any almost vegetarians out there?

Lol - my mind has just flashed to a scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding where Toula's Aunt says 'He don't eat meat!?!?!? What do you mean he don't eat meat!!!"

Anyway - I am not much of a meat eater. It has nothing to do with PETA (although I am a animal lover) but I just never really acquired a taste for meat. And of the little bit I do eat I'm very picky. Only - marinated skinless chicken breast...grilled and burned beyond recognition and smoked (mesquite) turkey breast lunchmeat. No baked chicken, no roasted turkey.......I haven't had a hamburger, steak, pork chop, roast beef ect ect in years. I will on a rare occasion have a piece or two of bacon (c'mon who doesn't love bacon!?!?!) Or a few times a year have hot dog off the grill, yum! But that's about all.

Are there any vegetarians out there? How do you meet your protein goals? Any good recipes to share?


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    How is one "almost" a vegetarian?
  • caitlin70433
    Me. I am. I eat meat only 1-2 times a week. I put beans on my salads and usually have egg beaters for breakfast.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i dont like bacon.

    in all seriousness, i was like you before i committed to "full" vegetarian---just didnt like meat. Now, i get in my protein though eggs, cheese (Cottage cheese is my fav), greek yogurt, kashi cereal, protein shakes, beans, nuts, etc. I LOVE veggies and dont miss meat at all.

    My diary is public if you'd like to see what i eat.
  • tlwatkins12
    I've been a vegetarian for 2 years. Beans, whole grains, nuts, and meat substitutes are a great source of protein.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Me. I am. I eat meat only 1-2 times a week. I put beans on my salads and usually have egg beaters for breakfast.

    I only eat meat a few times a week as well and when I do it's usually lean meats (usually seafood). I haven't had beef in forever! It's mostly because I cook for my husband and he's a vegetarian, but I'm reaping the benefits :)
    I don't eat pork either!
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    I don't like to eat a lot of meat , but I eat dairy, cottage cheese, plain yogurt , both f/f or l/f. I also eat corn, beans, lentils : all have tons of protein. I would have an egg or tofu on an occasion. How about fish? Or shrimps or scallops or squid? Do you like it? I do :) On the day I do a lot of muscle training I drink 35 g protein (whey) drink to help me to get all of protein in. Start seeing result in form of some lean muscles. :)
  • JessicaMarie9382
    I'm an almost veg too. I eat boneless, skinless chicken breast. Some turkey. NO pork. Hambuger once in a great while. A few bites of steak once in a while....I NEVER get enough protein! I also HATE fish
  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    If it weren't for animals being so tasty I'd totally be a vegetarian. I have been before, but my body really didn't like it (I was for nearly a year). I had zero energy and my body wasn't happy. For my blood type I need meat.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    He likes gardein.
  • tiffanyvc
    I'm vegetarian, but not vegan. Some days I really struggle to get enough protein, today being one of them. I'll eat an egg with my salad at lunch, I use almond milk with my cereal which has some protein. I like the fake meat products, like morningstar and stuff. There are some very decent products that I find in my grocery store's organic section. I wish I could remember the brand, but there's one that makes some buffalo chikkin nuggets that actually taste very good. I am also a fan of Worthington and Loma Linda products, but not many stores carry those. If you're into the fake meat stuff, check out Worthington brand's chili. Loaded with beans and fake meat, so there's lots of protein. Unfortunately, it's high in sodium and fat.

    There is also a great five bean chili recipe that I found and lost (and would like to find again). Beans are great for protein, and this one had just the right amount of spice to be delicious. I put it on a baked potato, and I'd like to try it on elbow noodles. Beans also have tons of fiber, too.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Me. I am. I eat meat only 1-2 times a week. I put beans on my salads and usually have egg beaters for breakfast.

    I have gone years with not eating red meat and now am leaning more and more towards being a full vegetarian. . .I do have to say I like my sea food though. . . so perhaps a pesco vegetarian. . .for me. . . .
  • PaulineLi
    PaulineLi Posts: 17 Member
    Funny, I'm one of a few people who doesn't like bacon at all but loves most all other meats. I dont' know, something about bacon always tastes burnt.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I have a great recipe for black bean burgers. . . I too eat morning star foods, but it really is much better if you take the time to make your own as there are a lot of preservatives in the premade burgers.
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    I am an Indian vegetarian. I eat a lot of lentils, beans, yogurt, Milk, nuts etc. Since I have been of MFP I have seen that I am not meeting the daily protein requirement when I exercise. So I have started drinking protein shakes.
  • Rtrue18
    Rtrue18 Posts: 45
    I definitely consider myself an almost vegetarian. Every now and then I give it up completely. I have never liked red meat (any pink meat absolutely grosses me out)...I do eat grilled chicken sometimes and every now and then I will have a very well cooked cheeseburger in the summer but mostly bc I love the cheese bread and ketchup that comes along with it :) Id take a veggie burger any day.

    Back to the ? of protein. I get a lot of protein actually. One of my favorite meat substitues is a brand called "quorn" they make these great 'chicken style pieces' that i like so much better than chicken. Its not from a Soy bean surprisingly either in case your someone who doesn't like to overload on soy for any health reasons. They have them as meatballs too which arent bad (taste nothing like real meatballs) and some other forms of chicken like gilled breasts or patties and stuff. I like that it just doesn't feel like Im biting into flesh like chicken does. I also eat some tofu (although much less than I used to bc its so easy to make those quorn things, you just throw them from the freezer onto a skillet with some spray oil and throw them over a salad. Ive also made a 'chicken salad' with them using greek faye yogurt, cranberries, celery & apple chunks (like a waldorf salad style). I also like lightlife deli meats.

    For non 'fake meat' proteins I also eat nuts, eggs and egg whites, protein shakes & bars, beans, fish. I always reach my protein goals in my day its never a problem.

    A really good high protein salad is with black beans, corn, 'quorn chicken pieces' heated in skillet, then topped with some crushed up baked tortilla chips and then I make my own ranch dressing using greek nonfat yogurt and a packet of those ranch powder dips that you are supposed to mix with sourcream, and just a small teaspoon or less with the yogurt makes a really creamy low cal/fat dressing :)
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Been a vegetarian for 8 years. There's plenty of protien rich foods that aren't meat. Spinach, broccoli, beans, the list goes on and on. Google it.
  • caitlin70433
    Protein - I'm routinely over my protein thanks to the egg beaters, milk, beans, and Greek yogurt. No lack of protein here. :)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I eat mostly vegetarian. I do sometimes eat fish. I know that there is a word for that, but "pescatarian" sounds like I'm not Baptist.

    You can get enough protein from a veggie diet, you just have to look for it.
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    i dont like bacon.

    in all seriousness, i was like you before i committed to "full" vegetarian---just didnt like meat. Now, i get in my protein though eggs, cheese (Cottage cheese is my fav), greek yogurt, kashi cereal, protein shakes, beans, nuts, etc. I LOVE veggies and dont miss meat at all.

    My diary is public if you'd like to see what i eat.

    My food list is the same. You can always add whey protein to almond milk or oatmeal or make it into a shake. I do eat fish once or twice a week...salmon and tuna are both lean and full of protein.

    P.S. I have an open/public diary so feel free to poke around!