02 - 226.0 lbs (Challenge Start)
    27/02 - 223.8 lbs (Week 1 loss -2.2lbs)
    07/03 - 221.6 lbs (Week 2 loss -2.2lbs)
    13/03 - 221.0 lbs (Week 3 loss - 0.6lbs)
    20/03 - 218.4 lbs (Week 4 loss - 2.6lbs)
    17/04 - 219.2 lbs - Easter holidays has ruined me ... but I am here ... I am back and I want to keep going.
    I will be counting next week as "Week 5" - :blush: this is my way to cope! See you next Tuesday. ... hopefully a pound or 2 down!
    24/04 - 217.6 lbs ("Week 5" loss -0.8lbs) - I hope by next week to be again down a pound or two so I really feel back on track!

    Challenge loss so far (5 weeks) -8.4 lbs
  • caroline_mason42
    caroline_mason42 Posts: 83 Member
    I am currently at 232
    Long Term Goal 168 so that is 64Lb to lose.

    I have done it before and I will do it again :):)
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I'm 57 years old
    I weighed 265 pounds On Jan. 31, 2018
    I am currently at 235
    My long term goal is to reach 190 and be fit again.
    Unfortunately I have been down this road before. I lost the weight before. Unfortunate because I never learned how to maintain my weight and my fitness. I'm learning how to eat well and not "diet" anymore.
  • Godschosen0556
    Godschosen0556 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello beautiful people!!! I’m starting out at 245 and my short term goal is to just stay consistent and my long term goal is to lose 80 pounds. Today I’m starting the pmsf diet so far so good. Lunch is here below. Brigand green beans with shrimp 69zlf4aizmw4.jpeg
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    *Original post (in February):
    *Starting weight: 239 (last May)
    *Current weight: 177.5
    *Short term goal: 165 (Beginning of April)
    *Long term goal: ??? (Going to get to bodyfat % of 25-30 and re-evaluate where I'll go from there.)
    *Can't even imagine. I'm almost at my lowest adult weight already.

    I'm baaaaaaack!

    Hope everyone's doing great!

    I'm happy to report that I successfully completed my refeed/maintenance month and am back in the game as planned. I was able to keep my weight reasonably stable and managed to shift some fat into muscle, as I'm down a size again!

    Today I weighed in at 162 (total loss so far 77!), and am looking to torch another 20-30 pounds by July 30th, which will place me around 132-142. I'm crazy excited for it, and gonna rock it!
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Currently 233 lbs.
    Short term goal: 200 by summer's end
    Long term goal: 120 lbs weight target.

    I'm 31, 5'2" and have a mostly sedentary lifestyle, trying to change that with walks at lunch.
  • TonyaL1783
    TonyaL1783 Posts: 14 Member
    Current Weight: 225
    Short Term Goal: Stay Committed, even baby steps count
    Long Term Goal: 160