Do you plan your day?



  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I plan ahead two days in a row. I log all three meals in the morning. Snacks vary based on exercise and activity.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I plan my day as far as packing my food for the day goes. I do that the night before. My snacks are pretty laid out for the day too. I don't log it until I eat it though. As for exercise...I lift MWF and run on days in between. Sometimes I do both. It just depends on my mood. I log my exercise as I go too.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I dont plan it out at all, really, I just eat what I want* and log it. I stop eating when I run out of calories, or if I'm not hungry.

    *About the only planning I actually do, is there are just so many things that I can eat. Like I know eating X is 250 to 300 calories, as are Y, Z, D, E I can have whatever of that I want for lunch and I'm good. I have 10 or 15 things I can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that are all around 300, 300, and 600 calories, respectively....and I pretty much remember them all as I've been doing this for several months now. So I pretty much know off the top of my head how I'm going to get to 1200 calories. What I have to keep track of are 'extras' that I allow myself throughout the day to get closer to the 1700-2000 calories I want to eat. Generally, I'll add something for dinner ... but I try to keep an eye on nutrition content for that one.

    I'm getting fairly close to the weight I want to maintain at this point, so I'm trying to train myself to just naturally adhere to my calorie goals for the day as much as possible.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I kind of plan my food ahead, but I don't plan my exercise in. I log as I eat because I have a tendency to bring too much food for the day (not by calories, but just in general - too much food!). So I kind of do both :)
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    I log as I go. If I plan too far in advance, then if I want something that I haven't planned I tend to rebel and eat too much. If I keep up with it during the day then I'm always aware of what I have left. Good luck!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I plan food. I don't plan exercise. I tried planning exercise, but I noticed that if I already had it logged, I had a tendency to not do it. It's like seeing the numbers made me feel like I already did it. :-P

    This made me chuckle. I'd probably do the same thing! ;)

    I log as I go. I am not nearly organized enough to log ahead of time and have nothing but unbounded respect and admiration for those who do it. [I have to admit I was absolutely baffled by one of my MFP friends who is in a time zone a couple hours ahead of me - she always finished logging ahead of me and I couldn't figure out what was going on until she explained OH so patiently that she logged everything ahead of time! Yeah. I'm smart like that.]
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    Yup, I also plan in advance. I've noticed that it's getting easier and easier to plan ahead of time.
  • brittany33107
    Maybe I am the only one who plans my exercise?? I am a stay at home mom and so I don't usually run out of time to exercise. I'm quite the opposite with the exercise than most of y'all (yes i'm from Texas lol). If I log it in the morning, I feel like I'm required to do it. Although, many times I do have to go back and alter it, but for the most part it helps me see what I'm able to eat and not eat for the day.
    As for food, I do usually always log in my meals in the morning. I play with the snacks a little and see what I might be able to eat and then usually change it up later. I have only been at this for a few weeks so I am still learning what everything's worth in calories. Thank y'all so much for your input! Y'all are great!
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I work out in the morning, so I log that in afterwards along with everything, or as much as possible, for the day. For example, today I did a 30 min personal training session then 40 min of cardio. So afterward, I logged that in then logged in my coffee, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. I haven't logged dinner because I'm not sure yet what that will be. Most likely chicken breast and a big salad. I like logging ahead of time because, for me, it completely removes any anxiety I might have surrounding what I'm eating, how I'm doing on nutrients, and where I stand calorie-wise as the day progresses.
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    I'm a very routine person, so I eat the same breakfast, snack and lunch pretty much everyday. Because of this, when I plan out my dinners for each week, I plan meals that will fi either into my 1200-calorie limit, or will put me at 1500 (which I will burn with a workout). So since I have it pretty well planned out in my head, I don't log it until I've actually eaten it -- I prefer seeing the calories go down gradually versus have a huge drop all at once - it makes me feel hungry! ;-)
  • SpaceMarkus
    I don't really plan my food, but I plan everything else. We all have 24 hours, I just need to figure out how to use them! lol
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Monday through Friday I'm usually able to log my food diary for the day because everything's planned. The weekends are a bit more up in the air but I try to at least plan dinner so I have an idea of how many calories I have for breakfast and lunch and can work around that.

    I don't always know what I'm going to do for exercise but can usually count on burning at least 300 calories so I know I've got that buffer. I don't worry too much about going over a little bit though since I've got an extra deficit built in to give me wiggle room. My weight loss goal is set at 1.4 pounds per week but my average is about 1 pound per week, which is fine by me! When I had it set at 1 pound per week, I'd still go over and I wasn't losing. It's kind of like people who set their alarm clocks 20 minutes ahead so it shocks them into waking up and getting going (or allows them to hit snooze a couple times). Whatever works for you!