family who is trying to kill my high spirits



  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I had, way in the past, always been the smallest one in my family. When I got preggo and put on 40 lbs, my sister lost a ton of weight is is way skinnier than I EVER was, and suddenly people were noticing her being so skinny and ME being so BIG AND PREGNANT! haha I was SO jealous of her, and my first reaction was to say she didn't look "good" just because of my own personal jealousy and insecurities.

    Jump forward to now, and I am SO SO SO SO proud of what she's been through, and the jealousy issue is a thing of the past. I am going to say that your sister is going through what I went through... she is resentful of your progress and possibly thinks you're getting too much of HER attention. Just take anything she says with a grain of salt. It is NOT okay for her to say things like that, and someday she'll apologize because, deep down, she knows you look AMAZING
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    . "you know you don't look that thin in person, right?

    The reply that comes to my mind is, "Yeah, I know--I look BETTER!!" The best part of that is that it's certainly true; you look even better in person because that's when your personality really shines through.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I had, way in the past, always been the smallest one in my family. When I got preggo and put on 40 lbs, my sister lost a ton of weight is is way skinnier than I EVER was, and suddenly people were noticing her being so skinny and ME being so BIG AND PREGNANT! haha I was SO jealous of her, and my first reaction was to say she didn't look "good" just because of my own personal jealousy and insecurities.

    Jump forward to now, and I am SO SO SO SO proud of what she's been through, and the jealousy issue is a thing of the past. I am going to say that your sister is going through what I went through... she is resentful of your progress and possibly thinks you're getting too much of HER attention. Just take anything she says with a grain of salt. It is NOT okay for her to say things like that, and someday she'll apologize because, deep down, she knows you look AMAZING

    This is so true!

    My mom lost some weight a couple of years ago, and I was just getting fatter...and fatter. I totally noticed she lost some weight, but I never said anything positive because I was jealous. What an unsupportive person I was!

    She was fishing for a compliment when we were on vacation. She said something like, "Check these pants out! I haven't been able to wear these in 6 years!" and I barely responded with "eh they look ok I guess, maybe they are a little tight on you?"

    Bottom line...I was jealous! Don't worry about your sister, she will come around eventually.
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Uggg Family has a way of putting you down.

    I was always the "skinny" one in the family. Once I had my 1st child I gained about 20lbs... When he turned 4 I started gaining weight because of the PCOS. Now I am at my highest and my brother told me a few weeks ago "Wow, You are fat". Ummm really, wow Im pretty sure I see that when I look in the mirror. I wish people would think before they spoke. It's ok though because when I reach my goal, I am going to SCREAM it to the world. Im probably going to take like 100 pics and send them to him....LOL

    You have done an awesome job, like someone said - People are jealous of what they want!!!! WTG on all your progress!!!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    Cheer-up, im sure yur sister loves u......u will have lots of people to put u down; exspecially since u lost weight. It is the jealous part on there behave and there behavior. U stand yur ground, and don't take any body serious when it comes to critizem. all matters is that u know how u look and feel. so proud of u
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    For the last 7 years she has been the "skinny" one. All 4 of us sisters are big. Im finally the smallest one and my sister doesn't like that.

    You also worked so hard to achieve something that came so easily to her, and now she's not only the bigger of you two but she can't feel the same pride you have. I had the same problem when I was 13. I used to be the "Skinny friend" and my heavier friend lost weight and I was no longer the only skinny one. My weight (at the time) wasn't hard to maintain but I was an awkward kid and was teased for being ugly and really thought my only asset was my weight. I never behaved jealously, and instead I decided I would make myself over and sought her guidance because she was the fashionable one and knew how to put on makeup, where I was clueless. Then I found out she had lost the weight with an eating disorder and did it because she wanted to be thin like me and thought I was the standard model of health, meaning something was wrong with her just because I ate all the junk I wanted and was rail-thin but she would measure her food and couldn't drop a pound. She then told me how she was jealous of my "big boobs" and "prefect" clear skin, and I was shocked! I had buck, gap teeth and out-of-control, frizzy hair. I was used to jealousy over my breast size (I was a DD and size 8 by 12 years old and at my current 5'8 height) but I never thought someone I admired so much and who was popular would want something I had -- I thought I was ugly! I explained that my big boobs were covered in purple stretch marks and gave me back trouble AND my perfectly clear skin was the result of horribly dry skin that would crack and bleed if not moisturized well enough. These were things I hated about myself and would have gladly given them up just to have great hair and teeth like hers.

    Your sister is adjusting to a shift in her self confidence and discovering feelings she has for herself and she's reacting poorly. Maybe she envies something about you and her jealousy comes from "She already had things going for her! Why does she now get to have my glory?" like it did for me. I'm sure she isn't trying to hurt you. Regardless, she still needs to understand that her comments are hurtful and can sabotage your future efforts to keep getting and staying healthy. If she has other problems and relies on her status as "the skinny one" for her source of accomplishment in life, be a supportive sister and see if you can assist with something troubling her. If you've made an effort to stand up for yourself and she doesn't want your support for anything but she's still nasty and mean, ignore her and let your confidence speak for you. You don't have to put up with people who sabotage you, intentionally or otherwise.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Don't let anybody get you down. If you feel good about yourself then that's all that really matters.
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Weird... usually people look FATTER in pictures, not skinnier than they really are. I mean, whoever heard of "the camera takes off ten pounds"? IMO, she's full of s---!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Weird... usually people look FATTER in pictures, not skinnier than they really are. I mean, whoever heard of "the camera takes off ten pounds"? IMO, she's full of s---!

    I didn't even think of that! Lol. Thanks for that!

    And thank you my MFP family! I don't know what I would so without you all!
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I stopped listening to the jerks that said things like that about me. I've actually stopped being friends with some people because all they did was bring me down when I was proud of myself. As long as YOU are happy that's all that matters! You look AMAZING!
  • SueSaylor
    You can fix a lot of things (like a car, your hair, dinner, yeah, you get it) but YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID. Honestly, you don't need enemies when you have family & friends like that. She should be ashamed of herself (and maybe she is ashamed of how she looks in comparison to the NEW you). YOU LOOK AMAZING!! That comment is mean spirited and meant to be hurtful. Stick with us - the ones who have been in the trenches & know what it's like - we'll get you thru it. She deserves to be ***** slapped. All those if favor - say I. " I "
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I'd say, "Well maybe not... but I'm still way hotter than you! "
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    She is insecure. People will be like that. Just brush it off as "a haters gonna hate". I literally think that phase every time I have to deal with some one else's negativity about my weight loss. It makes me giggle. Sometimes right in front of the hater. LOL The look on their face is priceless.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    You are doing AMAZING!!! Don't let her pettiness get you down! Going from a 16 to a 10 is no small feat and you have every right to be proud of yourself. As others have stated, she's most likely just jealous of how great you do look!