Need keto friends

dholl53 Posts: 19 Member
edited April 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the app and would like to get some friends to help motivate and keep me on track. I am 26yrs old and I have always been a bigger guy. I was very active in high school with sports and working out and when that ended and with some injury setbacks Ive shot up to just over 300lbs. I've been out of high school for 8 years now and it's time to get motivated and get this weight off. I'm easing my way into the keto diet. This is my first week and I'm trying to stay under 100g of carbs per day and slowly working it down until I'm between 20-30g per day. I'm finding meal prep to be a lot easier than I expected with the exception of some foods (especially some veggies that are super high in carbs). Feel free to send me a request so we can help each other through the journey.
