How to add photos?

kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
Hi all how do you add a photo to your news feed update. I can see the option where you can upload one picture a day through the progress photo upload method but the problem with doing it this way is I then end up having loads of pictures that are not actually progress update photos saved under “progress photos” with no way to then get rid of them. I’m a paying member and I would like access to uploading pictures really.
Thanks all!


  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    you have to be on the mobile app to add photos, when I'm on computer I've never found a way. So I upload from my phone. There will be small camera in the corner where you post, click that and either take a photo, or pick one you've already taken. (I'm on Android, though, iOS will be different.)
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    Yeahh I’m on IOS and I don’t have that option :(
    Thanks though.
  • DreamAmalfi
    DreamAmalfi Posts: 211 Member
    Android here but there isn't a camera icon that i can see.