New and have a LOT to lose.

Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
37 and from Virginia, here to change things (finally). Been doing the yo-yo dieting for all of my life, and finally had enough. I'm as heavy as I have ever been, and I am taking my husband with me...something I will NOT let happen. (he wasn't unhealthy before he met me!) I am knocking on the door to diabetes, and who knows what else. I am taking control of my life, and I need lots and lots of support from people who won't judge me because they're going through it as well and know how difficult it can be. I am looking forward to changing!

Please feel free to add me...even Yankee fans :wink: LOL


  • hugabug75
    I also am in the same situation and I figure u can never have too much support so I hope u wont mind if I add u. We can do this.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    Absolutely! I always welcome the addition of a new friend!
    We definitely can do this!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I'm new here, too! I've got about 150 pounds to lose to be at my ideal, healthy body weight. Feel free to add me, too. I just started my adventure to a healthy life last week.
  • TheKatzMeow77
    Im not new here, but I have lost 110 and have about 42 more to go...the more support the better :)) it is not easy. people that have never had to have a large amount of weight to lose don't get it. this site is great, awesome people, fabulous support!! Jen
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I'm new too! I've got about 100lbs to lose, I joined weight watchers about 18 months ago and lost a lot of weight (about 5 stone) but put four of that back on, whoops!

    We can do this!

    PS - I'm a Red Sox fan too, living in the UK! :)
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I cant tell you how awesome it was for me to find this site. Its so overwhelming in a good way to find people going thru the same struggle I am and now knowing Im not alone in this journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend the more support the better the outcome :0)
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    New Yorker here! LOL.Transplanted from Virginia... I started out at 310 in October and down to 265 now, but have a LOT to go! We can do it! Stay positive and stay faithful to your food log, which is a great way to start!!!!
  • ydnask
    ydnask Posts: 1
    I've been here for about 2 months. I have quite a bit to lose and would also like to be added as a friend. I started out real well, but haven't added friends to support me and have had a bit of a struggle lately. I DO believe it will help to have support from friends on the site. Even though I am a White Sox fan!