Building a Better Breakfast

Ok, so i don't eat breakfast at home, i usually wait until i get to work, which means that i put my breakfast together the night before so i'm all ready to go in the morning. Usually I have Raisin Bran and 2% milk. I am finding that this is good for about an hour or so and then i am tired and it's not snack time yet. i am trying to eat clean(er?) and avoid processed foods.

I do occassionally have hard boiled eggs, and I eat the yolk. That works well for me, but then i get bored of them. And what's wrong with the egg yolk? Why do people only eat egg whites? So, what i am looking for are breakfast ideas that are heavy in protein so that i can go from breakfast (7:30) to snack (10:30) or lunch time (11:30). What do you do that works well for you.

I don't do protein powders or supplements, i am a believer in nature over science when it comes to my foods, i.e. butter over margarine. I am allergic to most nuts :sad: and don't eat salt because it makes me :sick: to my stomach.


  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Have you tried greek yogurt? I buy it in single serving cups and portion out a serving of frozen fruit. I then let the fruit thaw over night and mix it together. You could also add apples with peanut butter, super filling!

    Maybe you should try a different cereal? I use the Kashi go lean crunch with coconut milk and half a cup of berries and I am stuffed!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    so how about a scrambled egg sandwich? you could scramble them the night before but them in seperate containers then the toast so as not to have mushy toast and its high in protien not as icky as eating just a hard boiled egg (which i think are okay at times) and you could add a hint of cheese for flavor or whatever you put in your egg sandwiches.... or i like to do creamcheese and toast, and i like shakes too but you said no to that... and throw in a piece of fruit and that would be good?
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Here lately I've been taking Dannon Greek (130 - 140 calories) along with 1/4 Kashi Toasted Berry Bramble (60 caolires) with me in the morning. The yogurt has a ton of protein and the cereal has a ton of fiber, so it really does a great job filling me up.

    Good luck!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    I like regular old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast. Then I add things to mine, like dried or fresh fruits (depending on what I have), cinnamon, avage or honey (for a little sweetness). Keeps me full for a few hours until snack or lunch :)
  • stephanielynn1108
    I like to have fruits on hand to munch on in the mornings. I also buy the chocolate weight loss shakes from Costco for mornings when I feel I can't make it till lunch! I am not much of a breakfast eater but fruit seems to do the trick for me, that or nutrigrain bars. Good luck! :-)
  • andrewharman
    andrewharman Posts: 31 Member
    A quick non-prep breakfast for me would be:

    1 Banana , 12 Pistachio Kernels, 6 Almond Kernels

    the trick is to eat slowly and drink plenty of water to ensure you're hydrated, especially after a nights sleep and perspiration, feelings of thirst can often be confused with feelings of hunger.

    It's not as boring as it sounds and it keeps me satisfied till my mid-morning snack.
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    I also wait to eat breakfast until I get to work, but I make it first thing in the morning, before I shower. I usually make 2 egg whites (I don't eat the yolk because it is higher in calories, but that is a personal choice), add 2 ounces of meat (I prefer turkey ham or lunch meat), and a half ounce of cheese or a cheese stick chopped up and mixed in. I eat right about 8:00am and it lasts me until around 11:00am most days.
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    I always eat an apple while I drive to work. Then I have oatmeal with some nuts or greek yogurt with a bit of fruit within 30 to 45 minutes of the apple. These are all easy and at hand.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Get some Eggbeaters. Each 1/4 cup = 1 egg, but only 30 cals and all the nutrition of the egg. One egg = 70 cals.
    Then get some turkey sausage links and pre cook em. My grocery store (Giants, Martins) sells 100% light wheat bread. 80 calories for both slices. OR, Hebrew National has 97% reduced fat hotdogs that are 40 cals each. Butterfly one and pan sear it. Just some ideas of what I do. Good luck!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I make sure i get 30g of protein for breakfast that holds me over for 5 hours before i get hungry again. Nornally i get it from eggs and a protein bar or some Kashi Autumn Wheat or Raisin Bran with 2% milk. Oops and the Half and Half in my coffee.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I'm casting another vote for greek yogurt... I usually have greek yogurt with fresh fruit. Sometimes I will have hard boiled eggs. Sometimes I make egg salad. Sometimes I make chicken salad. I'm a bit of a "non-traditional" breakfast eater though. :)