fed up with sciatica and looking for friends to laugh with

mclong1977 Posts: 20 Member
Suffering daily. Getting really fed up. Here to make a few friends and have a good old laugh and try and shift some lbs


  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    Have you heard of the fascia blaster? I have one (the medium size) and my sciatica issues are gone. I haven’t had that pain since I got it. You can Google it and read more about it. There’s also a fantastic Facebook group about it. I tried rolling and myofascial release and it would be gone for a few days and always return. This thing got right to the issue. You do it so you control the intensity. Best of luck.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you in physical therapy?

    Doesn't laughing hurt or is that just me?

    Laugh or cry: At my worst, I couldn't watch scary movies because I jump when startled and even just that little jump in my seat hurt like crazy.
  • UntilProud
    UntilProud Posts: 277 Member
    So, I let sciatica destroy my mentality. If there's anything you can do, right now, is continue practicing DISCIPLINE with your food. No giving up, after trying everything except for surgery, only time would heal mine. However, I decided to let the pain get to me and I ended up getting depressed over my injury, I started eating what ever I wanted, and gained 250lbs (which I had lost 170lbs to get to a weight I loved) and I have had a hell of a time getting back to my comfort weight. If I had created discipline with my eating, instead of relying heavily on how motivated I was to maintain, I may have had a better outcome.

    Keep head strong, and keep working your stretches, and you'll get back on a healthy body. Don't over-due your workouts if you're still trying...your body will heal.
  • mclong1977
    mclong1977 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all so much. It means a lot
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    I havent heard about this medical condition before. I just googled it and it sounds overwelhming. I hope you heal fully.
  • mclong1977
    mclong1977 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you very much x
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I got mine by tripping on a large root while carrying a very heavy load during a landscaping project. Something just snapped! It took me almost a year to heal up most of the way. The first few months were frustrating and depressing, because it seemed like it was never going to end and I was used to being a very fit, active person. I felt sidelined.

    But as it finally began to improve and I slowly returned to my active lifestyle, it just kept getting better. Now I've lost the 7 pounds I gained from lack of activity during that painful time and I feel like I'm as fit or fitter than ever now. I still get a little twinge now and then, but it's not too bad - I'd say 97% back to normal. I have so much gratitude for that. It would be miserable to be stuck like that forever...

    The one year anniversary of my injury was just this past week. I know it's slow, but be patient and stay positive. Good luck! <3
  • mclong1977
    mclong1977 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you. I have put on weight again. Not very active right now. I am trying my best. It gets to me a bit though. Hope you heal well
  • gcconroy29
    gcconroy29 Posts: 85 Member
    So, if you haven't done any PT for sciatica. I really recommend it. When I first got, more than a decade ago, it was debilitating and the PT was amazing.

    But more importantly, they gave me great stretches to do. The only time the sciatica was ever really bad again was when I was lazy and didn't do the stretches regularly. Now I wake up every morning, do 10 minutes of stretches for it and I sometimes still have pain, I'm able to run, lift weights and just be active in general.
  • jastone174
    jastone174 Posts: 2 Member
    20 yrs ive been a sufferer of this damn sciatica. Gained weight, lost weight affects my whole life. Every day is a reminder. But I dont stop. I Keep moving. Play sports, hike and hunt go camping and work out at the gym 3-5 days a week. Being active keeps the pain away. Stopping and sitting for any lenggth of time suuuucks.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I still have it, but have been accustomed to the dull numbing feeling. It's been 30 years and what helps to keep it under control for me is exercise. When I don't keep exercise up, the intensity increases. Lot of core work helps.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    I don't have sciatica but can relate to constant back pain. I had a bulging disc years ago. I had to literally lay on the floor most of the day. Excruciating pain that didn't go away. I certainly was not able to do any biking or running! It took a year for this to resolve, but I was able to avoid surgery. Stretching exercises (and a couple times some kind of physical therapy that involved a traction machine of some sort) helped.

    Hang in there!! We've got your back!

  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2018
    there are some yoga poses that are fantastic for this issue. yin yoga.
  • mclong1977
    mclong1977 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for your comments. It is so nice to hear these words
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    I still have it, but have been accustomed to the dull numbing feeling. It's been 30 years and what helps to keep it under control for me is exercise. When I don't keep exercise up, the intensity increases. Lot of core work helps.

    This exactly. The outside half of my right leg, thigh to toes, is numb. When I stop moving, it’s somehow both numb and painful. Weight loss has helped, but more so daily exercise. I run, bike, swim, row, and stretch.
  • lostsomeweightonce
    lostsomeweightonce Posts: 23 Member
    Yikes, reading all these makes me feel lucky. I had it for around 3 years. Then one day I noticed it was gone and now I have numb spots on my calves.
  • sarahscott9064
    sarahscott9064 Posts: 28 Member
    Omg. I dealt with sciatica ONCE and it was HELL!!!! It hurt to BREATHE!!
  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    Have you looked into DDP Yoga?
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2018
    also got a ton of relief from water. floating in the pond or pool and/or in the hot tub...water always helped w this pain.